Chapter 1241: Judge all

The West Front Command of the Allied Forces of Life.
"Commander! There are a lot of meteor showers in the sky!"
"Report! The commander-in-chief of the coalition has sent news from words and deeds that the situation has changed and new enemies have joined.
The of death and the of destruction have reached an alliance, and our army has reached an alliance with the goddess of the moon and the writing officer.
The meteorite in the sky was caused by the battle between the goddess of death and the goddess of the moon. "
The 5 kilometer moon can be seen clearly even in the ring-shaped position command tens of kilometers away.
Although the moon is not big, he has seen Mingyue explode with his own eyes.
The only place that Yueyue has affected is the western part of the circular defense line about 60 kilometers away from Huaxia's ambush.
Rurik ordered: "The air defense forces pay attention to assist in the defense of the western position!"
On the side of the undead headquarters that was besieging the ring position, Tudor was also surprised that the goddess of Mingyue had rebelled.
The most important thing is that the of death and the of destruction have reached an alliance.
But the writing officer and Mingyue have reached an alliance with the earthlings.
The black mist in Tudor's body was constantly drifting towards the outside.
There are 4 dominating gods, and the massive moonfall caused by the explosion of the moon in the sky will definitely affect his attack on the Lucias from the right wing.
The battle of the gods has been opened, and the changes between the enemy and the enemy between the various camps have not stopped before the various camps of the gods are completely determined.
The positions on the west side of the circular defense line were originally aimed at them resisting the invasion of the undead, but they had to raise their hearts, and the moon fell in the sky.
"Shoo, hoo, hoo..."
The low-altitude missiles and anti-aircraft shells in the rear also shot towards the moon in the sky. AI calculated the trajectory of the moon. As long as the moon could attack the position, it was the AI's target.
The positions on the western front dared not allow these months to fall. Many magic shields on the positions were lost because of the magical impact on the ambush battlefield on the Huaxia side.
As the shells shot into the sky, I saw those moonlights burning with white flames, "rumbling", exploding in the sky.
Although the big Yueyue was gone, the small pieces of rubble still carried a faint white flame, and fell down.
The commanders of the positions hurriedly ordered: "Hide behind the bunker!
Enter the bunker, enter the bunker!
Into the trenches into the trenches!
Take care to avoid the gravel in the sky! "
The broken moon fell into the sky densely with white flames, much larger like a pear, and smaller like a ping-pong.
However, no matter how large or small it is, as long as it is hit, it is either dead or injured.
"call out!"
"call out!"
"call out!"
The moon meteor debris in the sky fell one after another and smashed into the battlefield.
The soldiers hiding in the slime bunker only heard the "knocking" stone impact. The debris left black marks on the bunker and burning white flames, and then bounced to the ground.
Looking from a distance, the open battle area in front of him was dotted with moon meteor debris and a patch of stars was removed.
The soldiers hiding in the trenches were also tightly clinging to the reverse wall, for fear that the debris would fall on themselves.
Of course, there were also debris hitting the strong behind and bounced over.
The soldiers were fully absorbed, ready to dodge the lunar meteor fragments that came in at any time.
In the trench, the debris burned with white flames, decorating the entire aisle.
Those soldiers who had no time to hide in the bunkers, trenches and bunkers rushed into the armored vehicles.
Debris can't penetrate the armored vehicle's protection, just listen to the crashing sound of the armored vehicle roof, just like a huge hail on the battlefield.
It's just the white flame remaining on the windshield that was hit by the "hail", telling them that this is not hail.
As for the unlucky soldiers who failed to hide in the safe place in time, the debris easily penetrated their bodies.
The faint white flames burst into flames on them.
A hole pierced by debris is full of white flames.
In addition to burning the body to a scorched foul smell, as well as the soul was also burned to the utmost pain.
The comrades and medical soldiers nearby hurriedly rescued, dragging the soldiers who had been recruited to the end from the exposed area.
Similarly, the undead who attacked on the Western Front were not so comfortable.
The air defense of the Lucias only solved Yueyue, which threatened their own position, and did not solve Yueyue in other places.
At this time, the large and large moon meteors, like a cannonball, ignited white flames, and fell from the sky, directly covering the undead attacking the Western Front.
"Rumble rumbling..."
The whole earth trembled again, the group of undead who had just breached the Lucian nuclear radiation blockade.
They just rushed out of Lucia's firepower coverage.
The time of good luck did not come, and the impact caused by Mingyue and the of death directly caused this group of undead to fall into the firepower again.
Yueyue's attack range and power are no less than the firepower coverage of the Lucias on the Western Front.
The huge moon meteor impacted, and with a "bang", it knocked out a ball of white fireball on the ground.
The nearby undead were either blown up or blown to pieces.
The dark tide formed by the undead has become a living target.
The moon meteor lasted for 6 minutes, and the 5 kilometers of the moon fragments all ended.
"The fall is over!"
The commander's command came from the position, and the soldiers jumped out of the safe place and returned to their posts.
The self and the undead just now seemed to be covered by fire at the same time.
The soldiers who returned to the position again looked at the undead in front of them. Good fellow, after a round of moonlight attacks, the entire attacking position was out of the dead.
The commander of the position even prayed: "God, Yueyue really helped us a lot, and directly wiped out seven out of ten enemies.
Brothers, destroy the remaining undead, we won this battle!
The rest, rescue the wounded! "
In the blink of an eye, the undead were wiped out by the moon, and the morale of the Lucias on the Western Front rose suddenly.
Tudor was also very upset at this time, but there was no way, this was caused by an accident by Lord Grim Reaper.
The offensive on the western front almost collapsed, unless the massive undead brought by the of destruction followed up, otherwise the offensive on the western front was over.
It is almost impossible to use a large number of undead from three directions from the north, east and south to Kendong Lucian ring fortifications.
Losing one side of offensive pressure means that the Lucias can turn the support originally provided by the rear to the west to the other three directions.
The conventional undead troops can't eat the Lucia ring fortifications. What Tudor can do now is to drag the Lucia ring fortifications first.
When the victory or defeat was decided between the group of gods on the west battlefield, this war naturally had an eyebrow.
On the battlefield to the west, Zhengkui Daojue met Zero, and Mercurie met Kuru, which liberated the Yama base and the Magic Association.
The fighting power of these two Huaxia aspects does not have to face the dominating gods.
Of course, the enemies faced by the CPA have not decreased. Except for the original Weil, the 12 gods brought by the Destroyer will not attack the death side because of the alliance. They all turned their heads and dealt with them. This is the side of the creatures.
And this result is exactly what the words and deeds want.
The Magic Association also has 5 experience packs, plus these 12, it is estimated that An Rui can rise to several levels.
Words and deeds quickly made a battle plan: "Pangu, you guys solve Vail."
Qi Ye responded, "Pangu received it."
Words and deeds issued orders to the Magic Association: "Magic Association, you and Yan Luo cooperate to arrest 12 gods.
In addition, the Class A war criminals in the Association will be tried immediately, and everything will be kept simple! "
Tarak also replied: "No problem."
Immediately after his words and deeds, he gave instructions to An Rui: "An Rui, cooperate with the Magic Association to execute the trial.
At the end of the trial, immediately jump into the battle and arrest all the other gods for trial! "
Words and deeds do not intend to continue to procrastinate. If it is prolonged for a long time and something abnormal happens, it will be troublesome.
At the Magic Association, the trial of 5 Class A war criminals was immediately started. Everything was simplified. After reading the crimes and verdicts, and recording the impact, the 5 Class A war criminals were handed over to An Rui for execution.
"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"
With 5 gunshots, An Rui's level went directly from Lv122 to Lv124.
And Diofe's level has also gone from Lv119 to Lv121.
An Rui was holding handcuffs in one hand and a baton in the other, spraying rough air in his nose, and jumping out of the Magic Association with a flying backpack on his back.
Red eyes searched for the figures of the gods brought by the of destruction: "Where is the experience pack? Where is the experience pack?!"! (゚Д゚三゚Д゚)8
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