Chapter 1440: Old acquaintance

With the re-establishment of the joint operations headquarters, the entire China is mobilized again.
It was the Shanghai Stock Exchange that was invaded this time.
But it doesn't seem to be the invasion of Gaia from the sky world, but another force.
Undead World, in the Time and Space Administration.
An Rui strode into the field assembly area, panting, and saw Li Na in the assembly area at a glance.
"Sister Na, I'm here, ha...ha...
Under what circumstances, why did the Shanghai Stock Exchange suffer again? "
Li Na swiped twice on the holographic screen of the void, and the colorful screens floated to An Rui's wrist, instantly turned into small light particles, and sank into the terminal on An Rui's wrist.
It has been more than 17 and a half years since the five earth countries have crossed to the flat world after the 17th year of the traversal calendar.
Today's electronic equipment and communication methods are no longer as troublesome as the 4G, 5G and smart phones of 20 years ago.
After the wrist-only soft-screen mobile phone came out, based on this, a wrist-type holographic mobile phone with higher technology content, smaller size, more capabilities and more powerful has been developed.
At the same time, after the launch of quantum communication satellites, the gradual popularity of quantum communication has also enabled China to reach the forefront of five countries in the field of communications.
An Rui was originally dealing with the problem of the gods of the elemental world, who knows that the bureau is calling here, it is special.
Turning on the holographic communicator on his wrist, a floating holographic virtual screen popped out in front of An Rui.
In the big blue screen frame, there are several small windows.
The window has real-time information about the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the more various information about the Shanghai Stock Exchange, as well as the information held by the Administration and the Joint Operations Command.
"These guys are endless?
Either the invasion of the underground world, the invasion of the underwater world, or the invasion of the elemental world.
Now, what kind of invasion is this? "
Since the outbreak of the War of the Gods, An Rui has almost never stopped in the past few months.
Bringing the deities of the field department of the Administration Bureau, they ran around and ran around, one moment in this world, another moment in that world.
Just after dealing with the underwater world, the elemental world has come.
The element world has just gotten on the right track, and new troubles have arrived.
"The information given by Shenlingke is the invading guy from God's Domain."
Li Na said word by word, An Rui was taken aback: "God's Domain?"
With that, Li Na wiped the pictures of the gods floating in the Shanghai Stock Exchange on An Rui's holographic screen, pointed at one of the angels, and said, "Does this guy know?"
Li Na was referring to Gilgallo who had just escaped from the crack.
An Rui shook his head: "I don't know."
Then Li Na opened another picture. It was more than 17 years ago that China had just crossed into the flat world. Faced with the Panda Empire, which regarded it as the "Devil King's Army", China had launched a certain degree of self-defense counterattack.
After Huaxia released Jacobin, Norman and other nobles of the Panda Empire, accompanied by An Rui, went to the south to start peace talks with Huaxia.
This is a misunderstanding after all.
However, during this trip to the south, everyone's helicopter formation encountered a team of hundreds of angels in the sky.
It stands to reason that humans and angels have no intersection.
However, who would have thought that Chinese people could fly into the sky.
As a result, Huaxia, regarded as dangerous, was attacked by angels in the First World.
After suffering from the loss of the journey through another world, the CPA immediately launched a counterattack.
It was also this time to fight back when the seal detained by the angels was opened by An Rui.
A fallen angel flew out from inside.
An Rui looked at the scene more than 17 years ago. He didn't expect that the Administration Bureau still kept the photos of that time. When that kind of nervousness, the Administration Bureau actually took photos?
However, the angel who broke free from the seal, judging from the size, seemed to resemble the angel above the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
"That fallen angel 17 years ago?"
Seeing An Rui remembered a little, Li Na nodded: "Yes, fallen angel.
The left and right hand of the upper "Devil God".
According to the intelligence collected by our bureau and several other special teams over the years, Gilgallo, the "fallen angel", should have been designed and sealed by the "Holy Spirit" Arabis.
Our appearance, and part of the angel's indiscriminate attack, accidentally freed this guy from the seal. "
An Rui still remembers the shock that guy brought him.
Because of An Rui whose level was cleared, Gilgallo was still a skull at the time.
Based on An Rui’s previous level of 72, Gilgallo’s level is at least 122.
Judging from the data-based view, An Rui's current level is 138, and Gilgallo's left and right hands should not be too low.
At least, as the next god, he must be the best in it.
And Gilgallo's speed is incredibly fast.
Of course, from An Rui's point of view, I didn't know that Gilgallo belonged to the kind of existence that could control time. One bullet time was enough for Gilgallo to avoid a lot of trouble.
"I remember that guy!"
An Rui touched his nose, embarrassed: "It seems that I accidentally released it. I didn't expect that he was invading the Shanghai Stock Exchange."
As if he had done a bad thing more than 17 years ago, he hurriedly asked: "Sister Na, I'm going to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, I will kill him!"
If it hadn't been for the picture that Li Na released Gilgalio more than 17 years ago, An Rui would not have been able to think of this guy with only one side.
Li Na nodded: "No problem, but I have to wait a while, and the Yan Luo base will take us back to the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
We have to be careful on the battlefield of Shanghai Stock Exchange.
From the picture we took from below..."
The screen in front of the two of them switched to the city defense system of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in a blink of an eye, and the cracks were filmed.
There are densely floating figures in it, some resembling human beings, some inhumane.
An Rui naturally couldn't see the level numbers floating on the heads of these guys through the screen.
However, An Rui knows that there is a space blocker in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and it is obviously not a good match to be able to tear out such a big hole in the blocker state.
Since Gilgalli was the demon god's subordinate, behind the crack is the demon god.
And the densely packed figures are the gods surrendered to the demon gods.
The battle of the gods is ruining the world.
As China’s largest city in Shanghai, if the battle of the gods breaks out over the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the impact can be imagined.
Fortunately, at the last moment of the screen, after eating a nuclear bomb, the blocker successfully shut the devil inside.
Over the Shanghai Stock Exchange, there are now only dozens of gods, including Gilgalli.
"That's the gods under the devil's command."
Li Na nodded: "It's densely packed, it should be all the power of the Demon God.
This time, in addition to the outreach personnel of the Authority, members of the Supreme Council of the Undead World and the Supreme Council of Aghanim will assist the Authority in defending the Shanghai City. "
Since the Demon God invaded the Shanghai Stock Exchange, he can only bite the bullet.
If the number of gods is not large, Yama's strategic support base can move the group of people to the battlefield and move to an open area to fight.
But the gods facing him now are a group of gods with a resistance mentality. They will not be so obediently at the mercy of Yan Luo's strategic support base like An Rui.
What's more, there is a higher in it.
Therefore, the Shanghai Stock Exchange will surely become the main battlefield.
It is not an exaggeration to say the defense of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
A large-scale war is still the battle of the gods.
It was supposed to be An Rui who was grinning, but now he can't be happy.
After all, in the past, the battle of the gods broke out in other people's homes, and that was a lot of experience.
And the Shanghai Stock Exchange is now the main battlefield, so the fight will definitely affect the masses.
Compared to the safety of the people's lives, An Rui feels that his experience is nothing at all.
After sighing, An Rui felt a little more relaxed when seeing the gods arriving one after another for assembly, and even the friendship support of the underground world and the elemental world.
The Time and Space Administration is already welcoming everyone to get ready, the Yan Luo base is about to arrive, and take everyone to send it.
At this time An Rui suddenly thought of a fellow who is both a high-ranking god, but who doesn't claim to be a god, and an illusory fellow: "Sister Na, can Linden Almighty get in touch?"
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