Chapter 1023: Sharpie's counterattack

It is a bit troublesome to fight directly from the front, from west to east, and penetrate the massive undead to reach the Daedalus portal.
However, after Xianglin joined, the battle plan of the China Expeditionary Force changed again.
As a mermaid princess, Xianglin has the ability to communicate with the ocean and marine life, even if it is a sea-based Leviathan, Xianglin can communicate with them calmly.
In the plan of the Expeditionary Army's combat staff and Xianglin, the Chinese expeditionary force of 100,000 people was directly withdrawn from the front line of immortality.
At the same time, Xianglin summoned a large number of large marine creatures, including a huge Leviathan.
The Expeditionary Army took the Magic Lamp Corps and directly boarded the Marine Corps.
Starting from the British Sea, bypassing the Daedalus continent from the north, directly arriving at the east coast of Daedalus, and landing at the nearest place to the Daedalus portal.
The undead never thought that humans and magic lamp elves, as well as the fishes and fishes of the shrimp soldiers and crabs in the sea, would come from the east coast.
In a surprise attack, the undead didn't even have time to transmit information, so they were wiped out by the expeditionary army.
The 100,000 Chinese Expeditionary Army, plus 50,000 Magic Lantern Legion, plus Xianglin’s tens of thousands of Marine Legion, directly pointed at the Darus Portal.
Within a few days, the coalition forces seized the portal.
Guang Shixin hurriedly arranged for troops to occupy key intersections and commanding heights nearby, and set up a defense line. After recollecting the undead, they will also launch a counterattack.
Judging from the information obtained from the interrogation of the captured undead, Yu Fei's pet fox and friend, the other party's commander is indeed the Daedalus demon, half-orc, Shar Pei kobold, and Shar Pei who were killed by the British at the beginning.
The magic lantern legion and the ocean legion began to spread around the Daedalus portal to destroy the undead nearby.
Tang Ke took half of the expeditionary army into the world of the undead on the other side of Daedalus, and established an immortal base in order to clean up the Daedalus continent after the raging undead, the British came to take over.
Two days later, the Huaxia Expeditionary Army suffered the first wave of counterattacks from the undead.
Massive undead, used from all directions.
Wave after wave of Kuroshio, is even more advancing.
However, China's defense line is not the British defense line. There are military satellites above the dome, and there are drones in the sky. More importantly, the drones are equipped with undead radar.
It is absolutely impossible for these undead to attack Chinese people like a sneak attack on Britain.
Once discovered by the expeditionary force, the long-range firepower immediately greeted him.
Demon bombs, cloud explosive bombs, incendiary bombs, including small tactical nuclear bombs, hardly allowed large-scale undead to touch the position of the expeditionary force.
After the first wave of counterattacks, Sharpei paused. This Chinese man seemed to be better than the Britons. Is this the Chinese man who was once beaten by the British?
Or, because everyone has crossed the road, and not much contact, the Britons started to brag?
Anyway, a native of another world like them is unable to verify what the Britons say is true or false.
Sharpi, who hesitated again and again, chose to attack the expeditionary forces of the Huaxia, Magic Lamp and Ocean tribes, and launched a counterattack again.
The second wave of counterattack was the same as the first wave of counterattack. Without seeing people anywhere, it was hit by a long-range attack by the Chinese, and hundreds of thousands of undead were wiped out.
After Sharpie got the news of his defeat, there was a black line.
I was deceived by those bragging Britons, and the Chinese were obviously terribly strong.
If the opponent is a British, Sharpie is confident that he can do something.
But now he is changed to Huaxia, even if the undead under his command are hidden well, they will still be discovered by Huaxia.
Now the Daedalus portal is controlled by the Chinese, cutting off his connection with the undead world.
If you can't get through the portal, Sharpei won't be able to get support.
Sharpie is quite clear about this.
At the same time, he also knew that since the Chinese were the same as the Britons, their weapons needed ammunition.
I was cut off by the Huaxia people for "supply", so why don't you use the undead to exhaust the Huaxia people's "supply"?
Although it just didn't win the Huaxia people head-on, Sharpei could consume it. Anyway, it depends on who will die first.
Tens of millions of undead scattered throughout Daedalus began to receive news from Sharpi and the undead lords, and successively abandoned the city of creatures originally planned to be attacked, and began to gather in the direction of the Daedalus portal.
In the fourth wave of more than 600,000 undead counterattacks, because a zombie stepped on a nuclear mine, all staff were reimbursed on the spot.
The fifth wave of more than 800,000 undead counterattacks was directly eaten by careful tactical nuclear bombs dropped from the sky.
The sixth wave of more than 100,000 ghost army counterattacks, and the magic bomb was destroyed in an instant.
The seventh wave of counterattack by more than 1 million undead formed a wave of Kuroshio, which was also relaxed by the Chinese people.
Eighth wave...
Ninth wave...
After a counterattack that lasted for half a month, there were fewer and fewer undead available in Sharpei's hands.
The Huaxia Expeditionary Army seemed like a black hole, and the Huaxia people would take as much as they went.
Originally intending to consume the supply ammunition of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force with a massive amount of undead, but found that the supply ammunition of the Huaxia people seemed to be unlimited.
Shapi didn't know that when the Chinese Expeditionary Army came, it brought enough ammunition to supply ammunition from the Undead World to penetrate the road between the Daedalus Portal and the Taiji Portal after quelling the Daedalus continent.
It’s just that now that I have Xianglin and return to China, Guang Shixin, Tang Ke and Li Na are planning to ask Xianglin for help and go directly by sea and land.
So there is no need to penetrate the world of the undead, so many ammunition supplies will naturally be enough for the undead of Sharpei to drink a pot.
And during the battle, Sharpie discovered something that made him feel uneasy. In addition to a strong army from China, there were also many strong men active on the battlefield.
Aghanim brave, Aghanim devil, Red Moon goddess, Daedalus brave, and an Ecstasy from the world of the undead.
Every one of these guys is an existence that can rival him.
Sharpie even wondered if the world was targeting himself.
There was no way, Sharpei had to continue to spread the undead in his hands, hoping to exhaust the ammunition supplies of the Chinese.
However, this counterattack by Sharpie hadn't been released in the future, and bad news came back one by one.
The Huaxia people actually started to counterattack, and those undead lords were wiped out by the Huaxia people one by one.
And those undead legions that came back from all directions and were ready to participate in the attack on the Daedalus portal, because they gathered together, they also easily became the targets of the Chinese attack.
In just a few days, according to Sharpe's estimation, the available undead in his hand had dropped to less than 4 million.
Coupled with the decrease in the number of undead on the front line, the British army in the west is also advancing towards him.
If things go on in the long run, then China and Britain will form a double-team, completely eating him.
Fortunately, Sapigo was very good, he never acted with the undead army, so even if the Chinese attacked those undead, it was impossible to find him.
Sharpi had already made plans to start the back road, and escaped before China and Britain met.
Looking at the undead lords next to him, Sharpie said: "The situation is not good now, Huaxia people are far more powerful than we thought.
Everyone, now we have to get out of here.
Let the Legion of Undead delay them, we jumped out of the Chinese and the British.
Then look for opportunities, return to the world of the undead, and find another way. "
The remaining undead lords nodded, feeling that the Daedalus Demon King made a lot of sense, and they all agreed to move in.
It's just that Sharpi and the remaining undead lords have not had time to leave in the future, and a powerful breath flew over from a distance.
Looking up at the sky, a missile launched by the China Expeditionary Force flew overhead.
The missile mounted on the missile was An Rui and other people.
One by one, holding missiles like monkeys, probably only guys with the physical strength of them can do such inhuman things.
An Rui looked at the map on the AR tactical glasses and said: "Here! This is the place where the undead lord interrogated! Everyone jumps the rocket!"
An Rui, Diofie, Youfei, Xianglin, and Hupengoyou immediately released their hands and rushed directly from the missile.
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