Chapter 71: Special projection method

The Blood God Shenzong Hall has been simply renovated a bit, and changed from the repressive and strange style of demon to the more normal Zongmen Hall style.
A group of disciples also sat in the middle of the hall waiting for the next command of the suzerain.
宗 The suzerain is waiting for Lu Yuan's next instructions.
Kushiro far started to pick out the games for the first experience of the Blood God Sect disciple in a wooden box storing a bunch of game equipment.
What makes Lu Yuan feel troublesome ... the display was broken during the previous rollover.
I also broke a Shenzhou notebook with it.
This made Lu Yuan cry so much that he was so distressed.
Fortunately, the other electronic equipment is okay, the display is broken, and Lu Yuan has a miniature projector.
So the question is coming, from which game should the disciples of Blood God start to experience?
Lu Yuan, who was in the midst of a decision, suddenly heard the sound of something rolling down.
The disciples and suzerainers of the Blood God Sect also heard this voice.
"Someone invaded?"
The disciples of the Blood-Blood God Sect went into a state of nervousness. If they could not carry weapons in the Zongmen Hall, they might have pulled out their swords.
Kushiro also saw what rolled down into the main hall of Zongmen, a girl in a pale green robe.
She really rolled all the way from the wall of the Blood God Sect's hall to the ground.
滚 After rolling to the ground, she covered her head with some pain and sat up, very desperate to find herself surrounded by a group of burly monsters!
"Assassin of the Shennong sect!"
"Catch her."
Kushiro heard the name of this martial art being a little concerned.
宗 This sect gate is one of the ‘Sect Gates’ that the black cat has repeatedly asked.
When Kushiro was ready to speak to the girl ...
The disciples of Xunxue Shenzong moved faster. At the signal of the suzerain, the girl who somehow rolled into the blood ancestral hall was and thrown in front of Lu Yuan and the suzerain.
What do you call this assassin?
Kushiro's eyes stared at the frightened girl through the mask, and Lu Yuan's eyes kept seeing the position of her chest from her face.
It is not that Lu Yuan is too vulgar or something, but that her mind is too magnificent, accompanied by the appearance of rapid breathing because of fear, which is an unmissable beauty for any man.
Kushiro wanted to step forward and ask the girl, ‘Where did you come from? ’
As a result, just a step away, the corners of her eyes were already filled with tears.
害怕 The expression of fear and anxiety is filled with ‘I ’m going to be killed! ’Fear, as long as she takes another step forward, the girl will cry in fear.
If you think about it, it's like a small sheep was suddenly thrown into the cage of a group of lions.
I am also a group of very hungry lions.
绵羊 This sheep is not dizzy now, it is already very good psychological quality.
Kushiro inspected her state of mind with Qinglian's peeping method.
‘A state of mind‘ grabbed by demons to be killed-20 ’jumped out.
Fortunately, she still has 50 snacks, and at least it has not been deducted to zero. If it is deducted to zero, it will really be scared to death.
He didn't wait for Lu Yuan to comfort her, but the Lord of the Blood Godzine behind him stopped Lu Yuan.
"Sir, you just need to do your part."
Wu Hongsha did not expect that the disciples of the Shennong sect would come to pick things now.
血 When Flesh and Blood's gaze glanced at her, Lu Yuan saw that her state of mind had dropped by five points and turned into forty-five.
The matter within the cents is the game for the disciples of the Blood God Sect.
If there is a game party in the hall, it should completely eliminate the fear of the Shennongzong girl.
Kushiro thought that he was looking for a wall that the projector could project on, but unfortunately didn't find it.
There are some cracks on the wall surface around the main hall of the Blood God Sect, and the wall surfaces without cracks have some strange reliefs.
This makes Lu Yuan regret not having brought over the projection cloth.
However, soon Lu Yuan saw a very smooth surface stele in the corner of the hall, which made Lu Yuan instantly have an idea.
The stone monument is three meters high and two meters wide, making it a perfect canvas for projectors.
"Master Zong, I wonder if the stele can be borrowed for use?" Lu Yuan asked aloud the silent red veil.
The moment when Lu Yuan made this request, the atmosphere inside the hall suddenly became very strange.
He is not only the disciples of the blood gods below, but even the flesh and blood staring at Lu Yuan's eyes is a little surprised.
"Sir tree, you said that the method that can eliminate the discourage of my disciples, is it possible to sacrifice the living person?" 羌 Hongsha asked out of curiosity.
"of course not."
Kushiro far did not understand how he borrowed a projection cloth to get the sacrifice.
"No? This stone is called the Blood Sacrifice God Stone, and it is one of the treasures of our sect."
羌 Hongsha said that Scarlet Silk appeared on the fingers of Flesh and Blood. These silk threads tore the stone stele and placed it in the center of the hall.
At the moment when the stone stele was erected, Lu Yuan felt the strong breath on the stone stele.
May not need 羌 Hongsha introduction, Lu Yuan can feel how many people's lives and blood have been consumed by this stele.
Kushiro's innate imperial spirit makes Lu Yuan's 'inspiration' superior to ordinary people.
So Lu Yuan could hear the endless mourning in the stele.
The soul of the man who was devoured by the stone tablet is still tortured inside.
"I had only captured captive foreign enemies, and disciples of Zongmen made an unforgivable mistake, so I will use this blood sacrifice stone to punish. There are tens of thousands of dead souls trapped inside the stone. They are tortured all the time. Want to include this little Shennong disciple as well? "
I certainly don't want to!
and also…
Who cares how many archaic fierce spirits have been sealed in this stele! I just use it as a projection cloth! Don't give yourself a show!
After listening to the introduction by Hong Hongsha, the young girl from Shennongzhang faintly had some signs of fainting.
"This object is called a projector, and it can project any image onto a plane." Lu Yuan quickly took out the projector and said, "I just use the stele as a plane canvas for the projector. There is still no need to think of the master. too much."
Kushiro far couldn't find the projection cloth to find this stele.
Only this stone stele can be used as a projection cloth in the hall of the Black Blood God Sect!
"Projection? Is it a method of imagination?" 羌 Master tried to understand the role of the fairy treasure in Lu Yuan's hands.
"It's ... I know after using it, I wonder if the lord can keep the stele standing?"
Kushiro felt that it was more straightforward to show them than to explain them in actuality.
But this mighty and invincible monk obviously could lift such a heavy stele with silk thread, but could not keep it standing?
"This stone monument must be sacrificed if it is to be erected, otherwise my blood can't support it for too long. After all, the blood sacrifice stone is too ancient and spiritual."
羌 Hongsha is not deliberately making things difficult, but she really can't support this stone monument for too long.
血 This blood sacrifice stone has existed longer than her. The stele itself has some self-awareness, and the legend even contains evil spirits from the ancient times.
"However, there is no need to worry about the Lord. The sacrifice can stick to the surface of the stele without being swallowed by it. In theory, it will not be affected. The question is who will be the sacrifice?" Out, no one responds.
Kushiro wanted to say if he could use an animal instead, but the black cat curled up in his hood covered his mouth with his tail.
"I guessed that would be the case."
The hand of Xi Hongzao waved, and the young girl from Shennongzong was immediately thrown under the stone monument.
In a moment, the blood-scarlet arm in the stone monument grabbed the girl's waist and shoulders.
The moment she was caught on the shoulder by the evil spirits in the steles, the shouts in her throat were too stiff to shout.
The evil spirit inside the stone stele wanted to drag it into the stone monument, but Lu Yuan flashed to the side of the stone monument next second, and patted the evil spirit's hand on the shoulder of the girl with his hand.
Suddenly, Lu Yuan's hand was shot back to the inside of the stele by Lu Yuan, and this was the effect of Brother Ningqing's talisman.
The young girl looked at Lu Yuan with help-seeing eyes. Lu Yuan lowered her voice and said something to her with a voice that only she could hear.
别 "Don't be afraid, I can't hurt you in them."
The girl drew her tears and nodded her head towards Lu Yuan.
But when the hand touched the girl's cheek, she had completely lost her consciousness and passed out.
This scene was also seen by the disciples of Zongmen of the Blood God Sect.
"That Lord Tree can control the ancient fierce spirit in the blood sacrifice stone?"
"What's his origin?"
"I don't know ~ ~ But it seems that Mr. Shu intends to try with the Shennong woman, is it possible to tame the ancient fierce spirit in the blood offering stone?
Taming a fart! I will use this broken stone as a projection cloth!
Kushiro was afraid to leave the Shennong girl too far, because an inattentive woman might be dragged into the stone by those hands.
At that time, his favorability with Shennongzong may be negative.
"Jin Yu." Lu Yuan whispered to his black cat in the hood.
"I see." The black cat stretched his tail impatiently, arranged the projector and game console, and turned on the game console at the same time.
The game console's boot screen is projected on this blood sacrifice stone soon.
"What is this picture?"
"Is the memory of the dead soul in the blood sacrifice stone?"
Limp, let's do whatever you want.
Kushiro chose directly a world-famous fighting game for testing.
"Master Zong, choose your two disciples for the experience, so I can deliver the thing on the handle to them." Lu Yuan asked holding the handle on his hand.
"Yinren! Go and experience the secret of Lord Shuji's elimination of the demon."
Wu Hongsha said to one of her most proud disciples.
的 The big disciple named Huan Ren came to Lu Yuan's face with a serious face, and looked at the handle on Lu Yuan's hand, but didn't speak out to his suzerain for a long time.
"It's difficult to give up my life! Lord Sovereign!" 羌 Ren glanced at the girl who passed out under the blood sacrifice stone.
似乎 He seems to think that as long as he takes over the handle on Lu Yuan's hand, the girl of the Shennong sect will be swallowed by the blood sacrifice stone!

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