Chapter 1421: Elemental World Crack

China is always in the south, and the elemental world is cracked.
After a friendly and pleasant meeting with the staff of the Time and Space Administration, Tetra and several gods were also released.
In the big camp in front of the cracks in the elemental world below, the gods and believers of the gods from all over the elemental world gathered.
Of course, there are also those elemental lords with brains like kings, emperors, grand dukes, and governors on the ground.
They are either inspired by faith, or bewitched by the protection gods, or greedily peeping at the wealth of the undead world.
Perhaps the aboriginals of other worlds will think that the desolate world of the undead is not suitable for farming and living. The exploitation of resources and the benefits produced are completely disproportionate.
Apart from the strong breath of death, there is no excess wealth.
But the element world disagrees.
As a life form composed of elements, the minerals buried in the world of the undead, as well as some magic-related resources, are precious treasures for people in the world of elements.
If iron ore veins are found, then earth elements, such as rock giants, earth elements, quagmire monsters, etc., can use the elements in iron ore to strengthen themselves.
Incorporate iron into one's own body, turning into iron stone, iron mud monster, etc.
Gold, silver, copper, etc., can increase the strength of these elements accordingly
If black finely divided minerals are discovered, the wind element can even these black minerals into the body, and a small fire spell can ignite itself and turn it into a powerful fire tornado.
Of course, if it is a magic crystal, the elements are even more happy.
They can directly absorb the purest energy in the magic crystal, thereby greatly enhancing their strength.
If ordinary minerals are external, they are armors attached to their bodies, potions for augmenting themselves, or magic weapons.
Then the magic crystal is purely exercising one's body.
Therefore, as the elements of the feud with the undead, it is natural to see that while destroying the undead world, a large number of resources are plundered from this world for their own use.
The elements looked at the several powerful gods flying in the sky, one of them was Tetra, the eldest son of Ralph of the Law of Thunder, and the elements below were in awe.
The elements of blockbuster films pay tribute to these gods with the highest specifications.
They are just mortals in the elemental world.
In the eyes of the gods, there are ants below the transcendent.
Although there are several elemental world gods in the elemental world crack, compared with the eldest son of Tetra, one of the five laws, the status is completely insufficient.
Similarly, they cast greetings to Tetra.
However, looking at the elements below the crack, the expressions of the released gods such as Tetra were not very beautiful.
Perhaps these elements and the element gods are still full of spirits, trying to smooth the entire world of undead civil strife.
But they, whose intelligence is lagging behind, don't even know what kind of existence the opponent they will face.
These guys, like leeks, rushed into the stock market hall with enthusiasm.
Then when he reached the highest point, he fell off the cliff and died without a place to bury him.
Being a guest at the Time and Space Administration, Tetra and others realized that the situation in the Undead World is far from being able to intervene in the Elemental World.
Although the battle of the gods in the world of the undead broke out under the ambition of the former "death" Kuru.
But soon, with the intervention of the five nations of the earth, several years of war directly caused this newborn to simply die.
And his power is controlled by China Xia, the five nations of the earth.
The five rulers of the undead world also lost two in this battle of the gods.
The battle of the gods in the undead world should have lasted for decades and hundreds of years.
It was even more easily smoothed out by these 5 earth countries from another earth with a powerful ability to kill gods.
The establishment of the Supreme Council of the Undead World allowed the war of the gods in the Undead World to break out completely in the future, and this sign was extinguished by the earthlings and the current three masters.
This is just the state of the undead world.
According to the understanding of Tetra and others, the five countries of the earth have also integrated their forces on the ground world continent.
Not only established the Continental Conference, but also established the Supreme Conference.
Although the gods in the Supreme Council of the 5 continents are still in the stage of integration, or the cooperation of China, France, Britain, and Lucia, or the conquest like Scary.
In the eyes of the Tetras, the gods of the continental system will eventually be unified by these powerful nations from another world.
There is no doubt that this group of guys have such strength.
From the Time and Space Administration, I saw the Crack of Varua, the two Huaxia Synthetic Battalions, after easily defeating Kongruo, the from the underground world.
Tetra and others have a deeper understanding of the strength of the people on earth.
Those guys are just ordinary people. Under the transcendent, almost everyone is inferior to those strong men who practice fighting spirit and magic in the terrestrial world.
But the weapons in their hands can easily defeat enemies, including gods.
When Tetra and others erroneously invaded the southern part of the Chinese Empire, the powerful missile they faced directly wiped out all the elements under the supernatural.
Looking back at that time, looking around, apart from a large number of disordered elements, there was no longer any life form in the elemental world.
This kind of feeling is still fresh in my memory, and now several of Tetra's personal experiences still feel scared and have lingering fears.
If he is not a god, the ending will probably not be so beautiful.
In addition to the strength of the earth people themselves, they are successively integrated with the undead world and the terrestrial world.
The people on earth seem to maintain good contact with the underwater world and the underground world.
At least, according to the information provided by the administration, the undead world and the ground world even sent reinforcements to the underground world to assist them and resist the invasion of the sky world.
Facing such an enemy, Tetra and others said they didn't know anything, how to fight them.
Perhaps the five rules such as the father are okay, but the five rulers of the undead world, which are also as powerful as them, have also been eliminated?
Tetra believes that this erroneous war must be ended as soon as possible.
The elemental world cannot be with the undead world...
No, it should be said that it is an enemy of the earth.
The world of undead is the territory of the people on earth.
After falling to the ground, Tetra and the others did not pay attention to the worshiping elements around them, and even the few lower gods who greeted them didn't even glance at them.
Directly towards the crack, strode past the meteor.
When a few people fell into the crack, the enthusiastic faces of the first few greeted gods in the Undead World suddenly collapsed.
One of the gods frowned and said, "Huh?
Tetra, what is that guy so arrogant?
Isn't it a father who relies on a law?
It's too arrogant to not even look at us directly.
We are the gods of the elemental world, not mortals. "
The other snorted coldly and said, "Why, these guys took the army out, did they lay a huge territory?
Hurry back to the elemental world and ask the Lord of Thunder and Lightning for credit? "
Several gods complained, venting their dissatisfaction with Tetra's arrogant attitude.
Only one said cautiously: "Um, you guys, have you noticed that Tetra and their faces are not very good-looking?"
A gave the cautious guy a blank look and sneered: "Doesn't look good?
Could it be that the army they brought was simply eaten up by the guys in the Undead World?
What a joke, this is a million army of the elemental world. "
"Let me see, that guy is going to eat alone.
I found some important resources, and prepared to honor the Lord of the Law of Thunder and Lightning. "
At this moment, on the side of the crack, Tetra and others at the end of the elemental world flew directly in the direction where Ralph was in the law of thunder and lightning.
On the side of China's Yongling, a staff member of the Time and Space Administration held a headset and reported to Director Li Na who was responsible for the invasion of the elemental world.
"Reported that the target has entered the elemental world, and the monitoring equipment we put on them has failed."
Li Na nodded, and then said: "Can you estimate the situation of the elemental world defenders over the crack?"
"Well, prepare to capture the cracks and teach them a bitter lesson!"
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