Chapter 1011: Overall operational policy

China Expeditionary Force, combat meeting.
"After Britain passed through, during the 11 years of transition from a sea power country to a land power country, a total of 5 colonial areas were established.
The New World Colony, Britain's first colony.
But as Britain determined the transition from sea power to land power, this colony was also turned into a colony by the British.
Once the colonial area has matured, the British can transform the colonial area into a province and become a real province in the British Empire.
In the colonial area of ​​the New World, there are a large number of high-quality open-pit coal mines.
Since until now, the Britons have not found more or less oil on the mainland like our four countries, so the British people currently mainly adopt the steam industry technology.
As for the operation of modern industry, it is supplied by the small amount of oil produced in the North Sea Oilfield.
Zuo Manduo's steam technology tree also allowed Britain to build massive steam factories in the colonial New World.
However, today, a large number of cities in the colonial area of ​​the New World have been captured by the undead, and a large number of workshops have been occupied by the undead. Now it has become one of the base camps for the undead to produce weapons. "
Listening to the explanation by Guang Shixin, commander of the Expeditionary Force, the generals of China were contemptuous.
This is more fucking, the Britons are too bad.
But this is reasonable. The army that passed through Britain was only 100,000.
Even if the army has been continuously expanding for 11 years, the opponents they face are only the more developed Daedalus continental coalition forces.
Without external pressure, degeneration is inevitable.
This is the status quo of Britain, as well as the status quo of the other three earth countries.
After Guang Shixin finished talking about Britain's first colonial area, he continued.
"The south of Britain is the colonial zone of the New World, and the east of Britain is the eleventh colonial zone.
Because it faces the capital, the Eleventh Colonial District is the fastest-growing colonial district in Britain.
The Britons are not active in opening up wasteland, and the government is not as efficient as us.
So even in the most developed colonial area, there are not many modern cities in the entire colonial area.
But the capital of the colonial zone, New Normandy, is the most prosperous city on Daedalus. "
An Rui listened to the side and couldn't help but vomit: "No, what the is this new Normandy? Isn't Normandy owned by Francis? What is the fun of the British."
An Rui's complaint, the other generals also murmured.
Guang Shixin smiled: "Some of the ancestors of the family also started in Normandy. William the Conqueror fought the Hundred Years' War. The next door, Joan of Arc, also came out at that time."
This... cannot be refuted.
Guang Shixin continued: "In the south and north of the Eleventh Colonial District, the Colonial District of Columbus and the Colonial District of Victoria..."
Columbus is not a Briton either. Forget it, since they are robbing the patents in Britain, let them rob them. An Rui continues to listen.
"Although Columbus and Victoria did not develop as quickly as the Eleventh and the New World, these two colonial regions were indeed important grain-producing areas and important resource extraction areas for the British Empire.
Almost all the food of the British Empire now comes from these two colonies.
Vegetables, fruits, meat and poultry.
In addition to many coal mines in these two colonies, they also explored many other metals, including veins such as gold and silver.
This is why the British economy has also experienced problems in recent years.
A large amount of gold and silver flowed in, and Britannia did not develop the market as much as we did. As a result, the market became so large, and the currency devaluation gradually appeared.
As for the northeast of Britain, it is a colonial area called New England. It is not a special colonial area. Compared with the other four colonial areas, it is still relatively backward.
The above are the five colonies of the British.
In addition to the five colonies, Britain also has many colonial strongholds on Daedalus.
It radiated with the stronghold as the core and used force to force the surrounding countries to become Britain and become a vassal of the Queen of the British Empire.
If only the five colonies of Britain are counted, in the past 11 years, the British mainland has expanded two or three times the area.
If you count those vassals who surrendered to Britain, this territory would have been doubled. "
After Guang Shixin finished speaking, she stopped and let everyone digest the information just said.
He took a sip of tea and changed his breath a little.
After a while, Guang Shixin continued: "As we all know, the British mainland has expanded its army to 1 million in order to counterattack Daedalus.
However, Britain's poor financial situation can barely support so many armies.
Everyone knows why the army has been unable to cross the British Sea and go to Daedalus. Everyone knows that the undead has controlled the British Sea.
At first the Ministry of Magic thought it was Xiang Lin who said it, but Xiang Lin, who joined us, said that it had nothing to do with her.
Even if the British modern navy and the newly-built navy are relatively powerful compared to the natives of Daedalus, the power of magic, the wave height of 50 meters and 100 meters, still prevents the Britons from crossing the sea.
As a result, Britain is now left in the five colonies on the Daedalus continent, becoming isolated and helpless.
In the face of the invasion of the undead army, the people of the colonial area can only stand firm and clear the country. The free people rarely unite, take up arms, hide in the fortress, and fight back.
The only thing Britain can do now is aircraft support and artillery missile support.
However, in the two or three major British island colonies, the support from the British side is in vain. "
Britain is also miserable. The island and the colonial area directly let the undead separate the two sides.
In the face of the undead's surprise attack, Britain, which had not prepared much army, naturally retreated steadily.
Guang Shixin continued: "But now, the crisis in the British Sea has basically been resolved.
The reconciliation with the Daedalus coalition forces and the joining of the Daedalus brave allowed us to ignore the situation in the British Sea.
Xianglin, the gift of that girl is the ability to control the sea.
More than 1 million British Army, plus us, with the cooperation of the British Navy, can return to Daedalus and rescue the colonial residents who were besieged by the undead.
Once we recover the five colonies of Britain, we will also start a general counterattack against the undead who have lost the production capacity of the steam industry.
Of course, the main task of the counter-offensive is to hand over to the British and Daedalus coalition forces, and our main task is to take the Daedalus portal all the way east after the colonial zone is recovered, thus completely cutting off the undead on the mainland and the connection with the undead world. . "
China’s 100,000 expeditionary army came with enough supplies.
Capture the Daedalus portal, help Daedalus continent to restore the situation, and even fight back to the Tai Chi portal from the portal of the undead world.
This is the general plan formulated by Guang Shixin, and it is also the mission of the expeditionary force to assist Daedalus and stabilize the military of Daedalus.
Guang Shixin lightly tapped the remote control in his hand, and the map on the holographic screen changed accordingly and became the area of ​​the Eleventh Colonial District.
Guang Shixin continued: "The reason why District Eleven is the most prosperous colonial area in Britain is that the environment is excellent, the terrain is flat, and various resources are rich and average, except for oil.
The first step in our counterattack with Britain and the World of Magic Lamps was to land in District 11. "
Speaking of Guang Shixin, holding a laser pointer, drew a big circle on the capital of the 11th district, and then said: "The capital of the 11th district, New Normandy.
In the suburbs of New Normandy 13 kilometers away, there is a flat, open road.
And the first step in our joint operation is to land from here. "
Everyone was taken aback, this name...
Guang Shixin smiled: "Although we have not been to the European battlefield, but now, our expeditionary force, thanks to the blessing of Britain, can also conduct a new Normandy landing.
Of course, the opponents we face are just undead.
And we are also an integrated landing operation of land, sea, air and space. "
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