Chapter 908: : Means of mud

A question that once seemed to have caused widespread discussion, how easy is it to defeat a middle-aged man?
The answers below seem to be very different, but they all lead to the same goal. Everyone seems to be unspoken, the sense of understanding is surprisingly good, and almost all the answers are pointing. If the roof beams of the house collapse, life must be fragmented.
Just like Zhang Ailing said: Middle-aged men often feel lonely because when he opens his eyes, he is surrounded by people who depend on him, but there are no people he can rely on. Middle-aged men are really not easy.
In the face of tremendous pressure, most people choose to endure tears, and a small number of people who do not carry the pressure often appear in the headlines of major news and information. "After the company layoffs, middle-aged men commit suicide by taking drugs." Suicide: Those middle-aged men who are superficial and panic. "
One piece of news that is similar but very different has shaken our hearts again and again.
Similar phenomena don't just happen in China. In the United States, middle-aged men are also the main group of suicides. Experts who have investigated similar incidents said that after suicides, they often surprised their families because they could not see signs of mental problems in the deceased until they were irreversible.
Yeah, as much stress as a person is subjected to, how easy it is to collapse, adult collapses often come silently.
With the continuous development of society and the rapid development of science and technology, while driving more employment opportunities, it has also stimulated the development of the national economy. Especially with the popularity and penetration of the mobile Internet, our lives have moved towards convenience and efficiency, but at the same time have brought tremendous pressure to us.
People-to-people interactions are becoming scarcer, and the enthusiasm of the past seems to be difficult to stage again, and the saying that distant relatives are not as good as neighbors is broken.
People are more and more impetuous, and they will never work hard to take shortcuts. 2016 is known as the first year of live broadcasting. The platforms are growing together, and the sand is full. It is not uncommon for high-paying anchors to be hired. , Sitting in front of the computer every day, accompanied by netizens to play and slap, easy money to get a fairy-like day became their longing for life. Is this really the case? In my opinion, this is tantamount to drinking thirst to quench thirst.
Because the shortcut you are taking now will be filled with detours several times or even tens of times in the near future.
Let me talk about myself. I come from a rural area in a fourth-tier city. After 1980s, I am currently starting my own business in my hometown. Specific industries will be discussed below.
In our days, we still believed in the truth that the college entrance examination changed fate. After graduating from college, I came to a first-tier city. Like many people choose, I left my hometown with my dreams and wanted to change my life through hard work. Later, I discovered that if I want to take root in the first-tier cities with my own strength, it is almost a dream of Huang Liang.
In my first year in Shanghai, almost every month my salary was not enough, I would ask my parents for some subsidies. In the second year, it ’s better. You do n’t have to ask your parents to take the money. Apart from the rent and basic living expenses, you can also buy a few fast-fashion brand clothes. The rented house is also far from the urban area, and there is no more money at the end of the year. In the present words, it is the moonlight family. In the third year, the work gradually stabilized and the salary increased a lot compared to the previous two years. However, if you want to move to the urban area, occasionally a bourgeoisie to drink a coffee or something is not enough. In the fourth year, due to hard work, I was promoted to the head of the department. Although the salary was almost doubled than before, I had sprouted a retreat because I already knew how to view the city more rationally and objectively.
A first-tier city is like a besieged city. People outside want to come in because they want to see the flower world outside the house. People inside want to go out because the city's tolerance is too low.
If you want to take root in Shanghai, you must have a suite. According to my salary in the fourth year of coming to Shanghai, I can buy 4 square meters in Central if I do n’t eat or drink for a year. If the house takes 80 square meters as the calculation standard, it is necessary. For 20 years, this is without eating or drinking. Of course, some people will say that wages will rise, yes, but compared with house prices, it is undoubtedly a shortfall.
If there are children, there are also education issues. The admission rule of Shanghai Public College is that locals have priority. If the quota is full, you can only choose private schools. You may wish to inquire about the tuition fees of private schools. The cheapest ones are all good for one year. Tens of thousands. Moreover, nowadays, the overall development of moral, intellectual, physical and mental skills is upheld. In addition to cultural education, children ’s second interests must also be cultivated. Piano, painting, dancing, photography, whether to choose the poor three generations of photography or piano regret life, consider yourself.
There is no point in saying this, but I feel that big cities are more willing to leave those elites who can really create value for enterprises. One thing you have to admit is that this kind of people only occupies a very small part. What about the majority?
After I saw the current situation clearly, there were two options. The first was to do side business, and the second was to start a business.
Tier 1 cities are where financial institutions and Internet companies gather, and they are also known as the cities with the worst overtime and surrounded by pressure. I have a friend who works in an advertising company and wants to make some extra money privately. The advertising company generally needs to cater to the client's rest time. It is difficult to have his own free time, and overtime is also very serious. Writing a plan requires not only spending a lot of time doing industry background analysis, but also in-depth analysis of competing products to derive your strategy, and then to the final creativity and execution. If it is written by one person, it may not be completed within a week, not to mention the situation of working overtime every day. I call this kind of side business the use of my professional skills to receive private orders.
Another kind of sideline business, you can invest in some stores, such as red hotels, health shops, restaurants, etc., which is the kind of do-it-yourself shopkeeper, hiring professional managers or partnerships. The advantage of this model is that it is easy to worry about Be accurate and just pay dividends at the end of the year. But the threshold is higher and it is suitable for people with sufficient funds. In the first-tier cities, idle funds can be sufficient. If you think about it, it is unlikely that you are here.
The second is to start a business. This is very particular about vision and foresight. In the words of Lord Eagle, it means standing on the moon and looking at the earth.
Standing on the Bund and looking at Shanghai, you can see up to a mile; standing on the Oriental Pearl, you can see the entire Pudong New Area; standing on the top of Mount Everest, you can see all of China; standing on the moon, you can see the world .
Entrepreneurship should learn to look at the problem from the "industrial chain", then analyze the "value chain", and finally the "core competitiveness"
The industry chain is a "potential" judgment. The industry direction is wrong, and it is useless to be correct. What does that mean? Many people think of starting a restaurant as soon as they start a business. It is indeed enough to support their families, but it is almost impossible to make more money and realize financial freedom, because if you do it casually, there will be no growth in the second year. Certainly someone will jump out and say, I can be a chain. Yes, the chain is a good way, but the requirements for management ability are too high. It is a good step to go to the sky, and it is not possible to return to before liberation.
If I want to choose, I would rather organize a team to help the restaurant deliver meals, although the single profit is not high, but the growth rate is fast enough, the market scale is huge, so many restaurants on the street, if all cooperate with me, at least not in a short time It will be saturated, even if the restaurant is saturated, there are so many milk tea shops, coffee shops, flower shops, supermarkets, pharmacies, etc., with growth, there will be scale advantages, if the scale is large, there will be traffic, and the traffic is still in hand Afraid not to be realized?
Then there is the value chain. The so-called value chain is what value you provide to the downstream (consumer) of the industrial chain? Taking my team as an example, since I have reached a cooperation with a restaurant and a milk tea shop and provided delivery service, what is the value for consumers? I did all the things you needed to take time to do, and saved you time. So the answer is convenience. Therefore, the design of the value chain is centered around the core of "convenience", such as the speed of distribution and access to more merchants.
The third step is to find the core competitiveness in the value chain. The core competitiveness is brand, operation, marketing, cost control ... If you are joining, these things can't worry you ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Because the cost of making a brand is too high, let this professional thing be left to a professional person.
My current industry is similar to the above. When the start-up capital is not particularly abundant, the best way is to borrow raw eggs and borrow mature brands to do what you want to do, which is to pay a franchise fee. After all, compared with the cost of creating a brand, it is often tens of millions of dollars. It is reasonable that we actually paid tens of thousands of franchise fees. In my opinion, this is much smaller than the risk of blind entrepreneurship.
I am joining the brand Neighbor. Why would I choose this brand? I will consider the following points.
First of all, whether the company's funds are sufficient, secondly, whether its own size is large enough, and finally, whether there are supporting policies for franchisees.
I think these three points are very important for franchisees. Fortunately, Linqu not only won the favor of IDG Capital and other well-known investment institutions, but also has a large scale of its own, covering more than 700 cities, accumulating 700,000 small neighbors, and has huge market potential. In the early stage, city partners will be trained free of charge, one-to-one guidance will be provided offline, after the city is opened, full-platform advertising will be launched, and the opening momentum will be established. The headquarters will also provide market subsidies and operational support for lunch breaks throughout the year in newly opened cities.
At present, I am the sole agent in the fourth-tier cities, and the annual profit is 2-3 times the annual salary of the white-collar workers in the first-tier cities, and it is maintaining rapid growth every year, because there are too many shops waiting for me to open up to serve more users. .
I'm not advertising Neighbors. I just think there are too many people in this society who don't know what they want. Sometimes, do n’t think about complaining about society, start by changing yourself.
If you are really interested in this project, I can help you connect with the neighboring staff. My WeChat is 454124605.
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