Chapter 790: : Schwarzko surrender

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When Schwarzen began to be serious, his skin began to petrify, and the vitality shield shone on him.
Every step he took was like a giant hammer striking the platform, like a giant beast from ancient times.
He was nearly three meters tall, looking at the delicate Luoxi in front of him, and roared, and the hammer-like giant fist roared with thunder.
This small three-meter circle couldn't withstand Schwarzener's all-out blow, no matter how the other party avoided it.
When the giant fist hit Luoxi's eyes, she did not panic at all, but quickly adjusted the state, and actually began to play Tai Chi.
Innumerable tricks such as picking, picking, sliding, unloading, etc. are reflected in the body of Luxi.
On one side is the stormy attack of Schwarzkopf, while on the other side is the unstoppable defense of Luxi.
"What the is this ability, which can easily disintegrate my attack." Schwarch was very surprised.
Although he had attacked with all his strength, the Xixi, like a small boat in the ocean, was constantly overturned, but there was no sign of sinking. Interestless!
Even the survivors on stage were stunned. They had never seen a civilized race play such elegant and light moves.
Every move was so calm and unhurried. There was no panic between tossing and turning, and he was almost forced out of the circle several times, or was pulled back violently.
As time went on, Schwarch was getting more and more shocked, and gradually he found that his attack was gradually resolved by the other party from the beginning, and rebounded back, gradually increasing.
In this way, it means that he uses his own strength to confront himself, and the other party is just a medium of transfer.
The onlookers may not see it, but he has really felt this huge rebound effect.
"It seems that you are also a bastard!" Luo Xi looked at each other easily and said contemptuously.
Faced with such ridicule at Xixi, Shi Waqian was extremely stubborn, and her mouth said that she could not beat her again, and even a three-meter circle couldn't force her to retreat.
"Since you say so, I'm going to pull you back even if I die!" Schwarzen roared angrily.
Then his already petrified skin began to burst. Under the strong energy breath, his body swelled again, the skin became a qualitative scale armor, and his blue eyes became extremely red.
After the violent run off, Schwarch was even more aggressive. I saw his giant palm shot directly in the past, blocking the entire retreat of Luxi.
"It's quite a skill!" Luoxi said calmly.
Then she folded her hands and flipped her hands up, her delicate jade hand directly greeted the other's giant palm.
Seeing that Luoxi is no longer defensive, but a stiff bar of Schwarzko, the survivors held their breath. How did they not know what kind of Schwarzko existed after the storm.
This combat power is not just a double and double boost.
After a loud bang, the huge figure rose into the sky, flew back quickly, and hit the platform heavily, even the extremely hard metal ground was smashed with a shallow mark.
"How is this possible?" Schwarzheim knelt on one leg, his giant arm tingling, and he was shocked by the result just now.
Because he completely felt the strength of the opponent from the previous showdown, this time was not just the result of a rebound, but the counterattack strength of the opponent.
He knew the power of this chapter, not to mention a flesh and blood body, that is, a super-powered mech would be crushed into pieces.
But now the other party resisted and struck him, and the power passed from the giant palm made him feel fear and shudder.
And he confirmed that the other party did not resort to any external force. The kind of activity exuded by the power from the living body is unmatched by the cold pure power.
Despite this, Schwakon had no retreat. He roared and jumped up again. A Taishan pressure turned his palms into an unmatched pressure against Luoxi.
Seeing the swift rushing towards her in the air, Luoxi slammed into it, and his body spun at high speed in the air like a sword thrusting into a giant shield.
A loud noise followed, as the shock waves generated by the impact spread out, and the survivors under the platform felt the powerful impact.
Schwarch was pierced by the sword, and the giant shield could not resist the counterattack of Luoxi. He was thrown up high.
With his power, Luoxi continued to pull high, and when he surpassed him, his fists hit him hard and shoved.
A brown figure fell to the ground like a meteorite. The huge platform was also lowered by more than a dozen meters. Schwarch was deeply embedded in the platform and could not move.
A simple two-time confrontation will lead to a victory or defeat.
When Schwakon crawled out, he no longer had any arrogant arrogance, facing the terrible opponent, he knew he was not an enemy at all.
And this gap is so great that he is desperate and sad!
"Did you lose?" Luoxi asked, looking at Schwarch's appearance.
"Dear Commander, I lost. I left to let the tribes pack up and leave the planetary mothership!" Although Schwakon lost, he was still extremely stiff, he replied respectfully.
"Did you just leave willingly?" Luo Xi asked after looking at the other party.
Schwarzen was speechless! As far as the current situation is concerned, who is willing to leave, and are all survivors of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.
Although there are ships that can send them away from the planetary carrier, how can they survive in the starry sky?
In the course of wandering, if you encounter other civilizations, they will still be reduced to star slaves.
Regardless of the degree of safety and the living environment, at least the planetary carrier is the best choice.
"The choice is yours ~ ~ Your departure has no effect on the planetary carrier!" Luoxi continued.
"I am willing to stay. From now on, the Malo Stars are willing to do anything for you! I will decide everything for you!" Schwarch looked at Luoxi, then knelt on one leg, and said extremely respectfully.
The survivors under the platform looked at each other, they did not expect Schwagen to succumb directly!
"Very good! Since you are willing to surrender to me, then all the things of this interstellar hunt will be handed over to you. They should teach them well. As for how to improve your ability, you should know it yourself. As long as there is a planet in need Anything on the mother ship can be satisfied! "Luo Xi said, looking at the kneeling Schwarzko.
When Luoxi left, Schwagen felt like a rebirth. In the face of such a powerful civilized race, he knew that the safety of the planetary carrier was absolutely guaranteed, which is one of the reasons why he was willing to submit.
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