Vol 14 Chapter 67: Mountain King

Lifa was also rude, and immediately equipped her short sword, and looked at Sun Wukong: "What are you still doing? Go to blame!"
It seems that she has a great grudge against Sun Wukong! Early Wen, early Wen.
Sun Wukong also knows that this girl really resents her first wen, and no longer teases her, and immediately carries the same short sword as Lifa and rushes towards the surrounding mountains.
Watching Sun Wukong flexibly shuttle among the mountain elites, Lifa murmured with a shocked expression: "I really don't know how this guy practiced. Ordinary people can't do that?"
If it is a group of monsters with lower attributes than you, lead him to run in front of a large group, no one is under pressure; you can attract dozens of monsters with higher attributes than yourself, while avoiding their attacks, you must attack other Monsters attract hatred, and they can't break the hatred of other monsters. This is not difficult.
"Although he is an abnormal uncle, it is really powerful." Li Fa looked at Sun Wukong and murmured softly, remembering his first wen, and climbed a hint of blush on his face.
Girls are basically like this, they are very impressed with their first impression.
Sun Wukong saw that the surrounding mountain spirits were almost attracted by himself, and set the target on the two mountain spirit guards beside the mountain spirit king.
Jieyi and Lifa are still good at dealing with a mountain spirit king. If you add these two mountain spirit guards, it will obviously work hard, so this guard must also be led away.
However, this mountain spirit guard and mountain spirit king are active attack monsters, as long as they are close to the field of vision, they will actively attack.
Dozens of mountain spirits were dragged behind and around the buttocks, and they wanted to pull away two mountain spirit guards together. This was an impossible task, but it was simple for Sun Wukong.
As soon as they were close to the field of vision, Shanjing King and the Shanjing Guards attacked Sun Wukong. However, there were a lot of Shanjings around them, blocking their way. Neither the Jingjing King nor the Shanjing Guards could approach the Monkey King.
At this time, Sun Wukong also yelled at Lifa and Yuyi not far away: "It's up to you, don't attack other mountain spirits and mountain spirit guards, and look for the output of the mountain spirit king to me!" "
"I see!" Lifa immediately greeted Yui and ran towards the King of the Mountains!
Traveling through the mountain elite group, watching that mountain elite group was indifferent to them, Lifa felt that this was simply incredible and exciting! For the first time, she felt her heart beat so fast.
Because Shan Jing's hatred was controlled by Sun Wukong, even if Lifa and Jieyi passed by them, they did not bother them.
It was very easy for the two girls to appear next to the King of King Jing, and it was unceremonious that Jie Yi was the first to chop the sword against King of King Jing!
Yui is indeed a purple-grade pet. This damage is really good. If you go down with a sword, you can clearly see that the blood bar of King Shanjing has been reduced a little bit, and its basic attributes are also shown:
King of the Mountain (Cyan)
lv: 15
hp: 29980/30000
The reason why a boss is a boss is that it has good attributes and high blood volume, usually only one team can push it away. Especially those bosses with higher grades at least need a legion or a guild to get rid of them.
auzw.com "Thirty thousand blood, a sword with a tie only deducted 20 points of blood, then shouldn't I be able to break the defense? Can this kill?" Lifa suddenly felt dumbfounded.
Although Jie Yi is a purple-grade pet, her attributes can't be compared with the boss. Unless she is released into a purple-grade boss, it is really awesome.
Because pets and bosses are very different.
And the level of Yui is only level 5, the gap of level 10 can break the boss's defense and hit 20 damage, which is already very good.
With the current Sun Wukong and Lifa, it is impossible to break the defense.
"Okay! This is indeed a bit pit!" Sun Wukong looked frowned slightly, he did not expect that a young boss, the attributes are so embarrassing! His operation is unparalleled, but what's the use of it? You can't break others' defenses. No matter how good the operation is, you have to deal a little damage to see it?
"Jieyi, I can only rely on you now! Come on!" Sun Wukong can only pin his hopes on Jieyi.
"Okay! Dad! I must kill it!" Hearing Sun Wukong's encouragement, Jie Yi immediately became war-fighting, and another sword was chopped on King Shanjing.
The King of Shanjing also roared, and the hatred was transferred to Yui's body. The scepter that symbolized the king's power in his hand knocked down on Yui, and Yui's oh, the blood volume directly decreased by 121, and the level 5 knot Clothing, HP is 850.
The healing amount of Holy Healing is level x100, and at the level 5 robe, a Holy Healing can give you +500 HP. As long as the blue is not empty, it is not a problem to single out this Mountain King.
But if you attack, you can only deduct up to 20 health. If you want to kill the King of the Mountain without emptying it, it is impossible.
However, Jieyi also followed Sun Wukong for a long time, and Sun Wukong naturally taught her a lot of combat experience. Therefore, she is not likely to be attacked every time, and she also knows simple movement and dodge. Therefore, it is still possible Support for a while.
Lifa looked at the small figure of Jie Yi singled out with Shan Jing Wang, looked at Sun Wukong, and pointed to herself: "What about me? What about me? What should I do?"
"Just watch the soy sauce on the side! Add occasional oil or something" Sun Wukong smiled slightly.
"" Lifa was speechless for a while, the excitement that had just risen, disappeared without a trace, and snorted softly, sitting on the grass and watching the play.
"Hey! Are you really getting soy sauce?" Sun Wukong looked at Lifa, speechless.
"You asked me to make soy sauce. What on earth do you want?" Lifa looked at Sun Wukong very unhappyly.
"You come to me, I'll give you some money, you go back to Xinshou Village to buy some blue medicine, or you won't be able to hold your clothes!"
"Huh! It seems I'm still useful!" Lifa snorted softly, and was proud of her mouth, but she was still very happy. After all, she could make a contribution without using soy sauce, and she was naturally happy.
I trot to Sun Wukong's side and immediately received a transaction application from Sun Wukong.
Pulling a group of weird hatreds, while avoiding attacks from time to time, she can also trade with herself, Lifa once again felt the abnormal place of Sun Wukong.
Looking at the extra 50 silver coins in the backpack, Lifa vowed vowedly: "Then I'm gone, and I'm guaranteed to get back as fast as possible!" With that said, taking a step forward is guarding Shanjing aside. The sword stabbed in the past
The mountain spirit guard yelled, and a stick hit Lifa's body, and Lifa snorted, and his blood emptied and fell to the ground.
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