Chapter 917: : Go to Proxima Star

Dalos is of great significance to human beings. It allows human beings to understand that life in the universe is abundant everywhere, but it is also full of countless crises. The cocoon virus is definitely not the most dangerous virus, but it gives humans The fears are clearly visible.
Although the experts on the Scout One only took a short time to control it, but know that this is only the most advanced technology level on the landing ship base. If it is replaced on the earth, it can infect all humans in an instant!
The sacrifice on the Daros star is worth it!
When Scout One slowly left Barnard's galaxy, all the personnel were silent, not only paying homage to the passing colleagues and comrades-in-arms, but also paying tribute to this first outer galaxy to be explored by mankind!
"Master Captain, we have sent the message of leaving Barnard's galaxy back to Earth. After receiving the reply, we will go to sleep and go to Proximity Star. Also for hundreds of years, we think that it is the closest to the Earth and the most There may be a smart city and a civilized planet! "In the cockpit, the main control personnel ordered the Scout One to leave Barnard's stellar orbit and go deep into space.
"Did you tell us about the Cocoon virus incident?" Luoxi asked.
"Mother, according to what you mean, we set the reading permission to the highest and have sent it! It ’s just that we do n’t understand that Star Scout One is currently the only expedition ship. After this incident, our headquarters did not have the opportunity to go to other planets. Why not wait for Scout One to go back to the solar system and let me know? So as not to cause unnecessary trouble! "Luo Yun, who was standing beside him, asked.
"Of course I know this, but we have to travel to more planets. There are not so many people on the ship to study the cocoon virus! We need a preventive measure. Every new virus encountered must be studied thoroughly. So this matter is left to them to do, and besides, we have all the data and data, which is absolutely more effective for them! "Luoxi said.
"However, these are just data for the mother, there is no actual stock enzyme bacteria for them to test! I'm afraid I can't meet the requirements in the end!" Luo Yun said.
"It ’s impossible to get the zymotic bacteria in the stock solution for data simulation. Even if we take it back, it ’s impossible to do it on the earth! What we want is data. In the future, if we encounter such a situation, at least there are more Solution! "Luoxi said.
"But after all, the data simulation is different from the real one, and the corresponding medical drugs cannot be developed, just to say that there is one more program!" An assistant of Xixi also said at this time.
"I do n’t need actual medicines. What I need is the final result. Besides, with the data, it ’s easy to produce medicines! Of course you will say that if there is no clinical verification, no one can afford it in case of an accident. But you should know that now The technological level is so advanced that all drugs are rarely clinically verified! Almost all data are generated by simulation. If you are not sure about this, if hundreds of thousands of new drugs are required for clinical trials every year, you think How long will it take to put it into use! In fact, we all have strict evaluations of new drugs, so do n’t worry!
Luoxi said.
"Mother is right, but the source of this medicine is special, not on the earth. So it should be handled with caution, even after the headquarters research, we have to conduct trials, which is also the responsibility of the patient!" Luo Yun said.
"I understand your intentions, rest assured that you do not have to worry too much about this matter, respect for life is my most basic principle. This matter is decided in this way, after the headquarters reply, we will set off next to the stars!" Luoxi laughed.
Not long ago, when Zhou Tong received the signal sent back from Scout One, they were shocked by the results achieved, and naturally felt very sorry for the warriors who passed away!
"Everyone, the achievements made by Scout One this time are really amazing. It can be said that all the major discoveries over the past few hundred years are not as good as those made by Scout One this time at Daros Star. It seems that we The idea is correct, but it is a pity that there are more than 900 warriors. "In the conference hall of the Star Fleet Alliance, Zhou Tong is presiding over the meeting.
"Yes, although there is no specific information, everything written in this report is enough to show that the amazing discovery on the Daros star, although we have lost so many experts, but their efforts are worth it! I recommend on Mars Build a city to give these families the best treatment. After all, they all gave their lives for the development of the entire human race! "General Zhang Tianwei also said.
"I think Commander Zhang's suggestion is feasible, otherwise I will draft an application and discuss it with the United Nations! This matter is not only for them, but also for the warriors who have sacrificed in the exploration of the galaxy in the future." General Isovir, the chief of staff of the Star Fleet, said ~ ~ Yeah, this is a ten thousand year plan, absolutely feasible! In addition to this, I think the things in the annex should be able to be implemented, and the most elite relevant experts in various countries will be selected to study this cocoon virus and conduct simulation experiments. And establish a special database to analyze and study the use of alien viruses! "Zhou Tong nodded and said.
"Academician Luo pointed out in the attachment that the stock solution enzyme bacteria were not collected. In addition to taking into account the safety of the expedition ship, there is also to prevent the stock solution enzyme bacteria mutation from causing a fatal blow to humans. There is an absolute guarantee for efficiency and reliability! "Said the chief of staff of Issowell.
"Her considerations are correct, and she mentioned at the end that it is not difficult to go to Dalross now. If you want to conduct a drug test, you can go again. The reason for this is also for future planning, when future interstellar navigation becomes After the convenience, it is inevitable that some people will know that there is such a deadly virus on the Daros star. In case of dangerous actions, the consequences are very serious! Therefore, it is not necessarily a bad thing to have no stock enzymes! "Zhou Tong said.
"Yeah, the things she considered were always so thorough, and it was our luck. This time I heard that she personally entered the infected area to get the original liquid for testing. Although it was very dangerous, after all, this matter was finally resolved successfully. Now they Will leave the Daros and Barnard stars and go to Proximity. The Chief of Staff of Isoville will trouble you to prepare a receipt and agree to go! "Zhang Tianwei said.
"Okay, no problem, I will reply immediately!" Issowell Chief of Staff smiled.
Three days later, when Xingtan No.1 received the consent reply from the Earth Headquarters, it officially started to go to Proxima!

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