Chapter 6: : First Encounter Mystery

"Who is it? Did you save me?" Since there was a voice ringing in my mind, there must be a creature who wanted to communicate with her, Mu Xi immediately ignited hope and asked with heart.
Was another silence, no one answered, the voice disappeared again.
"I am an earthman from the solar system. I was transported here due to an accident encountered by the spacecraft. Thank you for saving me!" Luoxi said again with his heart.
But the outside world still has no response.
Luoxi is not annoyed. She understands that she must have been saved by a civilization. Like humans, she must first observe unfamiliar populations.
It's just that he has become an observed creature now.
Since entering the space city, as an astronaut, Luoxi has undergone many trainings, especially the training of environmental adaptability. One of the most important points is the degree of patience with loneliness. When you perform space flight alone, you have to face this environment. Although there is intelligent human brain dialogue, it ca n’t replace communication between people.
The surroundings were terribly quiet. Luoxi could even hear the sound of his blood flowing clearly.
Waiting is a kind of suffering, every second is as long as ten thousand years.
When Muxi re-entered the state of wandering, suddenly the spiritual world felt a sense of being invaded by strange forces, unable to resist, unable to avoid, and unable to identify.
Time seems to be frozen, Mu Xi feels that all his secrets have been exposed without reservation.
Although Mu Xi struggled hard, the other party's incomparable power gave Mu Xi no chance of resistance.
Thankfully, I did not feel any malicious intentions.
For a long time, the power disappeared, the trembling was relieved, the whole body was weak, and he sat down paralyzed, feeling that the energy of the body was taken out.
Immediately, Xi Xie seemed to hear a sigh!
Is still the same feeling, long and clear, it seems that this voice has passed here for hundreds of millions of years.
"Thank you very much! Can you feel my thoughts? Did you save me? What is the place here?" 択 浠 asked again with his thoughts.
"Earthman?" The other party's clear but not standard words came.
"Yes!" Mu Xi was a little excited, and finally got a response.
"It's a perfect species, but it's a shame to be imprisoned!" The other party's words were a bit inexplicable.
択 浠 did not realize the meaning of the other party's words at this time, she just wanted to get rid of the current state.
"Will you?" Mu Xi asked tentatively.
"You guys? No, only me!" The other party paused and replied.
"I'm sorry!" Mu Xi was surprised that the other party could master her language so quickly.
"Thank you for saving me! What is the star field here? My escape capsule is destroyed and I can't go back to the galaxy! I don't know how to go back?" Luo Xi asked urgently.
"According to the calculated magnitude of your earth, it is 363 billion light-years away from the Milky Way. According to your civilization level, you should not be able to reach this area." The other party said.
択 浠 understands a little bit, the mysterious power of the invasion just now should be communicated with her, it seems that the other party has mastered all her knowledge.
"I don't understand why I came here? If it's not you, I'm afraid I was just torn apart by the Stardust Storm."
After finished speaking, the other party did not reply, and the surroundings fell into a terrible silence.
"With your existing theory, it is not surprising why it was transmitted, it is not surprising." For a long time, the voice sounded.
"Then can I go back?" 択 浠 ignited hope in his heart.
"It is not difficult to go back, is it the past or the current galaxy that you want to return to?" The other party's words are very strange.
"Of course it is the galaxy now!" Yi Xie replied without thinking.
"Do you know how long it took to get here?" The voice asked.
"Thirty-six days!"
Immediately, Luoxi heard another sigh.
"Is there anything wrong?" Mu Xi asked.
"I'm thinking about a statement that is accepted within your scientific and technological scope. In your language, it should be called: time and frequency shocks!" The voice gives a word that has never been heard.
"Time and frequency oscillation?" Luoxi has never heard of this theory.
"Yes, another way of saying: One day in the sky, ten years in the world, maybe you can barely explain this thing!" The other party paused for a while before saying.
"What do you mean I have been here for thirty-six days, and the earth has passed for decades?" 泞 浠 was very surprised by the other party's ability to understand.
"It can also be understood in this way, except that the frequency of the time is a bit too big. Your Milky Way galaxy has disappeared and merged with another galaxy 3.6 billion years ago. Forming a brand new large galaxy!" The other side paused.
"What?" Mu Xi was shocked when she heard it. Although she was prepared, she never expected that this time span would be too large.
For the future trajectory of the Milky Way, scientists have already concluded more than 100 years ago, and merged with the Andromeda Galaxy more than two billion years later to form a new galaxy.
This point is known, now listen to the other party, 択 浠 a little trance, so calculated, now the time is actually more than five billion years later!
"Then do you know how the people of the earth are now?" Xi Xian didn't know why he was a little uneasy.
"Earthman? It's not clear, it should have perished long ago!" The other side thought for a moment and said without a trace of emotion.
"How could it perish?" Mu Xi was completely stunned.
"Do you still want to go back?" The other party did not answer directly.
"Thank you for saving me, but it might as well let me die!"
"The demise of intelligent civilization is just a very common thing, and so is the galaxy." The other party said very easily!
"Even so, how do you believe what you said?" Xi Xian resisted the grief in his heart and did not relax his vigilance.
"Your species still hasn't escaped the basic root abuse, no wonder it's imprisoned!" After that voice said, there was no more voice.
After a while, Mu Xi realized that it might be his words that made the other party feel bad, and I felt a bit regretful!
For high-level civilizations, low-level civilizations have little use value in their eyes. Like ants, there is no reason to deceive!
"I'm sorry, I take back what I just said, after all, it is my hometown!" 泞 浠 actively apologized.
"Will you go back?" After a long time, the voice came back.
"No more, since my hometown is not there, it doesn't make any sense to go back!" The original remnant thoughts of Mianxi also fell apart.
At this moment she suddenly felt like a lonely spirit, the human beings perished, which means that the entire race is gone. She also lost her sense of belonging!
Although the earth is as small as dust in the vast universe, it is also the cradle that nurtured humans.
"Are you still there? Just now I heard you saying that the Milky Way back to the past is still the present! Can I understand that you can send me back to the Milky Way more than 5 billion years ago?"
After a long, long time, Mu Xi suddenly remembered something, full of expectations, and asked weakly.
"Yes! But conditional!" The other party replied for a long time. UU reading www.uukanshu. com
"I have nothing now, let me say that since you can save me, what else do people in the world deserve to have exchange capital in your eyes?" Li Xi asked.
The meaning of 怞 浠 is very clear. As a high-level civilization, there should be no interest in everything about low-level civilization.
"I haven't figured it out yet, wait to think about it, and then tell you!" The other party's language is actually a bit naughty. This sudden change in style makes him very puzzled.
"No, but you can only follow me until I haven't figured out the conditions!" The other party understood what Mu Xi wanted to say and directly interrupted her.
There is no way for the opponent to be overbearing, but think carefully, since you can send yourself back to the past, then the technological civilization owned by the opponent can change the timeline at will, so it is not important when you go back now, as long as the opponent is satisfied , You can return to your specific time.
In other words, even if you follow it for a few years or decades, you only need to adjust the timeline of going back to before and after the accident.
The current human science and technology theory can only be explained in this way, but Xi Xi thought that since the new concept of time frequency proposed by the other party, I am probably mastering this time frequency technology to achieve arbitrary switching of time points.
Such technology may be more advanced than dimensional theory.
"Okay, but I am a low-level civilized earth person, how can I help you?"
The other party did not answer this question.
Long time, Mu Xi again asked: "Well! All listen to you! But I still do not know what your name is? What galaxy civilization?"
"I don't belong to any galaxy!" After a while, the other party just said a word, Mu Xi clearly heard a proud tone!
"So how do I call you?"
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