Chapter 800: : Sacrifice yourself

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"Schwarzko, you cover me. There are too many carrier aircraft surrounded by the other party. We can't take advantage of it. Let's use super-wave jammers to make these carrier aircraft lose their targets, and then break through the other party's blind zone!"
"Understand, be careful yourself, so that the Lord will let us delay them!"
"Received, this time their sneak attack plan did not work, or the accuracy predicted by the Lord, they really wanted to sneak us to destroy us!"
"Garnier, release the camouflage body to attract their firepower. My super-converse energy star bomb has been prepared, and it will be in range within a minute."
This siege battle was a battlefield of calm killing from the beginning, and it has been going on for two years now.
The star field monitored by Schwarzen has encountered the thirty-sixth sneak attack. Although the strength is far inferior to the other party, due to the proper use of tactics, plus the ability to find out the other party's movement in the first place.
Schwarzen exchanged the maximum battle damage rate at a very small cost. Although more than 500 survivors have passed away, the attack ship on the Karelian star side has almost lost more than 20,000.
This is already a result that surprised the other civilized races to watch. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer survivors on the Luxi side, and the pressure for survival is increasing!
Schwarchen's attack ship was moving at full speed. He had to catch up with the sneak attackers before he could figure out the situation.
The power of the super-reverse string energy projectile is very great, but its launch interval takes five hours, so Schwagen is not willing to use it until the crisis.
Now, Garnier, his teammates in order to introduce sneak attack ships into our ambush circle, expose the attack ship to the other's attack range.
So Schwarzko also needs such an attack range to give maximum killing!
"Schwarzen, the other party is alert and has slowed down the attack speed. I need to bring them in. As soon as we reach our attack range, I will attack immediately!" Garnier's connection appeared again in front of Schwarzen's eyes.
"No, then you and the three other assault ships are also within the scope of my strike! This is absolutely not possible." Schwagen immediately objected.
"What time is it now, you still say that, this time the other party's nearly 600 ships have been raided and used my three to exchange them. No matter what the result is, it will definitely not lose. There is also a vow to the Lord If your indecision leads to the failure of this mission, I can't spare you! "Although Garnier couldn't see his face fully armed, Schwarch knew Garnier's eager expression at the moment.
"But I can't let you die in this way. I can recreate it if the opportunity is lost, but if I lose you, I will have nothing!" Schwarzko said.
"I understand, but it's no time to delay. The Lord's side has broken through the opponent's defense line. If we don't cheer up and swallow up these sneak attack fleets, how can we afford the Lord's fight?" Garnier shouted loudly.
Schwagen faced a choice again. Over the years, he did not know how many such moments had passed. Every time he attacked, he knew that these shipmates might not come back!
Either be killed by the opponent, or be the same as the bait and the opponent!
At this time, more than 500 assault fleets of the Karenel Stars gradually approached more than 10 million kilometers of the starry sky. This is the observation point set by Luoxi. Using the remaining nebula debris area, you can hide your fleet perfectly.
This observation point was discovered by the Karinel star half a year ago, and a large-scale siege was carried out, with heavy casualties on both sides.
More than 10,000 attack ships have been buried here!
Garnier was still hesitant to see Schwarzen, and could not help but scolded in his mother star.
At this time, the attack ship responsible for intercepting the temptation with Garnier was destroyed by the dense star bombs of the other party, and a flame exploded in the dark starry sky.
Schwagen was very helpless, so he had to gritt his teeth and agreed with Garnier's idea with difficulty!
The remaining attack ships released all of the carrier aircraft and swarmed towards the Karinel star assault fleet.
At the same time, the super-wave jamming device is activated at the same time, temporarily blocking the other party's attack system, but this interference can only last for more than ten seconds. After all, these attack ships are provided by the Karinel star, they are very clear all Offensive and defensive system.
When Garnier's three assault ships and countless carrier aircraft rushed into the opposing fleet without fear, then dozens of super-converse energy star bombs quietly rushed toward the surprise fleet at the speed of sublight in.
The super-converse energy star bomb is an energy star bomb built on the basis of super-string matter. Like the principle of annihilation of square matter, this anti-string energy can annihilate super-string matter.
At the same time as annihilation, an instant annihilation hole can be released. This annihilation hole can particleize all matter within the range.
This weapon is very common in the linear universe, especially in the state of melee in the galaxy warfare.
Of course, this kind of star bomb also has obvious shortcomings. The launching device's energy gathering time is relatively long. In a star battle for minutes and seconds, the five-hour time is almost equal to the entire time of a star war!
When the star bomb reached the pre-explosion sky ~ ~ a dazzling light flashed through, and all the crew were stabbed by this light.
A random circle of sinusoidal waves quickly spread, and wherever the ripples went, these extremely rigid ships collapsed immediately, without any resistance at all.
The star slaves did not have any painful reaction at all, and instantaneously particleized!
The attack ship that had not yet reached the outer circle saw it and immediately fled in reverse, but it was too late at this time, and the diffusion speed of the antisine wave had exceeded the speed of light.
All matter within the entire range of more than 50 million kilometers is instantaneously particleized, but the matter is not over yet.
After the power of the anti-sine wave expands to the extreme, it then shrinks violently, and all the matter is squeezed into an infinitely small annihilation hole and disappears.
At this time, Schwagen, who had been far away from this star field, looked at the starry sky that was almost a few seconds ago and was still in the sky, and now it was extremely silent and uncomfortable.
He knew he had lost his right arm.
"Schwarzko, let's leave here at a speed. There must be a large number of fleets arriving after the raid fleet. We must not be able to fight them." At this time, another strong man on the attack ship passed the picture.
Schwakon didn't speak, but nodded silently, and the attack ship quickly turned away from this star field.
In fact, for these survivors, such a situation is staged almost every day. They always exchange the biggest casualties for the other party at the smallest price.
Of course, sometimes it is not so lucky.
Schwarzen understood that this was also a helpless move. As the battle progressed, he lost an attack ship, and the reduced combat power far exceeded the actual situation.
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