Chapter 1261: The target person confirms death!

It’s too late to retreat, and McGonagall must support at least the reinforcements.
Of course, if the reinforcements have not arrived within 12 minutes, then he will have to work hard.
Purple lion cubs protruded from a mouthful of purple thunder, and the flames of the sky were instantly opened by a hollow, piercing through the hole, and the figure suddenly climbed high to avoid the branches entangled underneath, suddenly speeding up, avoiding bombardment from all sides. The magic, then turned down and swooped down, and the sword on the sky was cold and rushed toward Berg.
When the black curtain came, the starry sky covered the wheat, and the air seemed to be muddy.
At this moment, a beam of light came from the foothills, tearing the black curtain, as if the amulet followed the purple gryphon, and opened up a smooth path for it.
"Go to Alex!" Berg's face was black and black, the black staff raised his head, a huge black tiger leaped out, holding a pair of black bone wings, facing the purple lion I rushed up.
"This breath?" McGonagall looked at the huge tiger with a black scent, a pair of swelled bone wings, a frowning brow, a strong death, obviously not a close to nature. own.
This Berg can let the system release the task to obliterate it, and in the name of the process of affecting the cooking of the kitchen, it seems that it has gained an unusual power.
The last time he was seriously injured by Berg, the breath at this time is very disorderly. When the time is strong and weak, the conversion is between the points. This situation is also very abnormal, but it is certain that he is more than before. Strong.
Magical shape, this is a common means of high-level magicians.
The black tiger is not inferior to the purple lion, and jumps up. The hungry tiger rushes toward the purple lion, and the black claws try to tear the wings of Azi, while the mouth is big. Bite to its neck.
Berg smiled and seemed to have seen the scene of the purple gryphon and Alex being shredded. The last time he was seriously injured by a gryphon, his face was swept away, the death healed his injury and gave him a stronger power.
Killing Alex and Irina, the biggest threat is solved.
This tiger of death comes from the undead world, can tear all the enemies, and then absorb their blood and strength for his use.
Before the humiliation, he wants to repay it today.
After gaining the power of Alex and Irina, he will become the strongest of the Wind Forest and embark on the journey to conquer the Nolan continent.
"There is such a strong death atmosphere, Berg, this guy, what do you want to do?" Helena looked at the black giant tiger, and her eyes sparkled with uneasiness and disgust.
The other elves looked at this scene and were shocked and afraid.
McGonagall held his sword in front of his body, and the light fell on the sword, which cast a golden light on the silver epee.
The power of the body is running wildly and is poured into both hands.
Ten meters of swordsmanship, rising up, dyed the golden light.
"It's useless! Go to hell!" Berg snorted and grinned. The giant-winged tiger made a roar, his eyes turned into scarlet, and the black bones were like two sharp knives. Come to McGonagall.
Meg meditation in his heart, a sword swayed forward.
The raging bone-winged giant tiger is still huge before the ten-meter sword.
The sharp bone wings exude a daunting glory, and the death scent wraps around it. It is not afraid of the sword that McGonagall screams, and does not evade it. It still attacks the Meg and the Purple Gryphon.
The sword is smashing on the body of the giant-winged tiger. The holy light wrapped around the sword is in contact with the death. The black death smoldering is like a raging fire.
This sword is very powerful and fast.
Under the blessing of the Holy Light, the rich black death breathped out of the throne, but did not cause any blockage of the sword air, the long sword fell on the bone-winged giant tiger.
The bone-winged giant tiger made a scream of horror, trying to use the claws to stop the sword.
But its speed is too slow in front of a sword.
The purple-striped gryphon suddenly rushed forward, and the long sword opened the head of the giant tiger, and it was like a broken bamboo that smashed the bone-winged giant tiger into two halves.
The 100-meter-long bone-winged giant tiger smashed into a rain, poured it on the ground, and eroded the rock into a shocking pothole.
Berg opened his mouth and spit out a black blood, licking his chest, looking at McGonagall with an incredulous look, and said with amazement: "No... impossible!"
The elves looked at this scene, all shocked, not only marveled at the strength of Alex, but also the horror of Berg and the uncomfortable dark magic, even the great magicians. Subconsciously stopped casting.
"This should be the breath that does not belong to this world?" McGonagall raised a long sword to Berg, and said coldly: "Then you are damn!"
"Do not!"
Berg was frightened and retreated, and the Master's Staff lifted his hand and tried to cast magic again.
The cold light flashed, the long sword had already cut off the wizard's staff, and at the same time opened the horrified face of Berg.
"Big is dead!"
Berg's Elf Guard, watching Berg, who had lost half of his head by a sword, was shocked.
In the eyes of all the elves, the powerful unparalleled Berger was killed by the ten great magicians. The man is terrible!
"Dead... well." Helena blinked, but soon the corners of her mouth were slightly lifted. This is also an uncontrolled piece. The wind forest is only the queen, and Berg wants too many things. It is.
Then her eyes fixed on McGonagall, the stars in the crystal ball shifted, and the starry sky field surged again, heading towards McGonagall, and coldly said: "Kill him."
"Yes...Yes!" Several great magicians behind her have not recovered from the shock of Berg being killed. I heard the words and continued to sing the spell.
Above the foothills, the light disappeared instantly, and Irina, who was pale, held the wizard's staff and looked at McGonagall's back. The corner of her mouth showed a smug smile. "It's my man."
"The target person confirms death!"

Congratulations to the host to complete the task, get rewards: a mobile restaurant, and open the tour line, mission one...

The sound of the system sounded in the mind of McGonagall.
However, at this time, McGonagall did not have the mood to listen to the system. When he confirmed the death of Berg, he immediately led the purple lion to turn around and lifted off. Three meteorites burning red flames crashed into the position where he had previously stood. The stone flew, leaving three huge craters.
In the sky, numerous flamingos and madly growing giant trees began to launch stingers, and countless meteorites screamed from the dark stars. The speed of the purple lions began to decrease rapidly in the starry sky. Dodge the magical attack of the chain, without the guidance of the Holy Light, or even the position.
At the same time, the Elf Guard, which had previously stopped at the station, also launched a final charge toward the mountain.
After killing Berg, the situation fell into the mud.
"System, you don't do anything, Dad is going to die!" McGonagall cried in his heart. He was strong again. After all, he was not a god. He faced the nine-level tenth magician and was trapped in the other's field. Retreat, but can't touch the opponent.
"It’s really shameless to bully too much."
"Oh, I agree with this."
Just then, two old voices suddenly came from above.
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