Chapter 302: Ueno Hoshi Ward

"We have arrived!"
  When he heard the news, Lin Tuo was shocked, and his heart was intertwined with tension and excitement.
  After more than a month of voyage, he finally arrived at the end. Although he can switch back to the area many times, to ensure safety, his consciousness stays here most of the time.
  The long monotony of the surrounding scene can easily make people depressed.
  Soon, other people who heard the news rushed over and cast their eyes forward.
   "Where? Where?" Huaxi stared, looking for the target, but in the spiritual world, naturally, he couldn't see the outside world.
   "It's almost here. At the current speed, I can arrive in about an hour." Hathaway said.
One hour?
   Huaxi's face collapsed: "Then you're talking about it."
   "Isn't this going to be prepared in advance?" Hathaway said plausibly, "And let me tell you, who knows what's going on? What if I'm walking and encountering an enemy, how can it be done in time."
  Hua Xi was choked and could not speak. Mount Sinai, who was still wearing a black windbreaker next to him, grinned and his eyes curled.
  At this time, she has become accustomed to watching two people quarrel.
  Lin Tuo gave a clear cough, attracted a few people’s attention, and asked in confusion: "Something is wrong. Have you found that the spiritual light cluster in front seems to be decreasing?"
  Several people were taken aback and looked around.
   "Really." Huaxi did not hide her surprise.
  Along the way, the surrounding background is always like a starry sky. Although the spiritual light clusters are also dense and sparsely divided, they are generally uniform.
  However, as the battleship approached the "Ueno Star Zone", the star-like golden light clusters in front began to decrease sharply, and some were dim in color and smaller in size.
  This is obviously not a normal scene.
   "There is no life in the spirit world." Sinai's dark eyes were illuminated with lights, and he said sharply.
  Yes, not only the light group, but also the nearly ubiquitous spirit world life associated with it. Although the ether is still there and fluctuates evenly, the entire area of ​​the spirit world in front of it seems to be "empty".
  On the dark background, a faint blue halo was blowing like a wind wave.
   And the further forward, the more serious this phenomenon, and soon, only a piece of void is left around.
  "Maybe it was cleared by the empires. After all, life in the spirit world is also very troublesome." Hathaway guessed.
  The logic is very clear. For civilizations that cannot enter the spiritual world, they are likely to have suffered from lords or extraordinary items in their development.
  So, a civilization that can make a leap into the spiritual world like an empire will certainly not let the danger at the doorstep be ignored.
  It is also completely logical to "clean up" the lord, and even the spiritual light clusters that may flow into the material world, causing transcendent items.
   "It makes sense, so to speak, at least prove that we did not go wrong."
  Lin Tuo smiled, and the atmosphere in the lounge was lighter.
   But even though he said that, he always felt that this kind of anomaly might not only be due to defense needs, perhaps, there are deeper reasons.
  In the silence, time passed by minute by minute, and finally, there were obvious spiritual fluctuations in the space ahead.
   "Very stable, showing a slow outflow situation, indicating that the empire's society is in a stable period." Lin Tuo silently made a judgment in his heart.
  Hathaway is also on the glass curtain wall, and through surveying and mapping ether ripples, outlines a land-like plate:
   "We are very close... Hey, there seems to be a detector!"
  Speaking, the antenna of the hunting ship swayed gently, cleverly, and flew obliquely toward the void ahead, and there was something new on the screen.
  It was a square, small "satellite" shrouded in energy, and suddenly emerged from a corner of the screen, flying along an invisible orbit.
  The speed is not fast or slow, and the search ship always keeps relative movement with it.
  With the help of invisible, but real planets to cover himself...In the cabin, Lin Tuo is already ready for battle. Once he is discovered, he will immediately take action.
  In the big lounge, the crows are silent and deadly silent, only the mechanical clock that Huaxi brought from the martial arts gym is humming, reminding everyone of the passage of time.
  I don’t know how long it took, that "satellite" suddenly disappeared...turned to the back of the invisible planet.
  This reflects the magic of the spiritual world.
  Although it is invisible, the visual isolation of the material planet is still reflected in the spiritual world in another way.
   Before a few people could relax, Hathaway controlled the search ship for a sensitive turn, and in the next second, a second "satellite" emerged from another direction.
  So everyone had to continue to tighten their nerves and carefully evade.
  At this time, Lin Tuo couldn't help but become a little worried. If there are enough such satellites to seal the entire planet, then it will be troublesome.
  Although they can risk disguising themselves as the team returning from the mission, the risk would be too great.
   "There are only two." After waiting for a while, when the first "satellite" came into sight again, Hathaway's voice came out of the loudspeaker, obviously relaxing a lot:
   "It should be something like a monitor, but it doesn't completely seal the planet and can go around."
   "But what should I do after I get in? If the battleship stops moving, it will definitely be found." Huaxi said.
  Hathaway is not in a hurry:
   "The problem is not big, then I will use the bracelet to maintain remote control of the search ship. Well, in fact, you see that their operation is regular, and I should be able to deal with it by writing an automatic driving rule."

   "These things don't seem to be defensive facilities against the outside world." Sinai analyzed keenly, "I don't know if I feel right, but I feel that they are more like internal monitoring."
   "It's possible," Lin Tuo nodded, "and it doesn't seem to be arranged for military purposes, otherwise there shouldn't be only two."
  He didn’t think that a civilization capable of building warships would not be able to produce more
  As for what role it plays, it's not easy to say. It may be similar to many satellites on the earth, and it is to assist communication?
   During the conversation, the battleship sneaked into the blank period of the operation of the two satellites. For insurance, Lin Tuo even used the nightmare ability to try to stealth the battleship.
  Also out of caution, Hathaway did not tear the space at high altitude to observe, but dived to an area with a low-lying ether before stopping.
   opened a hole briefly.
   "It looks like a field outside." Hathaway reported.
  Lin Tuo decisively said: "Enter!"
  Behind him, Huaxi and Mount Sinai had already been cleaned up.
  At this moment, the three of them are no longer in the lounge, but are standing at the door of the battleship, and they have all changed into the civilian clothes that the empires left in the bedroom.
  Lin Tuo made use of the inhuman ability to adjust the facial details based on the facial model analyzed by Hathaway's data, making the appearance closer to the imperial.
  Mount Sinai and Huaxi also used "transfiguration" to perform a certain disguise. This spell has also been a regular practice course for two people for more than a month.
  The three of them looked at each other, and they were all anxious.
  The next second, the hatch opened, and the pedal carpet spread forward, and the energy cover was briefly sunken, opening a passage.
  Lin Tuo took a drink, and the three immediately jumped into it. In the blink of an eye, the passage disappeared and everything was calm. The entire warship drove slowly according to the written program again, hiding in the blind spot of surveillance.
  At the same time, in the real universe, in the empty and silent sea of ​​stars, a planet that resembles the earth, intertwined with blue and emerald green, is slowly turning.
  In the distance, the hot sun burns quietly.
  In this planet named "Ueno", on the only land, somewhere on the long line of communication between the city and the field, the air is slightly distorted.
  It's like a heat wave in the hot summer.
  Suddenly, a spatial channel appeared, and three figures jumped out one after another.
  Because of being too hurried, the Huaxi who fell behind slammed his head indecently, and immediately rolled up on the spot, and the vigilant eyes of a civet cat swept around:
   "Lin Tuo..."
  "Safety." In front of him, Lin Tuo, who stood upright in place, said in a deep voice.
  As the first person in the team to step into this unfamiliar place, he scanned the surroundings mentally at the moment he appeared, and determined the surrounding environment.
  In the field of vision, there is an empty highway, straight and long, like a dividing line on the ground.
  Warm and hot sunlight spilt down, shining on them, breeze blowing on their faces, and the oxygen content is similar to that of the earth.
   Lifting his head, you can see the blue cloudless sky.
  On both sides of the road, there are endless green fields. If you raise the angle of view, you will find that there is no half-person figure in the vast area near the three.
  It really looks like the earth here.
  If it is not for confirming that he has come to another part of the universe, Lin Tuo even suspects that he has arrived in a certain agricultural planting area on the earth.
  "Hathaway?" Withdrawing his gaze, Lin Tuo took out the crystal ball with the size of a marble and called.
   "I'm here, put me next to me! Don't take it out casually! I can directly communicate with you mentally, it is not good, you can also communicate with your hand ring!"
  Hathaway did not reveal her figure, but her voice appeared in the ears of the three.
  Lin Tuo sighed, "How about the hunting ship?"
   "Everything is normal. I can remotely control it. Don't worry. Even if the contact is accidentally interrupted, the tribesmen will follow the procedures to drive manually in the past few months. They have learned a lot these days."
  Hathaway said casually:
  "Don't bother me, I'm trying to contact the world's network, damn, this gateway protocol has something to do, I need a little time!"
  Lin Tuo, Huaxi, and Mount Sinai glanced at each other, without disturbing her, put the crystal ball away, Lin Tuo looked around, restraining the urge to fly into the air and overlook the earth, and said:
   "Let’s go ahead."
  Before Hathaway could figure out the situation, he was not ready to show off his strength hastily.
  For the same reason, Mount Sinai did not release the "Mage's Eye" spell, and tried to snoop around, but he tightened his backpack and silently followed.
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