Chapter 823: : The Intelligent History of the Ecostar

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"Do you really believe in this unknown race of civilization? Of all the galaxies we searched for, there is no Milky Way galaxy. The coordinates she provided did indeed have a civilization destroyed, but it was definitely not what she said. Milky Way galaxy! "Wilbur, the captain of this collection ship, stood in the control cabin and asked Priegar.
"Actually, her true identity is not important, as long as she checks whether she is wanted or rebel, it does not matter what kind of civilized race it is!" Priegar replied.
"Oh!" Wilbur was a little surprised!
"Yes respected captain, if she really wants to hide her identity, she can pretend to be the identity of the destroyed civilization. Besides, she wants to change her appearance and some of her genetic characteristics can do it! But she does not Failing to do so means that this is her original face. A charismatic alien woman is not afraid of us taking measures to show her strength. Plus in the blacklist of Xingbang, there is no like her appearance. Civilized race, so we don't need to take any measures against her. Maybe she really just stayed for a while and left on her own! "Said Puli Jiaer with a smile.
"Alright! Actually, we are not afraid of any trouble, but according to your analysis, I'm curious about this planetary star, and I have the opportunity to let her meet here, we are a very inclusive star state!" Captain Wilbur has great confidence in Pulijiaer's ability to handle things.
"Yes, my gut feeling is that you will definitely be a good start to meet her!" Puli Jiaer laughed.
With a highly intelligent system, in addition to dealing with robots every day, Xixi has never seen a real crew member.
Although this day is very leisurely, but also a lot of monotony.
But for Luoxi, these are nothing. She has become accustomed to being alone, and will not care about these!
In addition to the key information that cannot be read by the Xixi, all other Xixi can be consulted. The entire Ekos are composed of technology, economy, trade, and civilization, as well as the approximate military power. These are for the linear universe. Civilized races are hardly a secret.
The high utilization rate of the super-intelligent system of Manis Star State surprised Luxi. In the displayed message, they tried not to use their own personnel as far as possible as long as the super-intelligent system could be used. In this way, their star domain can reach several times the range of other star states with the same population.
The large number of applications of super-intelligent systems has caused many star cities in the star state to look extremely busy, but in fact they are generally empty cities, and the relative proportion of real life bodies is very low. The super intelligent system is completed.
Robots, cyborgs, artificial mechas and digital virtual bodies have all become the protagonists of these star cities.
Luoxi has experienced so many galaxy civilizations. The influence of intelligent systems in higher-order civilization systems is well understood. They are both promoters and obstacles.
Therefore, Xixi has a strong interest in the Manis Star State.
Because we all know that dependence will become the biggest obstacle to the development of civilization and race. Obviously, Manis Star State successfully crossed this obstacle!
But as Luoxi continued to learn more, she discovered an extremely serious problem,
Prior to the unification of the Monisian Star State, the Ikexing people experienced a very dark period, and the intelligent system they were proud of controlled almost everything.
This is what the human age says that the virtual age will replace everything.
And this dark period lasts for hundreds of thousands of years. It is conceivable that a god-level civilization is controlled by a virtual body, so what future does this civilization race have.
Later, the end of this dark period was also due to the disintegration of the virtual body. This super-intelligent system, which has evolved incomparably intelligent, was actually destroyed by its own complexity.
The reason for the demise is that these super-intelligent systems actually created another kind of intelligent system to replace their work, that is to say, they also inherited the inertia of the Ekosinians.
But this replacement, without any logic and practicality at all, led to the self-disorder of these super-intelligent systems and finally collapsed.
To put it bluntly, the super intelligent system is defeated by itself!
It should be said that after this lesson, the EKX people should learn no longer rely on super-intelligent systems, but as god-level civilizations, their thinking is indeed different.
Based on the complete super-intelligent system that has been established, they are re-set and improved to create a critical point where they can collapse on their own.
It is precisely because of this critical point that it can be turned on at any time, so the Ikexing people will not worry about restarting in the previous dark period.
Of course, there are still many things that are debatable, no matter how the Echo Stars have passed this period, and finally reached the Italian civilization, their star field has expanded countless times.
This also proves the truth that things must be reversed, and the opposite must be correct! But how many civilized races can hold hundreds of thousands of years of waiting!
At this time, Luoxi really understood why high-level civilization will never rely on the massive use of super-intelligent systems ~ ~ This not only prevents the development of civilization, but even destroys the entire civilization.
After spending more than an earth month on the collection ship, Luoxi was summoned by Captain Wilbur.
As Prigall said, this was an extremely pleasant meeting. For the question of Captain Wilbur, Luoxi had questions to answer. As long as she did not involve her own secrets, she was willing to share.
Especially for the cognition of the universe and the exploration of civilization, these are more places for Luoxi to discuss.
Wilbur, as the captain of the collection ship, naturally also has an extremely rich experience. The knowledge of Italian civilization is interlinked, and almost every civilization is a thick history book.
Although Captain Wilbur still did not understand the real origin of Luxi from the conversation, all this is not important, and the wisdom of civilization has reached a certain level, except for the decision makers to consider the overall interests.
Other civilized races are very friendly and kind. Even if a local galaxy war occurs, the odds are now very small compared to the entire linear universe!
The nine superstar states will not easily break this pattern, otherwise it will not be solved by a galaxy war.
It is a precursor to the collapse of this universe.
So when such forces are clearly distinguished, it will put this linear universe in a long-term peaceful era, which may last for billions of years, and then merge again, and start again and again!
The cognition grasped by the captain of a collection ship is almost all of the entire universe, which is also the power of Italian civilization.
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