Chapter 333: Battle of Pluto (4,000 words)

In July, thin, misty rain enveloped the whole world, the weeping willows in the corner of the martial arts field were soaked in moisture, and the roof tiles were black.
When Lin Tuo finally heard this message, he suddenly opened his eyes, and in his field of vision, a virtual panel popped up, displaying the same small print.
A pattern similar to a progress bar is in the center of the field of view.
"Finally here!" Lin Tuo was shocked, surprised and delighted.
It has been half a month since he returned to Earth, and the global spiritual collection program has been launched for some time. He has become more anxious in his heart, and even began to doubt whether the progress of the upgrade exists.
However, all doubts vanished as soon as he saw this line of small characters.
"Teacher--" Standing in the martial arts field, Huaxi's eyes lit up in a practice suit, and he asked what he thought of.
"I'll go back to the study, don't disturb me if there is nothing serious!"
Lin Tuo stood up, did not explain, just threw a sentence, turned and entered the room.
Looking up at the sand table, at this moment, the default galaxy pattern has not changed in any way, and it looks no different from the past.
The Immaculate Flower is sleeping on Pluto, and the large area of ​​the central area of ​​China on Earth has been brightened.
The candlestick where Hathaway was hiding was placed on the table. She was also resting. Seeing Lin Tuo stepping in, the flames trembled and Hathaway's figure condensed: "What happened?"
"Not sure yet." Lin Tuo said concisely, staring at the sand table, and began to wait anxiously.
Refer to the last upgrade, this process is not accomplished overnight.
"I don't know how long it will take."
Turning this thought around, Lin Tuo was a little bit worried about gains and losses.
For the first half month, he had been looking forward to the upgrade, but at this moment, when it really appeared, he was frightened again.
What should I do if I still cannot find a solution to the problem after upgrading?
What if all the efforts are in vain?
Lin Tuo's heartbeat speeded up and he was fidgeting. He knew very well that the life and death of the earth and its several black boxes was here!
Is it life or death?
After all, there is an answer.
In this unprecedented anxious atmosphere, Lin Tuo had no heavy expression on his face, and his mental strength was affected and escaped, forming a heavy pressure.
Hathaway, who was accustomed to jumping off, also quieted down, clenching her small fist, expecting and nervous, faintly guessing, but she didn't dare to interrupt.
Finally, three hours later.
With a mysterious "upgrade completed" message injected into his mind, in Lin Tuo's vision, the derivation sand was suddenly shrouded in white brilliance!
After about five seconds, the white light dissipated!
There is an extra small red dot on the letter icon in the upper right corner of the virtual panel.
【update completed】
finished? !
Lin Tuo breathed tightly, didn't click the mailbox immediately, but looked towards the sand table, his heart sank!
no change!
Different from the last upgrade, the sand table has changed from flat to Xinghai.
This time, from the outside, there was almost no change!
"What's going on? Isn't it... calm!"
Lin Tuo was cold and forced himself not to think about it, but to open the mailbox with his mind, and he saw an "update notice" lying in the list.
Without hesitation, click on it.
In the next second, a stream of information violently poured into his consciousness.
Everything about this update also appeared in his mind.
In the study.
Hathaway was floating nervously in the air, and on the window behind her, Huaxi's face with her lips pressed out.
The atmosphere is extremely depressing.
The two stared at the silent Lin Tuo, as if waiting for the verdict of fate.
Finally, about two minutes passed.
Lin Tuocai, who closed his eyes to read the information, finally opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief. There was no expression on his face.
At this moment, he finally knew the changes in this upgrade:
The first item is the upgrade of computing power.
As expected, the calculus of the upgraded derived sand table has been enhanced again, that is to say, the area where several sandboxes are located can continue to accelerate.
Of course, the acceleration here is not out of thin air, but requires the consumption of energy including ether and spirituality.
The specific number remains to be explored.
In short, it must grow with increasing complexity.
The second item is the increased freedom of the toolbox.
Previously, in the toolbox of the system, functions including time acceleration switch and isolation cover opening and closing were provided, after the upgrade.
There are several more functions here.
In addition, the freedom of some original functions has also been improved.
For example, the original time acceleration only had the option of opening and closing, and there was no way to adjust the speed. It could only be adjusted automatically according to the complexity. This time it can be adjusted.
At the same time, Lin Tuo also has more editing permissions for the isolation cover, for example, without using the star gate, you can directly open holes on it.
For example, the sandbox wrapped in the isolation hood can be "moved"...
What surprised him most was that he could even cover the observation mode area with the black box.
To put it simply, in the past, only the creative mode had a shield.
In the future, there will be areas in the observation mode.
As long as he wants to, he can completely seal Yangcheng with an isolation cover. Of course, this kind of blockade is limited to the material level and does not involve the spiritual world.
The corresponding change is that there is no longer a distinction between "observation mode" and "creation mode" on the main interface of the system.
There is only one "observation range" interface.
In the past, many urban areas lit up these days, as well as several sandboxes, were tiled in the form of cards.
The difference is that the surface of the cards in the No. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 sandboxes is covered with a light black color, which means that they are in a state of isolation.
The third item: price reduction
Due to the unification of the scope of the two modes, the original two mode areas of the store are offline.
Transform into a unified dynamic consumption.
In other words, after the upgrade, Lin Tuo can consume Ether, light up any area of ​​the entire Star Sea, and bring it into the sand table control range.
The price is dynamically adjusted according to the population in the selected area, the distance from the sand table, and the difficulty of transformation.
The most obvious change is the price reduction.
Except for some very large cities, the amount of ether consumed in other places to be lit is greatly reduced.
Similar to areas like Shanghai and deserts on the earth, the price is comparable to the "creative model", and one thousand points can light up one million square meters.
Fourth item: optional location expansion
In the past, Lin Tuo could only choose to light up the planet, but after upgrading, he could even light up a certain vacuum directly.
That is, in theory, any corner of the entire galaxy can be brought under control.
Of course, this is almost impossible. To do this, the amount of ether consumed is too terrifying...
In contrast, the biggest change is the fifth point: visualization of the spiritual world
Thinking of this, Lin Tuo looked at the star-shaped sand table in front of him, silently vomiting the idea of ​​"switching the spirit world".

In an instant, in his field of vision, a corner of the original universe faded away.
Instead, there is a similarly deep void, inside, there are some scattered golden spiritual light clusters and etheric ripples that are turbulent like water waves.
Spirit world!
As the thoughts turn, what the derivation sand table shows is the spiritual world corresponding to the solar system!
The slow ripple, but the largest area obviously represents the earth...
Slightly outward, there is a small whirlpool, which undoubtedly refers to the Mars ring continent...
And near the edge of the sand table, an obvious aftermath corresponds to the position of Pluto...
"This...this is..." Lin Tuo was shocked, raised his hand and tried to dive into the sand table, only to find that those images were also illusory.
Even using the + sign on the sandbox card, he could not select the spirit world range.
In other words, the spiritual realm area corresponding to the solar system is only limited to "observation"... temporarily unable to interfere.
On the whole, it seems that this upgrade is obviously not a complete state of derivation sandbox.
Among other things, the internal will alone did not appear... (provided it still exists)
Although it has many upgraded functions, it does not show clear attack and defense capabilities.
However, after scanning the update details one by one, especially after seeing the spiritual world solar system, Lin Tuo's mind thundered... as if something exploded.
An idea is outlined!
"In this case, I can use the sand table to grasp any traces of outsiders trying to enter the solar system..."
"The problem is that even if they are found, they are difficult to stop."
"My greatest advantage is not my own strength, but the ‘dimensionality reduction blow’ ability brought by the sand table... and this ability cannot affect the spiritual world, only the material world..."
"If. I can find the other party's trace, and the other party has not reached this area of ​​the earth, drag the other party into the material world, into a ‘sandbox’ that I can control, then I can achieve an extra-dimensional strike...
But I lack this ability...
Do not! I have this ability! "
Unsullied flower!
Lin Tuo's eyes lit up, and he looked in the direction of Pluto!
He still clearly remembered that when he was waiting for someone to return, he was forcibly pulled into the pale planet by the Immaculate Flower.
What if it is operated consciously?
"Move the sandbox where Wushou Flower is located, and place it on the opponent's path as a trap.
Then, through the observation of the spirit world, determine the attack range... When the opponent enters, it activates this extraordinary item, thereby creating a large number of spatial cracks..."
"This plan is not perfect. If the other party is wary of it, the maximum effect may not be achieved.
In addition, after entering the material world, I am afraid it will also have the ability to return to the spiritual world...
But refer to my encounter on the pale planet and compare the energy levels of the hunting ship... It should be able to drag the opponent in the material world for a short time...
And only a period of time, for me, is...enough! ! "
I quickly sorted out this idea from beginning to end.
In the study, Hathaway and Huaxi, who looked in through the glass window, saw Lin Tuo's eyes flashing dazzlingly with his head down and contemplation.
The depressive mental power that permeated the martial arts hall also boiled.
"Lin it be..." Hathaway felt his changes and asked in surprise.
Then, there was a long-lost smile on Lin Tuo, who had been expressionless for half a month:
"I think, I have an idea."
" mean..." Hathaway's eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe it.
"Wow." Huaxi, who was waiting outside the door, finally pushed the door and jumped in, her wet little face full of confirmation-like expectations:
"Have you... found a way...?"
"Not sure about the success rate, but... at least you can try." Lin Tuo didn't say enough, planning is one thing, but the result is another.
Although the memory of commanding Du Heng gave him a rough understanding of the military forces of the Ueno Star Region, this does not mean that he knows the enemy completely.
However, compared to his lack of resistance before, he has a turning point now.
Emperor Tian has lived up to his painstaking efforts.
Everything he has done during this period is not meaningless!
According to the plan, if the operation is done properly, even if there is no way to completely block the enemy, it is likely to destroy most of the opponent's battle sequence.
And if there are only a few remaining soldiers, even if they reach the earth, Lin Tuo will have the power to fight.
Beside, Huaxi and Hathaway didn't know exactly what Lin Tuo's plan was. They were just excited, and Huaxi happily said whether they could inform all parties about the news.
Give peace of mind to those who are worried about this.
Among other things, the Tianyuan Continent she was responsible for was tense during this time.
"I will think about it again. If possible, it's better to do a drill in advance..." Lin Tuo said.
Huaxi nodded and said, "Then I'll go cook, there are still a lot of delicious food for the last gift at the Li Gong Banquet."
During this time, Lin Tuo hadn't had a good meal.
Seeing a turnaround, Lin Tuo was waiting to agree, but at this moment, his mental power covering the room suddenly jumped.
Turning his head, he looked at the sand table almost instinctively.
I saw that at the edge of the spiritual world of the solar system, corresponding to the position of the Oort Nebula in the real universe, a fleet of extremely small but very eye-catching appeared slowly in the spiritual cover.
"Kacha!" The tea cup that Lin Tuogang held in his hand suddenly shattered, and the room fell silent!
The vast spiritual world corresponds to a corner of the solar system.
On this day, countless battleships suddenly broke in, and sailed into this deep cold night in an icy, silent, and vigorous manner.
"It has entered the star field where the target coordinates are located, and the whole army has entered the battle array."
Just as Lin Tuo discovered them, an order came from the data hall of the largest warship in the center.
As a result, the silver-white ships with sleek appearances, from a distance, the Ueno fleet changed its formation like a wavy fireflies.
Come straight toward the position of the sun's star.
Lishan, martial arts hall, study room.
Lin Tuo stared at the fleet, and the originally relaxed heartstring tightened again.
The door closed again.
Huaxi and Hathaway had already been driven out, guarding under the eaves, waiting nervously in the mist and rain in July.
With a trace of bitterness and sadness on Lin Tuo's face, he turned his head, through the window, once again looked at the misty, green Taihe Mountains in the distance.
Silently withdrew his gaze, the expression on his face was solemn.
"So, you sensed their arrival, so you rushed to complete the upgrade of the life and death line?" Lin Tuo stared at the illusory galaxy and whispered softly.
Unable to tell the truth or not, he seemed to be able to sense a trace of tension from the sand table that was originally just a dead thing.
At this moment, if Lin Tuo realized, perhaps, the current state is indeed not the original upgraded version, but just a rush product.
Perhaps, urgently, he has never been alone.
Putting the distracting thoughts aside, Lin Tuo let out a sigh of relief, his eyes sharp:
"Although it's a bit unexpected, but...there is an enemy coming from afar, you have to seriously entertain."
Thinking about it, Lin Tuo suddenly switched back to the real universe!
He raised his right hand, toward Pluto, and grabbed it!
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