Chapter 25: This fried chicken ... not ordinary!

Facts have proven that the Grizzly Daisen's Jiuxiao Purple Thunder Furnace ... Why can't you have a fried chicken? To be precise, you can't make a good fried chicken.
Kushiro was the first to let Grizzly Daisen understand what fried chicken was, and McDonald's next door out of the fairy world bought four pairs of spicy chicken wings for the Grizzly Daisen to taste.
Grizzly Daisen ’s evaluation after eating is ‘OK taste, oily, greasy, lack of ingredients and not strong taste’.
In short, Grizzly Daxian's evaluation of wheat spicy chicken wings is very general, although she even ate the bones with four pairs of wheat spicy chicken wings.
I knew what fried chicken was, and Grizzly Daisen took his Jiuxiao Purple Thunder Furnace and made it according to the plan given by Lu Yuan.
I do n’t know if Lu Yuan ’s method is wrong or the Grizzly Daisen ’s refining method is wrong. The final product made by Grizzly Daisen is more like stewed chicken than fried chicken.
"Senior Grizzly, this chicken tastes really good, and the taste is really not comparable to fried chicken ..." Lu Yuan didn't hesitate to give a straightforward answer.
"Hum, don't panic ... The way of eating and drinking is the same as that of alchemy, but it takes time to make it happen, so I can make a few more."
The grizzly bear immortal seems to be stimulated. How is she also a famous figure among the immortals who used to eat in ancient times? Nowadays, even a fried chicken wo n’t be done. Would n’t it be a joke to say it.
So Lu Yuan was sitting in front of the alchemy furnace with a grizzly bear and another buttocks, and began to powder the fried chicken. Then he poured oil into the alchemy furnace and began to try the second fried chicken.
"The grizzly bear immortal you refining process, the younger generation will not bother."
Kushiro far only knows a little about cooking, not to mention Grizzly Daisen's cooking-like posture, and staying here can only add chaos to the Grizzly Daisen.
The grizzly bear's bear bit a chicken-winged bone in his mouth and shook, probably signaling Lu Yuan to leave.
I walked out of the tree house of Grizzly Bear Immortal, and came to the dense mist outside. The children of the Mo family were still tirelessly helping the Grizzly Bear immortal to cultivate the field.
The fairy realm of the Grizzly Daxian is slightly larger than the Mo family. It is estimated that there may be two football fields.
It's a pity that the scenery in the immortal realm is very empty. It doesn't look like there are two treasures in the Mo family. In addition to the tree house where Grizzly Taixian lives, there is only open space with rubble everywhere.
Now these Mohist monks are digging up the rubble in the open space and then transporting it to the other side leaving only the soil that can be used for planting.
Kushiro went quietly to a group of Mo family children who were busy moving stones.
"Boss, you said ... Will this grizzly bear immortal put any spiritual treasure underground? Will we let us dig the earth like this?"
"It is possible, but Daxian said that the stone needs to be moved, and the soil can only be turned and cannot be moved ... I am afraid it is a test of our morality."
的 The whispers of the two Mo family children let Lu Yuan wipe the sweat that did not exist on his forehead again.
Nonsense ... plough the field, plough the soil, what else do you plant?
But there is really a lot of rubble on the ground. The muddy soil is buried under the rubble. A group of Mo family children spent a whole morning digging up a small piece of black land.
Kushiro thinks that when Grizzly Daxian's recipes have been studied, he will use those dishes to spoil them.
But I have to say that the monks' endurance is much stronger than ordinary people, and they have been tirelessly busy for about two hours ... Suddenly a golden light burst out of the tree house of Grizzly Daisen!
This beam of golden light is very shocking. Even the monks who cultivated the fields on the edge of the grizzly immortal spirit world can see this beam of golden light when they look up!
Jinguang tore through the mist surrounding the whole fairy world straight into the sky.
At this moment, it is not only Lu Yuan who is stupid, but even the children of the Mo family are also stupid.
"Jinguang is here! I am afraid that there is no ancient fairy!"
"It's still here? It's called immortality ... I'm afraid that the grizzly bear immortal has made some immortality!"
"It's amazing, I don't know how many of these elixir, I'm afraid it will only be given to the most diligent!"
After these Mo Zi children have finished their discussions, in order to gain the appreciation of Grizzly Bears and Xian Dan, they began to work harder to cultivate the fields. Lu Yuanzhang actually wanted to talk to them ...
I think ... this should be Grizzly Daisen's fried chicken ... It has nothing to do with Xiandan.
However, it is worthy of the ancient immortals who have eaten and eaten. Just making a fried chicken can make such a big movement!
Kushiro looked at the golden light that went straight to the sky. The golden light itself did not carry any aura, it was beautiful.
怎么 样 But how about the fried chicken that can cause this kind of heaven and earth vision to have an unusual name, called ... golden crispy fried chicken? It's so average, the mixed golden chicken fried is good.
When all kinds of strange thoughts flashed in Kushiro's mind, he returned to the tree house of Grizzly Daisen.
At this moment, Grizzly Daisen is standing proudly at the wooden table, and the wooden table is full of all kinds of foods ...
"I haven't demonstrated my craft for thousands of years. I can't help but make more, and this is the fried chicken I just made. How can you try it!"
The Grizzly Daisen took a plate of fried chicken with golden light before Lu Yuan.
Are you sure this stuff is not radiating?
Kushiro was blinded by the golden crispy chicken, but out of the enthusiasm of Grizzly Bear, Lu Yuan still tore off a chicken leg and pulled his mask up to take a bite.
The conclusion is ... hugely delicious.
The chicken skin is crispy and delicious, and the sauce in the chicken is full. After taking a bite, not only the taste is rich, but also the taste enjoyment is not as good as that of other fried chickens.
I unknowingly ran away and ate up the whole chicken drumstick.
"Stop the tree if you like it, don't stop." Grizzly Daxian also seems to enjoy watching Lu Yuan eating his own dishes.
"The rest is for the monks, they have been ploughing the fields and moving rocks for Grizzly Daxian for almost half a day."
Kushiro far still can control his desires, anyway, as long as the Grizzly Great Immortal is alive, these delicious medicinal meals or Xianxian Luyuan can be eaten at any time.
"Yes, that's all they have for today."
The grizzly bear said that he would move the long table, which is full of Chinese dishes, outside the tree house.
At this time, Grizzly Daisen beckoned again, and all the fairy mist transformed into Reiki was recovered by Grizzly Daisen, and the aura that created the fairy mist was also recovered by Grizzly Daisen.
This is the immortal-level reiki control power. It can be freely released and released once to maximize the utilization rate of the reiki as much as possible, and at the same time, the loss rate is the lowest.
At the same time, the surrounding scenery opened up instantly.
Monk monks dug a total of three fields, and rubble was piled up around the field. The black soil below the field was turned over and over again by the Mo family.
"Look! That's Grizzly Daisen!"
"There is also Mr. Tree."
The children of the Mo family saw the Grizzly Bear Fairy standing in front of the tree house, and there was still a long way to go. They stopped their work and walked away to Lu Yuan and Grizzly Bear Fairy.
"All Mohist children, the visitor is a visitor. Today's experience has come to an end. Let me taste some of my crafts for a while." Grizzly Daxian said to a group of Mohist monks.
"This ... dare to ask Daxian, have we all passed?"
当然 "Of course not, I also look at those who have made troubles, but I have a broad mind and I can tolerate you once, and I won't say it next time. Well, everyone, please have a meal." Grizzly Daxian said.
The joyful expressions on these Mo monks' faces all appeared, and Lu Yuan keenly felt that at this moment their state of mind had risen about ten to twenty.
After some of the monks tasted the medicated meal of Grizzly Daisen, they even moved to tears because they were too delicious, and their mood rose to over fifty.
And those monks who grew more than thirty points overflowed with a touch of goodness and drifted to Lu Yuan's body ~ ~ Can all this be collected? Lu Yuan looked at the three golden characters of Shande in his hands.
"This should be the benefit of the congenital imperial spirit body. I have saved several dying people in the past and have never received this kind of virtue. I also ask Your Excellency to make good use of it." Grizzly Taixian said.
"I will." Lu Yuan put away these three virtues, and looked again at those monks who were taking medicated food by the wooden table.
Their education is very good, and it may be the reason to avoid the grizzly bear immortal power, even if they have not tasted anything other than dried fruit for a hundred years.
Suddenly eating such a delicious medicated diet, ordinary people must not be able to control themselves, but they still converge on their urge. The whole scene looks very well organized.
It seems that for thousands of years, the education of the Mo family has not been lost.
"Why ... no reiki?" At this moment, Lu Yuan found that the Mo family had no reiki floating on the grizzly bear immortal. It stands to reason that they have already eaten fried chicken and shed tears, so they are just bursting into clothes ... So The moving scene should have aura.
"Because they practiced the method of seeking Taoism and becoming immortals, in the ancient absurdity, they are half-immortals, and there is no aura between immortals and immortals." Grizzly Daxian explained.
"That ..."
"This time the 100-bird full-banquet cost me hundreds of auras. There are so many guests who can't control themselves, so Mr. Tree, I can only trouble you to find more guests for me in this world ... My little Shop, or I and my two children will not be able to persist for a long time. "Grizzly Daxian also seems to be a bear at the meeting.
But anyway ...
"Seniors, they will not disappoint seniors." Lu Yuan said.

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