Chapter 1413: Elemental World Invasion

Starting point city, the headquarters of the Time and Space Administration.
The Spring Festival is approaching, but the world did not give him a free day. Looking at the report in his hand, Xue Yang looked at Li Na and joked: "The world of elements invaded the world of the undead.
Well, the third impact did not hit the ground world, but directly hit the elemental world and the undead world.
The vengeance of life and death between the undead world and the elemental world, I think, can only rely on us to mediate.
These guys in the horizon world will exhaust me sooner or later. "
The corner of Li Na's mouth twitched slightly: "Xue Ju, what are you saying unlucky, you are only 62 years old this year, just when you were strong."
Xue Yang glanced down, took a look at the hair on the table, stretched out his hand, twisted it gently, and said, "Look, the hair dye has faded.
Oops, none of the guys in the horizon world can worry about it. "
This is the fact that since Huaxia and the 4 earth countries crossed to the flat world, she originally thought that she had changed the environment, only to find out.
Even in a place with a low level of civilization like the flat world, each of them is not much worse than the people on earth.
All kinds of intrigue, all kinds of intrigue.
The most important thing is that there are those high-ranking powerful people who are not beaten by a steel rod and enjoy a set of socialist ideological baptisms. They simply cannot integrate into the society normally and live like ordinary people.
And in this world, those supernatural powers that claim to be gods.
IQ may not be high, but EQ is even worse.
Those gods don't seem to be so sophisticated and socially experienced.
Relying on the strength in his own hands, he began to act nonsense on the basis of his own temperament.
There are also four countries on the earth, even if they cross the flat world, they may not be in one mind with China.
Li Na went on a mission in secret and sighed.
Xue Yang looked at the holographic report in front of him, and then said: "Li Na, the third impact is a bit troublesome.
A crack between the elemental world and the undead world appeared in the southeast direction of the Chinese Yongling.
The gods of the elemental world have caused a lot of damage in the south and south of the Chinese Empire.
Fortunately, the first impact opened the cracks with the underground world, and the second impact opened the cracks with the underwater world. We have established a good relationship with the gods in several aspects, which avoids the ground world and these few. The battle of the gods broke out in this world.
It is precisely because of this that the power in our hands can be liberated.
The General Army has arranged the Yan Luo Strategic Support Base and the Pangu Strategic Base urgently from the ground world to the undead world, and has since become a firefighter.
The military also mobilized troops stationed in the Chinese Yongling to go to the south to provide support and strengthen the defense force of Tai Chi City.
Ming Qin and Luo Sha also asked us about the situation, hoping to join us in the battle. "
Hearing Ming Qin and Raksha, Li Na couldn't help but vomit: "Although those guys have used the same equipment of the Carinthia Army, their level of training is simply unable to participate in the battle against the gods."
Xue Yang stretched out his hand and pressed it down, and said: "This is natural, they can be regarded as the meaning of etiquette.
To take a stand means to stand on the same front as us.
Even if they wanted to, I would not agree.
They are just giving away their heads. "
Although the Carinthia Army’s equipment was replaced with Cold War weapons and equipment, it was also quite difficult for the Carinthia Army to master a Cold War equipment with a sufficiently high technical content.
The missiles, aircraft, and tanks of the Cold War era were simply uncontrollable without a few years of training and the operators without any cultural knowledge.
As a result, the most slippery thing the Carinthia Army is playing now is the various light weapons shot by China.
As for the two armies equipped with Huaxi, Rakshasa and Mingqin, they can play with light weapons and can barely use modern weapons and tactics.
Heavy weapons or something, equip one regiment, one battalion, just charge the facade.
It is almost impossible for Mingqin and Rakshasa without missiles and nuclear bombs to deal with the gods.
Li Na nodded slightly when she heard the words. It was not that she despised Mingqin and Rakshasa, but that these two countries simply did not reach the level or qualifications for participating in the battle with the gods.
Take a look at the afterglow empire who is qualified to fight the gods next to him. It was differently beaten, and he ran to the north of Tai Chi City and became a "satellite city".
Xue Yang continued: "The threat to the elemental world is not particularly great.
In the world of the undead, we united four other countries to establish the highest meeting of the world of the undead.
Of those gods in the undead world, two died before and after the five rulers, and one was changed.
Under the introduction of An Rui, Zheng Kui Daojue, and Mo Qiuli, they all joined the Supreme Council of the Undead World.
The current "God Realm" in the undead world can be said that the unity has been completed.
Therefore, we have submitted a report on the third impact to the Supreme Council of the Undead World, and the Supreme Council has also approved a joint action.
This time, we are not only the troops of the five countries, but also a large number of gods.
Of course, what I am most worried about is how many cracks in the elemental world are there.
A total of 5 cracks were opened in the link between the ground world and the underground world.
The link between the ground world and the underwater world, we have found 6 cracks at present.
The crack in the elemental world leading to the world of the undead, at present, only one crack in the south of the Chinese genus has been discovered.
If the world of undead is the mainstay, then the elemental world should open 4 cracks in the 4 continents of rebirth, fall, reincarnation, and resentment.
If it is based on the elemental world, since we don't have enough information, it is not sure how many cracks will appear.
We just controlled this crack in the south, not enough.
They are feuding with the undead, and they will come from other directions. "
Li Na nodded and agreed: "Xue Ju, but don't worry, judging from the hostile attitude of the elemental world to the undead world, their appearance will surely bring a lot of disasters.
And we just need to sit here, just like the crack in the south of the Chinese family.
The gods of the elemental world appear, and the undead who are disturbed over there will surely pass the news.
And we can also locate the cracks in the elemental world based on the news of the appearance of these gods. "
Xue Yang groaned: "Yes, besides that, the ‘gods’ of the Supreme Council of Anrui can also perceive the existence of a crack.
An Rui Na boy, has rushed to the location of the crack in the elemental world in the south of the Chinese eternal leadership. "
At this time, an emergency holographic screen suddenly popped out of the room.
The screen was flashing red, flashing one after another, with the word "urgent" written on it.
Li Na frowned involuntarily looking at the emergency report that appeared suddenly.
Xue Yang said calmly as always: "Come in."
The red picture was turned into a staff member in charge of intelligence work at the Time and Space Administration.
"Director, emergency!
Received an important message on the app!
Located in the town of Rotting Hands northwest of the Burial Wasteland, the gods of the elemental world have appeared!
Those guys are rushing towards us! "
Xue Yang was startled. The elemental world came from the north, so there might be a crack leading to the elemental world on the side where the wasteland was buried.
Li Na asked: "Who sent this piece of information?"
The staff member replied: "A teacher who went to teach in Rotten Hand, if you say, it should have been killed."
After listening to Li Na, her face turned dark.
Xue Yang nodded to the screen and said, "Okay, I see."
After all, the holographic screen was turned off.
Xue Yang turned on another screen casually, took a glance, and then said: "Our contact with the rotten hand has been interrupted here.
For the gods of the elemental world, I think that group of guys should wipe out the entire town. "
The two sides are feuds, and it is normal for the prefect to dig someone's old grave.
Xue Yang breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, the intelligence came in time, and the troops in Taiji City should be able to handle it.
In addition, Li Na, you have just completed the secret mission, and the affairs of the Undead World and the Elemental World are left to you to handle. "
"Okay, I will return immediately."
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