Chapter 56: You can not disappoint them

"Isn't this the same as the biographies of our time?" The black cat sat on the desktop and swiped Lu Yuan's mobile phone screen with his tail.
When the fat man next to him was still looking aggressive, the black cat had completely figured out what the so-called comic was.
"Is there a villain book in ancient times?"
Kushiro is still curious about the living conditions of monks in ancient times.
If there is also a villain book at that time ... Xuanyang's real person will not hold the lady's picture to stabilize his Taoism.
"Book of villains? Biographies are ordinary maps, and there are also imaginary pictures in some exercises to help people cultivate. In this era, they are illustrations."
The black cat kept flipping through Lu Yuan's mobile phone interface while she was talking. She was watching a comic about a man turning into a dog.
插画 "Illustration ... Do you understand what a comic is now?" Lu Yuan snatched the phone from under the cat's tail and pushed it to the fat man beside him.
When the black cat was watching the comics just now, she could only look at it with a very hard work and secretly looked at it. Now she can finally look at it with a fair face.
"Just paint the content of the biography as a picture?" This fat is still very clever, she stared at the picture on the mobile phone for a while.
Although I was curious what the square box that the drawing on the surface would move, I focused on the picture itself.
As a demon bird with a painting approach, she is no stranger to this way of describing stories with painting.
It is just that there was no description of the comic system in ancient times, and the villain book was limited to a small area.
"Yes, if you draw this in the future, I have a way for you to earn a lot of vitality." Lu Yuan said.
"Her Keshu ... There is no story available in 啾 er's memory. The millennium has changed in this era. If you want to tell by painting, 啾 er does not know whether this narrative is acceptable."
Fei Fei seems to know modern text. She looked at the man-to-dog comic, and although there was a lot of modern content and incomprehension in it, instinct still thought the comic was quite interesting.
So she is very confident in her painting skills and speed of painting, but now she is empty ... in the literal sense of empty, she can't think of any interesting stories.
"It doesn't matter, I think about the story, you just need to be responsible for drawing."
As a modern college student, Kushiro is still very good at this.
"I think your master and Qinglian Jianzong's kid's love history can be used for drawing." The black cat came up with a whispering idea.
不可 "No! This is impossible! If the young master knew that I had to pluck my hair and stew the soup!"
肥 啾 heard the black cat's proposal and suddenly covered her ear feathers.
"Don't scare her. Although this idea seems feasible, I still asked the client before saying, now think of some other ideas."
Kushiro was also curious about how the little demon girl got along with the master of Qinglian Jianzong, but now is not the time to gossip.
那么 "So how do you collect resentment by painting?" The black cat changed the topic and asked Lu Yuan. "Do you want this bird demon to paint the characters in the painting?"
"Draw the characters in the painting to death ..."
Fei Fei was a little scared at hearing. She shuddered all over her body. Obviously, before she started painting, she began to worry about the fate of her characters.
让 "Let the popular characters in the comics die is really a way to collect readers' grievances, but I have a more useful and efficient way than this." Lu Yuan said.
"What is it?" The black cat seems to have no idea other than to let the popular characters in the story die, there is no way to make the reader grumble.
Kushiro's face under the mask showed a bright smile, and at the same time compared with a thumb, saying the two most terrifying words to the reader.
"Break more!"
"Break more?" The black cat carefully thought about the meaning of these two words, and then nodded in approval. "This is indeed ... more vicious than I thought."
"There is still a new pit opened after the break."
Lu Yuan combined his own experience of chasing comics, that is, he is not afraid of the author's messy hair blade, and he is afraid that the serializer will not be drawn halfway, and the worst thing is that the author tweets on Twitter and Twitter Travel materials for content.
Basically, a lot of lamented readers greeted the author's family madly under this tweet.
啾 "So babies!"
When Kushiro put her hands on the fat shoulder, her petite body shuddered again.
Kushiro looked at her wine-red pupil and said to her in a very serious tone ...
"For your young master, Lingquan and the living monks in the dragon veins! You will draw with your heart in the future! Create a masterpiece that is fascinating and lingering."
Hearing this paragraph, he nodded his head very seriously, his face ‘in order to save everyone, I must work hard to update and draw better works’ expression.
这 After that, Lu Yuan's tone became extremely painful, and he spoke the more critical part.
"Then pit!"
"Can 啾 儿 not be chased after doing this?" Although Fei Zhi didn't know the specific process of online serialization and comic creation serialization, but she was aroused by Lu Yuan's teachings.
"This is not true, although I am very sad, but it's all for your young master!" Lu Yuan Zhensheng said.
Kushiro thinks that anyone with a conscience will not teach others this way, but this fat man is more to save people! It's for justice!
Well, Lu Yuan can't go on.
"But the premise of all this is that this demon bird can create ... a sought-after work." The black cat continued to fight the fat passion.
"This starts with the type that the public is used to."
Kushiro said that from where Grizzly Daisen took his laptop, these electronic devices should indeed buy a batch.
Before that, Lu Yuan had to find a comic script to be drawn by this fat man.
First of all, the advantage of this painted corpse bird is that he can adjust his painting style at will, and the paintings drawn are full of spirituality.
Spiritual means that the characters in the pen just look at the face and shape. Many readers will like it at first glance.
At the same time, she draws very fast, and basically can complete a creation within five minutes.
The disadvantage is that she doesn't know anything about the comics and the story.
So Lu Yuan decided to let her start with Tiaoman. Tiaoman is currently the most common form of comics in China, and the requirements for splitting are relatively simple.
Kushiro has landed on one of the largest online comic creation websites in the country ... The name is also very simple and straightforwardly called `` Guo Chuang Comics ''.
"The overbearing grandfather fell in love with me, is this your favorite type nowadays?" The black cat was holding the first comic name on the computer screen in the Guochuang comic ranking, and I always felt that something was wrong.
"Although I don't want to admit it, this is indeed the hottest type, among the younger female groups."
Kushiro Yuan usually also looks at some male-frequency works in Guo Chuang's comics. Among them, there is a three-nation theme Lu Yuan that is very popular in the book "Beacon".
Ke This kind of hard-core story-based works with a very large amount of information does not sell well on this comic online.
Nowadays, the most popular online games on Guochuang Comics are some simple-running works. To put it plainly, they are relatively young.
"Why do you want her to draw something?" The black cat moved the mouse with its tail and looked at several related types.
看了 She looked around and thought that the cartoon of the person who turned into a dog just now was more interesting.
Kushiro knows that the subject matter he chooses must fit the market, and he must first get rid of this fat reputation.
The black cat clutched the mask on Lu Yuan's face and turned into a black-faced face. In desperation, the tail behind her suddenly stretched out, and then more than forty old books were thrown on the table.
"Keekeke ... what is this?" Lu Yuan was a little bit upset by the dust aroused from these books.
"Notes to Yuling, biographies written by your family members who have been in contact with monks and demon spirits for thousands of years. I have been sleeping for thousands of years and I used them to look at them. There is no record of the exercises, only the strange things in the land of China I don't know if it will come in handy. "
"Old ancestor's note? Then my father ..."
"Your father should have a copy, and your grandfather may also have it. After all, recording these contents is also one of the responsibilities of your family, but the latest generation of my collection is thrown into my demon spirit world 70 years ago. It will be gone after that. "
The black cat wiped one of the latest books and handed it to Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan immediately opened this book of the Royal Spirit. The typeface written in it was very beautiful and written by a person named Lu Zhiping. .
This ... should be the diary of Grandpa Lu Yuan?
Lu Keyuan didn't remember her much.
的 The cover and narrative of this note are similar to those of the Republic of China. This woman named Lu Zhiping was a popular singer in Greater Shanghai during her time.
But the account of her own life is limited to the beginning, and the later content is closer to the account book.
For example, ‘the tree spirit demon valley recorded by the ancestors should be recorded in the jade of the neighbor. Although I have not seen the tree demon, I can only buy a little grain fertilizer and use it as a meal. ’
Judging from the records of this notebook, almost all the money earned by this grandmother and grandmother Lu Yuan was used to assist the monster and fairy worlds she met.
I just didn't have the blessing of the innate imperial spirit body, and she couldn't enter the fairy realm. All she could do was put materials into the fairy realm she met.
The reason why she is willing to believe and persist is that those in the fairy world occasionally die to send thank-you letters to the fairy world to thank each other.
Some immortals also wanted to send some elixir to thank them, but without the help of the royal spirit, these elixir became residues in the immortal world.
This note is not long, but the final payment makes Lu Yuan look heavy.
"Sickness cannot be far away, but the immortals in the spiritual realm want to be born and save people, but they have died in the present world. Finally, they delivered ten pounds of food in threes and twos. Unfortunately, I do n’t know how many people in the world are in danger. , Also hope that the world is in danger to themselves. ’
Kushiro spent half an hour reading this note. The first half of the note can be viewed as a novel about anti-Japanese themes.
This grandmother Kushiro relied on helping the fairy and demon realms. Although she could not enter the fairy realm, she could only communicate with the people in her letters. She could do many good things during the Japanese invasion period.
The second half has a tendency to abuse.
The grandmother died of illness at the age of 40 due to overwork and exhaustion, and all the money was used for assistance, but she still died of the fairy and demon worlds that she had helped. .
"Why don't you give these notes to me earlier?" Lu Yuan closed the important document and asked the black cat.
因为 "Because I don't want you to continue your Lu family's life." The black cat said.
"My life?"
Kushiro thought of something and immediately looked at several other Yuling notes. One of the UU reading books was 300 years ago, and one was 500 years ago.
These ancestors were doing the same thing.
I found the location of the spirit realm, and took the supplies to support these spiritual worlds that could not be born, but in the end, most people were exhausted, and died prematurely.
He also has some notes even stained with blood, because there are also examples of being killed during the war.
There are many reasons for their running, some of them have spiritual roots, and they can rely on the aura overflowing from the fairy world to do simple cultivation.
Others are purely kind or ... the fate of the Lu family.
But none of these people have innate royal spirits.
They have spent their entire lives saving people in the spirit world, but have never seen what the people they save look like.
"Compared to my predecessors, my experience is good, right? At least I can see what you look like?" Lu Yuan closed a Tang Dynasty notebook and looked at the black cat and said.
"So your congenital imperial spirit is the good virtue accumulated by your Lu family's ancestors, and I know I can't help you." The black cat looked at the fate of the Lu family who should have guarded them and said, " So you can't live up to them. "
"This is of course."
Kushiro picked up the earliest books of Royal Spirits, which were recorded while Reiki was still in ancient times, and also the thickest of all the notebooks.
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