Chapter 793: : Planetary Landing

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There are tens of thousands of civilized races involved, and there are thousands of hunts and battles that need to be carried out after the merger is submitted. Within this 50-light-year range, you can conduct thousands of hunts and battles at the same time. .
So soon the siege battle that Luxi participated in started in the second round.
In the designated space city, the participants on both sides are teleported to their respective locations through teleportation devices.
Once the teleportation is complete, the siege battle begins!
Since most of the participants are star slaves and star beasts, for them, life has only one chance to survive!
Once survivors of high-level civilization, they may not even think that their fate after surviving is so sad.
Since this unprecedented galaxy war has survived by hiding in the planetary carrier, the opponents in life and death may also belong to the same civilized race.
But at this time, survival is the most important key, and the scenes of the same race are often staged on the hunting grounds.
Luoxi naturally led thousands of survivors into the hunting ground, and the other elders were in the observation hall of the space city. For them, this victory is related to the whereabouts of the planetary carrier, so it is extremely nervous.
At this time, O'Fonnier and other related commanders also watched all this. It was not their last goal to defeat the Luoxi. Letting the planetary carrier disappear into the starry sky was their final result.
After the shuttle was hung out at Luoxi, O'Fonier was extremely angry and jealous, so in this siege, he increased the number of star slaves he had originally planned to fight from more than 10,000 to more than 100,000.
He wants to turn every defensive planet into the death of Luxi.
Because all foreign ship weapons are prohibited from being used in the siege field, Ofnier wants to see how powerful the Brook Creek is, it is impossible to bring thousands of survivors against more than 100,000 star slaves .
It is too simple for Luxi to play such a landing battle. Although it is impossible to show the position and number of defensive planets on the superstar map on the given battleship, Mayfair has already done all this. All told Luoxi.
After learning this news, Luoxi also cursed a few words about the addition of star slaves in Ofnier. It was really too mean, but this is also impossible. In terms of rules, it is allowed to temporarily increase the participation of fighting civilization. Race, and the number of the two sides is within a hundred times.
When Schwarzsee saw the power contrast between the two sides, they could not help but scolded, but when they thought of the Xixi sitting in town, confidence came again!
In the dark star-hunting starry sky, two warships flew rapidly, and the speed of these warships was also limited to the speed of light, so there is no doubt that the time required for this round-robin battle cannot be completed in a day or two.
"Dear Commander, now that we don't have any other party's message, how to conduct a positioning search?"
In the warship's command module, Schwarch is now the leader of the survivors, and he and several other powerful combatants stand respectfully behind Luxi.
"Our detection range is limited, and the activation of the enhanced system is also tens of millions of kilometers, so in fact, it takes a long time. If you conduct a full-scale search, I am afraid there is not that much time at all!" Said another civilized race .
"We dispatched all the escape cabins to maximize the coverage of this hunting area, so as to reduce the detection time, and then in the process of our search, based on the feedback information from the escape cabin, we can make a judgment." Said a blank on the super interest star chart.
"But what if the other party destroys our escape capsule on the way?" Schwarch asked.
"They won't be stupid enough to do so, destroying our escape capsule will reveal their hidden coordinates!" Luoxi shook his head and answered.
"Also! But our two warships are less than 10,000 escape pods. The range of these two light years may not be fully covered. In addition, if the warship is attacked, we will have no means of escape!" Schwagen Said.
"If you want to stay a little, I have no objection!" Luoxi said after glancing at Schwarzkop.
"Then forget it, let's desperately throw it away!" Shi Waguan also looked at Lu Xi's eyes, said with some embarrassment.
"Can't we grab the other's battleship? Remember that attack is the best defense!" Luoxi said.
"Understood, let the Lord!" Schwarchen said shamefully, and said very respectfully.
When more than 10,000 escape capsules flew out of the warships, the elders in the space city and the commanders of other civilized races were very surprised. They could n’t understand what they were doing in Xixi. All cut off.
However, the leaders of some civilized races applauded their approach. This method is undoubtedly the best way in a limited time.
This is the fastest way to discover defensive planets.
The battleship of Luoxi rushed directly into the deep space. This siege war may take three to five years to complete, so she must first destroy the larger defensive planets.
In order for these powerful survivors to have enough confidence to win this siege war, Luoxi needs to win as soon as possible.
In her established coordinates, after traveling for seven days, she discovered the first defensive planet.
According to the information displayed on the superstar map ~ ~ this defensive planet has a very strong defense force, because it has two satellites, and these two satellites have also built large high-energy thermal weapon systems.
Although it is not clear how many Anias are stationed in the other party, the number of people will definitely far exceed that of Luoxi.
The name of this planet is: Taya Raul. This planet is larger than the Earth in diameter, 80% of the area is land, and no living body has been born on it. In the original stellar trajectory, it is a barren planet.
There are a total of three command centers above, two of which are fake. Luoxi sees in the rules of this siege game that one of the real commander centers must be found and seized after seizing control.
And the time to seize control is two days, from the time it enters the track of Taya Raul, it will automatically start the countdown!
If it is over time, the landing failure is declared. Although it will not lead to the failure of the entire siege, the most important thing is to affect the follow-up action!
It took two days to break through the defensive network of two satellites, enter the Tayalaur star, and then find a real command center. This is indeed a bit difficult. If the number of warships is sufficient, you can completely remove All three command centers were destroyed.
However, at present, the Luoxi side cannot naturally do this. Only a little over two thousand people may be difficult to capture even a command center.
Therefore, Luoxi decided to only focus on attacks, they can not afford the loss of the number of people.
When the warship entered the track of Tayalau, the automatic defense system on the two satellites was activated, and the first landing battle was immediately launched.
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