Chapter 802: : Perfect Counter War

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With the extremely tenacious resistance led by the survivors in Luoxi, they finally waited for the opportunity to open the panorama mode.
Once this mode is fully open, there are no secrets in this hunting ground. At this time, it is relying on hard-to-match battles, no matter which side has no place to hide and cannot escape!
From the beginning of this siege warfare, the Karenell star had enough confidence. They thought that even if the Xixi guerrilla warfare can boil into the panorama mode, then this mode will definitely become their death mode, facing hundreds of times. Military power, such encirclement and suppression has no suspense.
But now such self-confidence has completely disappeared in the commander of Carinel, and even they began to fear the panorama mode. The most important thing is the omnipotent sword of Luoxi, which cut off all their expectations.
In these five years, Luxi alone destroyed more than 30,000 assault ships, plus more than 20,000 joint operations, which equaled her to disintegrate the Karelian star fleet.
Although there are currently only hundreds of assault ships left on the side of the Luxi, it is unknown whether the Karinel Stars have more than 20,000 assault ships that can withstand the power of the Luxi.
When the panorama mode is turned on, more than 20,000 assault ships have become the living targets of Luoxi. The Karenel Stars are sure to wipe out the rest, but they have no confidence in dealing with Luoxi.
Although the special envoys of the Karenel Stars put pressure on their fleet, any calculations are in vain in the face of absolute strength.
Sure enough, when the panorama mode was turned on, Luoxi attacked several opposing fleets in the star field without any care, destroying thousands of attack ships at a very small cost.
In this way, the line of defense of the Karenell star was forced to shrink, and the fleet hugged the group. This is probably something they did not think of.
Of course, the Karenel star will not sit still, because now there is no secret to the two sides, nor any raid and anti-raid tactics, it is time to truly reflect the ability of air combat.
Within three months of the opening of the panorama mode, there were several intense frontal exchanges between the two sides. In the space city of the Karenel star, when they saw their fleet surrounding the other party's hundreds of attack ships, it was dead or alive. When the scene was finally escaped and then a large group of ships were injured and killed, the faces of the envoys have never looked good.
And half a year after the panorama mode was turned on, there were less than 10,000 attack ships of the Karenel star. The extremely powerful offensive ability of the Xixi caused the star slaves of the Karenel star to collapse.
Even in many cases, when they saw that the unique numbered attack ship of Luoxi appeared within the range of attack, they all chose to retreat and flee instead of attack!
But this could not stop the aggressiveness of Luxi. Without the panorama mode, she had no worries.
The star slaves of the Karenel star almost lost any confidence in confrontation, resulting in a change from passive confrontation to passive escape. Such a hunting game became a chase battle, and it was Luoxi who ran after these star slaves.
In the following time, the suspense is gone, although there are thousands of Karinel assault ships, and there are only less than ten ships on the side of the Luoxi, and there are only hundreds of survivors. But this time the momentum is completely different.
When the siege is forcibly ended, Commander Stoner will face severe sanctions. Although this is not due to his incompetence, this time the blame must be taken by him.
In the space city, Luoxi has become the focal point of all civilized races. They cannot verify the origin of the Luoxi, nor do they have any information for reference.
Many civilized races have extended olive branches of goodwill to Luoxi, and said that as long as she is willing to relocate Xingnu to them, any conditions can be put forward!
Because through this siege warfare, the extremely terrifying star warfare capabilities demonstrated by Luxi, and the mastery of the overall situation, plus the Suzaku, will definitely become a nightmare for any civilized race.
As long as you have her, you can dominate the interstellar!
And the princes on the planetary carrier have been unable to describe their mood at the moment with such words. Such an ending is beyond their expectation. When they saw the crest of the Corinel star, they were extremely relieved, especially It was the jealous and resentful expression of the Anjas that made the elders feel the raised eyebrows for the first time after the end of the galaxy war.
The victory of this siege war marks that they will end the fate of the wandering starry sky from now on, and regain their own star field.
For the terrible consequences of the galaxy war, let them deeply impress, I am afraid for them, the consequences of that galaxy war will be written into the history of evolution forever.
The worship and awe of Luoxi is no longer simply expressed in actions and words!
It seems to them that encountering Xixi is the greatest luck in this life, so they can re-create a new Wanshi foundation.
It was only after the commander of the Corinel star branded the defeat on the contract ~ ~ that the siege battle was successfully concluded.
Other civilized races were lucky that the Corinel star had not won the Suzaku, but also unexpectedly saw the power of the Luxi, which made them feel that this interstellar hunt was not in vain.
Moreover, they have already had plans in their hearts, and pulling Luoxi may become the biggest thought of these civilized races at present.
Soon after Luoxi returned to the planetary carrier, almost all the civilizations within the planetary carrier were cheering. When they heard this message, they were very excited. From now on they will no longer become star slaves and re-own Your own star field.
Although it is only a few thousand years, it is difficult to look back on everything they have experienced in these years.
Therefore, the worship and respect of Luoxi cannot be added.
Although the matter ended successfully, it still takes some time to migrate to that galaxy, but they don't care about it anymore!
And they also know that in the process of migration, they will never plot against them with civilized races. In addition to the terrible strength of Luxi, there are millions of warships obtained after winning the Ania Stars. Escort them!
It did n’t take long for this interstellar hunt to spread across the entire trillion-light-year range of stars. Almost all civilized races knew about this shuttle, which integrated monolithic crystals, and the Xixi River. Extremely anti-sky star warfare capabilities.
The degree of concern about Luoxi seems to exceed all the topics after that galaxy war.
In addition to those civilization races that want to win over Luxi, there is naturally a strong Italian civilization. Their ideas are not so simple!
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