Chapter 1397: Fire channel

At this time, Gaia is just like when Moses led the Hebrews through the Red Sea in Exodus, he divided the sea in half as a sea wall, allowing the Hebrews to pass through the middle.
Following Gaia's order, the angels quickly started their engines and began to fly into the passage cast by the body of the insect of time.
"Start the propeller!!"
"Turn on the deformation system!"
"Start Flying Wing!"
The warships of the kingdom of heaven were originally surface ships sailing on the sea of ​​clouds, but after the contact between the empire of Skadi and the kingdom of heaven, the military assistance of the kingdom of celestia caused the military power of the kingdom of heaven to begin to speed up. Develop.
According to Gaia's request, the relevant factory of Scarti will install the Lockheed AC-130 aerial gunboat, also known as the "Death Angel", with a single Allison T56-A-15 turboprop engine with a thrust of 4910 horsepower. It was disassembled.
In response to the requirements of the angels of the heavenly kingdom, it was modified to form a new warship propeller engine.
And now the modified warships of the Kingdom of Heaven have a propeller engine installed on the left and right sides of the ship.
In the middle of the ship's side, there is an alloy mechanical compartment, and even the engine is installed.
When the warship is sailing normally on the Sea of ​​Clouds, this cabin is closed.
Once the warship is ready to start the propeller, accelerate at sea, or whatever, it can start the deformation system, open the cabin, and release the propeller inside.
The propeller was flipped out like a missile mounted in the "F35" built-in compartment.
Although not as big as the original version on the AC130, two small engines are enough.
As the operator increased his strength, the propeller slowly began to rotate, and the speed also became faster and faster.
Vaguely, began to make a "buzzing" whirling sound.
At the same time, the commanders of each battleship shouted: "Release the somersault cloud!"
The density of somersault clouds is very low, and the buoyancy is very strong. After Skadi’s research, it is found that as long as enough somersault clouds are added to the battleship, the battleship can fly.
It's just a pity that the clustered somersault cloud cannot be used on a large scale in places other than the sky world.
As a result, the strategic weapon of "Cloud Fortress" in Area 51 has been only in an experimental state.
I have to say that the plan provided by the engineers of Scary is good, and even Mickey secretly helped the kingdom of heaven to build a lot of modified docks in order to strengthen the strength of the kingdom of heaven.
After the order to release the somersault cloud was issued, the round vents on the upper waterline of the ship's gunwale "chichichichi", expelling the somersault cloud from the original cabin.
Soon, somersault clouds formed a circle of clouds around the battleship, enveloping the bottom of the battleship.
Like a hot air balloon, the battleship slowly escaped from the sea of ​​clouds.
The sea clouds under the bottom of the ship are like marshmallows that have been torn apart, falling into the sea of ​​clouds below.
The endurance of these modified sky battleships of the Kingdom of God is not high, and the duration of sailing is only about 1 hour.
With two propeller engines, one hour is enough to consume a quarter of the fuel in the fuel tank of a battleship.
Therefore, in non-special circumstances, warships choose to sail normally on the sea of ​​clouds in order to save fuel.
"Increase the power!"
As the propeller turned frantically, the sky battleship group also began to rush into the passage of the insect of time.
The densely packed battleships, this is Gaia assembled a very elite force of the heavenly kingdom.
Gaia took Maria by the hand and stood at the bow of the ship, watching the warships rushing into the passage nearby, and appealing to Maria: "The power of the God of Creation of Shandora will definitely belong to you, Master Mother."
After all, Gaia and Maria's battleship also followed the fleet into the passage created by the Worm of Time.
Marita's eyes were wrapped in black gauze. She stared at the front, releasing her divine power, sensing this dangerous passage.
Gaia used the passage created by the insect of time, one of the twelve apostles, for only 30 minutes.
Look at this passage like a wormhole. There are tumbling clouds everywhere, arcs rushing around, and passages with strong resistance turbulence everywhere.
Maria was somewhat worried, whether she and others could cross the passage and reach Shandora within 30 minutes.
Gaia squeezed Maria's hand tightly, and calmed down: "My lord, don't worry, I can also sacrifice an apostle to consolidate this passage, but the effect is not as powerful as a bug."
Although Gaia's voice was very small, the apostles who followed to Shandora could still hear it.
But even after hearing it, the apostles did not dare to have any opinions.
Everything is given to them by the Supreme, whether it is their power or their lives.
If the Supreme wants them to sacrifice themselves, then they must also be enlightened.
They are absolutely unable to do things like the Worm of Time that they are afraid of because they sacrifice their lives for the supreme power to gain the supreme power.
Although his body was trembling slightly for unknown reasons, he still muttered softly in his mouth, despising the escaping behavior of the insects of time.
After that, I didn't forget to take a peek at each other carefully, what the other apostles were doing.
Maria was also a little calmer, she just used her son Gaia, as for the lives of others, it has nothing to do with her.
As long as she can get the power of the creation god, it doesn't matter how much sacrifice, Maria feels it is worth it.
The deeper you go into the passage, the more dangerous it becomes.
I saw that the black channel wall suddenly turned white, and an electric current directly turned into lightning, like a spirit snake, jumping out of the chain.
He opened his mouth, let out a thunder, and bit towards the boat where Gaia and Maria were.
An apostle on the ship suddenly transformed, and a huge semi-virtual figure appeared directly on the deck.
Between the electric light and flint, the thick arm caught the lightning that struck.
His muscles, gray beard and hair, like the king of the gods, Zeus, used the lightning in his hand as a whip.
I slammed it out suddenly, and the electric current in the 4 kilometers-diameter channel suddenly resembled a monkey eating a whip, with a scream, and then screamed away.
But the warships a little farther away from Gaia and Maria are not so lucky.
Turbulence doesn't have apostles as the main players, and even ordinary gods have a bit of power to deal with, let alone ordinary angels.
Even a halo angel with a halo on his head, a flash of lightning, is also dead.
A battleship on the side was directly hit by a flash of lightning, and the blue flames burned on the battleship.
The angels on the deck were either electrocuted or burned to death.
With the spread of or, swallowing the deck, masts, and sails, orange flames also strung up.
Of course, this is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that the fuel tanks of these warships occupy a quarter of the position.
The fire quickly spread to the fuel tank, and there was a loud noise, and the entire battleship exploded directly.
Wooden warships are not protective at all.
The wooden shards produced by the battleship's explosion, carrying fuel and flames, sputtered towards the surroundings.
The fragments exploded, and suddenly sparks on the deck.
If it is splashed on the canvas, the whole canvas will burn with a "boom".
The spread of the fire cannot be curbed at all.
Because the diameter of the passage is only 4 kilometers, the battleships are still very densely packed, causing a battleship to explode, and nearby battleships will be affected.
Throughout the passage, there were "popping" sounds everywhere.
The battleship crashed into a ball, and exploded into a ball.
Throughout the passage, there were "babble" sounds everywhere.
Jumped off the ship, burned to death.
Even if he jumped off the deck, the sea of ​​clouds below was the sea of ​​clouds above the sinister Shandora, and there was absolutely no possibility of survival.
The entire passage of the Worm of Time has faintly turned into a burning passage.
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