Chapter 698: : Powerful Italian Civilization War

More than an hour later, Amir flew back in a raid. Although this raider was badly damaged, from the expression of Amir, it must have been a victory.
Chester force saw Amir coming down from the raid machine, and ran directly to the past. An extremely warm hug turned all the worries and hardships of these thousands of years into nothing.
The joy of this reunion was even touched by Luoxi.
Although this is not the first time, but it is not the last time, because Emile will have more hugs, each hug means the return of each of the most determined warriors of the Betty Bastar.
Also means that the counterattack power of the Betty Baxing is increasing day by day.
In order to avoid revenge from the Navia Star Fleet, they quickly left the planet on a shuttle. Sure enough, a few hours later, a large fleet of Navia Stars arrived and completely destroyed the planet.
"Emile, I know that the Betty Bastars will not be destroyed. Since the message of your return reached us, all those who have survived are excited. We have waited so long for this day!"
In the rest cabin, Chester force sorted out a little and they surrounded the Amir, and the joy of reunion hung on the faces of every Betty Bastar.
"Me too, I have been looking forward to this day for a long time!" Amir nodded and smiled.
"This Miss Xixi, where is her civilized race, we never seem to have seen such alien beauty." Chester force is very fond of Luoxi.
"She comes from a distant galaxy, and I wouldn't be able to come back without her help! So we Betty Ba star will always remember her!" Amir replied.
"That's for sure, although it was only the first time I met, I was absolutely convinced of her, so you said that she helped you, I am absolutely convinced!" Chesteri said sincerely.
"Why?" Amir asked as he looked at the once tyrant.
"Because when you were still pursuing the Naweia star just now, she knocked the partition door directly with one foot, and she could not be replaced by anyone." Chester replied extremely respectfully.
"Oh, is it!" Amir suddenly thought about this when he heard it.
"Yes. So I believe that you can take the Betty Ba star to regain the dominance of the Lundil Galaxy Alliance." Chester force laughed.
At this time, Luoxi closed his eyes and rested alone in the rest cabin, and meditation now became her most important way of cultivation.
"This is an unexpected gain. Looking at the commander's information, the ability is not simple! With his joining, you can then learn more about the planet of the rebels. It seems that the Adolescent star will not be able to sleep. Feel! "Mayfair said.
"Yeah! But the Adolescent Adolescents will naturally carry out more frequent cleaning operations, especially those galaxies that are otherwise inconspicuous, may become their targets. So it is best to let Chester force know these The bases must be relocated. Although it is unclear how many there are, I estimate that the number will not be small. After all, a huge civilized race cannot be completely slain in one click! The migration process may be more dangerous, but it is definitely better than It is safe to disperse, because now our strength is weak, although dispersal can ensure that the Betty Baxings will not be extinct to the greatest extent. However, this can easily wipe out the living power by the other party, so the previous dispersal and avoidance must now be adjusted. "Luoxi said starting
"You're right, you can't disperse the power when you enter the counterattack stage. This is simply not an opponent of the Aya Dodos. And it can't effectively communicate the command, which greatly reduces the efficiency of the command. This is also a very Big disadvantage! It's just that the cost of this migration may be much larger than you think. I have roughly estimated that the surviving Betty Bastians and the civilized races still loyal to them have a population of more than 100 billion. According to comprehensive calculations, it is suitable Their planetary bases are at least about 100,000, which does not include those hidden in various star cities. It is certainly not an easy task to collect all of them, so I think that centralized migration is necessary, but Concentrate small bases into large bases and try to compress them to more than a hundred or so. And if necessary, you can turn the targets of these bases to the edge of the Campona galaxy. "Feier also analyzed.
"Is there still so much? I thought there were only 10 billion people! This is a huge project, but there is no problem with the transport capacity of the transport ship. It will be all in 50 years at most. Finish. "Luoxi said.
"Well! It's so easy to really eliminate a galaxy alliance. Has the Gallo alliance done it before unifying the entire Rezceyel galaxy cluster? Even the most hated opponent, we can only The surrender, which can really wipe out the entire civilized race, is only low-level civilization. For the civilized race that crosses the galaxy, it is almost difficult to achieve extinction! "Mayfair said.
"Well, this is our idea, everything is still decided by Amir, and the fate of the Lundil Galaxy Alliance is in his hands!" Luoxi nodded.
"Actually, as long as you put forward the suggestions, he will accept it, and the trust in you has exceeded his own!" Feier smiled.
"That being said, but I also have to make a decision for him. Now that our position has changed, I am purely a think tank, giving him the most accurate ideas. As for how to implement, it is something he considers! Compared to the previous Gamma Di Xingren, Amir should be lucky. There are still some powers preserved by Betty Baxing, but they need to be summoned and then join the fleet of Xingsi Xingxing to be reorganized and deployed. Only in this way can effective combat power be formed. Fleet ~ ~ You and I just need to stand out from the outside and keep an eye on the situation at any time. And as you said before, there is still a black hand dominating behind the Adolescent Stars, we will accompany He plays! "Luo Xi opened his eyes and looked at Mayer with a smile.
"Yes, this mafia is not simple, they are puppets. A civilized race that is as old as the Xages puppets." Mayfair nodded and opened the super interest star chart to read out the puppets.
"It seems that all the reasons are the game between these two Italian civilizations for thousands of years? This Thai star is indeed very powerful. Ten thousand years ago, despite the victory of the Xia Gesi star, he was still forced to hide. Escaped into the superstring gap. But it seems that this war has not been found in the history of the vortex of the Cagliari galaxy! "Luoxi asked.
"You can imagine the scale of the war between them, so in order to avoid the collapse of the galaxy space, they jumped all the warships into the superstring space war. So this war is almost nobody Know. "Mayfair replied.
"This is too exaggerated. Hundreds of millions of warships have all entered the superstring space. What huge energy storage is required to achieve this!" Luoxi was also very surprised.
"This is the strength of Italian civilization, so once a galaxy war occurs, it is not a planet that is destroyed, but a group of galaxies, even a galaxy cluster!" Mayer laughed.
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