Chapter 915: : Unpredictable battle results

Faced with the threat of Lundason's chief of staff, Kaival naturally knew that this was a flagrant threat. If he changed it before, he might make a compromise, but now it is different.
With the backing of Luoxi, he can compete with Lundason, and he is not false at all!
Seeing Kayval's suffocating look, the Chief of Staff of Lundarson knew that it would be impossible to fight against the soldiers, but only to meet each other!
But he also knew that although he crushed each other absolutely in the military, his own losses were absolutely great. Although the strength of the entire country is stronger than before, they are not the strongest.
Once the price is high, it will cause more pressure!
After seeing Lundason's anxiously shutting down the newsletter, Kaival did not have much rejoicing, and he began to fully arm according to the words of Luoxi.
A few hours later, Lundason received the order from the top commander of the fleet in this operation, and all the sea fleets set off and began to encircle and suppress the Nega organization.
At this time, on the distant Dalose star, the second batch of enzymatic bacteriophage cultured by the enzymatic bacteria culture passed the test. Although the tested personnel got a little better and slowed down the hardening state, the organs in the body were still constantly Exhaustion.
Such a situation is not optimistic, which makes the three experts very annoyed.
Fortunately, however, as predicted by the Cocoon Virus and the Luoxi, there is actually no erosion of the protective clothing. This is definitely good news, which means that the necessary protective measures can be taken to isolate the virus.
This is also the most critical point, which allows more experts to enter the infected area to study and analyze the original liquid.
After careful selection of personnel. Ten experts plus three special combatants entered the infected area in full armor.
Compared with the situation of being infected by touching before, they are indeed gone, but they are still cautious because they still don't know the specific mutation condition data of the virus.
The actual participation of the staff is naturally much better than the effect of the intelligent care system. Everyone has a string in their hearts. I hope to solve this nightmare as soon as possible!
Sure enough, many people are powerful. Finally, when more than 800 infected people passed away, the phagocytic spores that could inhibit the virus were studied!
And it was nearly twenty hours before the first batch of dead people.
Although it only suppresses the virus's erosion of the infected person's organs and the hardening of the skin, it is equal to winning precious time for the final treatment.
This is probably the first time that humans have developed effective drugs so quickly in the fight against the threat of viruses.
Although nearly a thousand crew members have been lost, this is a good beginning!
At the same time, the virus has made good progress. At the same time, Mayfair passed a special message that the U.S. action against the Nega organization also began, but the several battleships could not move. In addition to the normal power system, other The power defense system has no effect, which makes the chief officer of Lundason very annoyed.
Not only that, their aircraft carrier group also inexplicably failed, although the failure was not large, it had affected the original combat deployment.
During the raid against the Niega organization, the main force fighters and long-range missiles of the aircraft carrier group could not play a crisis, resulting in a complete change in the military strength of the two sides.
So the operation was stuck at the beginning, and the two sides launched a fierce air-to-sea attack and defense at sea.
In the information received by Kayval, the opponent's most powerful battleship was paralyzed, and the aircraft carrier was lying, which made him very happy.
And even more in awe of the ability of Luoxi!
In the first few hours of the battle, the Nega organization did not have any fear at all. The power defense system hidden for many years showed great power, and some weapons were not inferior to each other!
Lundarsen Chief of Staff originally wanted to use absolute military superiority to carry out a raid on the Niega organization, destroying the other party's living power in the shortest time, and forcing them to sit on the negotiation table!
This battle was wrong once it was launched. The battleship and aircraft carrier could not participate in the battle, which made him and the war department unable to believe it.
From the logistics department, I learned that the failure of the two major weapons did not show any signs of intrusion, especially the system of warships had a serious compatibility problem. This problem has existed before. The incompatible ones were rarely added systems. Will not affect the overall combat effectiveness!
And this time the compatibility problem is just like a domino, a chain reaction!
For the War Department, they would never think it was a coincidence, but they did not believe it was just a normal problem.
Lundasen chief of staff was scolded by the highest commander, and all the senior commanders of the logistics support department were removed from office, although the battle continued!
Those countries that watch lively and support the United States, they never imagined that the world's second largest country actually made such a low-level mistake.
Dragging the failed combat troops out to fight, is this not stupid or what?
Coupled with the military strength of Nega, it is not inferior to any medium country. Now, this situation is probably unpredictable!
Unless other aircraft carrier groups on the US side join in, and the battleships are repaired, otherwise they can only carry out attrition battles.
Both sides can't afford to lose in the war of attrition, especially the pressure of the domestic public opinion on the US side is even greater!
Of course, the Nega organization will naturally suffer an unprecedented crisis ~ ~ After more than 20 hours after the war, the two sides lost thousands of aircraft and hundreds of ships, and the Nega organization Almost all of the outer defense floating islands built in decades have been destroyed!
Overall, the Nega organization suffered more losses.
Nega ’s tenaciousness exceeded the expectation of the Chief of Staff of Lundason and their war department, and the battleship and aircraft carrier could not restore their state. This is extremely bad news!
If we ask Mars base to mobilize again at this time, it will arouse criticism from other countries. After all, the reason for the previous transfer of the warship is that maintenance is not a combat mission.
Otherwise, the commander of the Mars base must not be allowed to leave.
In the inter-combat space, the United States held an emergency meeting. In addition to being informed of the attention of several other important heads of state in this sudden war, there was also the commander of the Mars base demanding the warship to return.
Because various countries have escorted warships at the Mars base, it has been agreed that this is a military force to deal with the invasion of alien civilizations, not a weapon for slaughtering humanity.
When other countries will not enforce it, but the right to speak for the future development of the interstellar fleet will be greatly weakened!
Which is more important than all countries?
Lundarson ’s chief of staff's previous intention was to return the warship to the base after a quick battle, so even if there was an objection, no one would care about it. After all, the world's second-strongest country has the right to speak.
But it is impossible to do it now!

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