Chapter 1473: Against science

The trial of Apollo faced the entire network, after all, the mood of the masses needs to be vented.
However, on the Internet, there are such a group of people.
Apollo's death penalty is like a stone thrown into a calm lake, and there is a ring of ripples in the extra-dimensional space of the Internet.
"As for, directly imposing the death penalty on the gods?"
"I feel it, the gods should not be sentenced."
"What kind of gods trial court, the defendant did not have a lawyer to defend, but unilaterally read out the verdict on the defendant.
Moreover, the defendant was directly named ‘criminal’ and ‘murderer’. Isn’t it necessary to have a criminal suspect or something? "
"Don't go through the process, I think the existence of the gods trial court is very problematic."
"Second, we object to Apollo's trial!"
"Yes, objection!"
"Since the officials have broadcast the Apollo trial, why not broadcast the execution process?
Is it when we are underage?
Even if it is a minor, don't the officials know that there is a grading system?
I have reason to suspect that the official death penalty for Apollo is not propaganda at all. It is a humane injection of the death penalty.
It was the death penalty used, which tortured Apollo to death with one blow! "
"Apollo also killed a few people. With Apollo's strength, I think, the Administration can recruit them for their own use. How can they be sentenced to death?
has a problem! "
"Yes, look at Amina, look at the Demon King Yuffi, look at Diofie, those guys are all evildoers.
Moreover, Yu Fei still had many lives. Why did she forgive her like this? Is it because the perpetrators were women?
Do people in power use their lower body to think about problems? "
The death of Apollo quickly fermented on the Internet, and there are not a few netizens who oppose the death of Apollo.
In the meeting room of the Qili City Police Station, Chen Chaowei lit a cigarette and sucked it "Hu Lielie", watching his colleagues in the meeting room explain the different voices on the Internet about Apollo's death penalty.
Chen Chaowei used to be an undercover policeman. In his police career, he has some of the most famous cases.
It didn't take long for China to travel to the flat world. Because of the special product "catnip", it has great damage ability to the cat family of the animal ear tribe.
The cat family contaminated with catnip is like being contaminated with drugs.
As a result, during that period, a special trade chain called Cat Triangle Trade was formed between Huaxia-Panda-Furry.
Catnip flows into Panda as a commodity from China, and then from Panda turns into the furry empire, in exchange for real money or cat ears, and finally sold back to Panda or China.
This illegal act was finally banned under the joint attack of the three parties.
At that time, Chen Chaowei, who was alias Liang Yongren, played a key role during this period. The three-nation joint operation was a complete success and finally declared that the "Cat Triangle Trade Case" was successfully solved.
After the "Cat Triangle Trade Case", Chen Chaowei also changed his name to Wang Lufei, and as a pirate, he destroyed the central sea pirate joint den.
So far, the pirates who threatened the safety of navigation in the Central Sea have also become history.
The case of "Piracy in the Central Sea" has been highly praised by the countries around the Central Sea.
Even Wang Lufei, who is aliased by Chen Chaowei, has been written as a legendary figure by the Central Sea countries.
Either as the first edition of a novel printed, or sung as a bard, or filmed into a movie.
After the "Central Sea Pirates", Chen Chaowei ended his undercover career and returned to the starting point of the city police station.
Over the years, this 43-year-old man became the deputy chief of the Qili City Police Department.
In the conference room, a colleague from the Information Section reported to everyone: "This is how it happened. The death of Apollo caused an abnormal trend of public opinion on the Internet."
Chen Chaowei put down the cigarette, flicked the ashes lightly, scratched his ears with his thumb, and then said with the smoke: "Although Amina did evil, the woman did not cause any casualties to the masses at the time, nor did she cause any direct damage to the masses. The loss of property only caused chaos to the starting point.
The addition of Amina and his like at that time was of great help to us.
As for Diofi's words, that woman was more about the damage caused to the military in the battle.
After being captured, the woman's mind was also enlightened.
Now, he is one of the Queen's staff of the Administration. "
As he said, Chen Chaowei scratched his hair and said: "These two women, one is a popular internet anchor and the other is a movie star.
There are also a lot of fans, and a lot of credit has been made public. There are still people on the Internet attacking them? "
The colleague from the Information Department smiled and said: "Those who rushed to them were beaten up by their fans.
It is precisely because of the two of them that the fan group of Amina and Diofi has become a firm group that enforces strict laws against criminal gods.
But now it is Yuffi who is a little troublesome.
When it first crossed, the Euphy Group caused thousands of casualties.
However, considering the situation at the time and someone within the Yufei Group who was responsible for the Jiangzhou incident, Yufei joined the administration after receiving education.
Juffi's merits and demerits, judging from now, can be regarded as eighty-two.
Summon us to help us stabilize the situation, and then to the various management bureaus behind.
It's just that now the public opinion on the Internet has begun to deflect in a direction that is unfavorable to Yuffi. "
Chen Chaowei nodded and snorted coldly: "The routine 18 years ago, haven't you seen it for a long time?"
A colleague from the Information Section replied: "Yes, according to the information we have, someone is deliberately guiding the direction of public opinion.
At present, on the Internet, the ‘family’ of the victims of the Jiangzhou Battle have stood up and condemned Yuphy.
Well, I also recorded a video. "
With that, a colleague from the Information Department played the video, and the accent of the protagonist in the screen made people dumbfounding.
Chen Chaowei was a little bit dumbfounded: "This guy, is the accent from the southern side?"
The colleague from the Information Section nodded and continued: "Although the public opinion on the Internet was triggered by Apollo, these guys did not specifically grasp the judgment of the Gods Tribunal and said yes.
But based on this, all kinds of eyes.
From social issues to official issues.
Anything will be infinitely magnified by these guys, and then thrown away.
Inciting opposition, inciting hatred. "
The old routine 18 years ago is gone, but Chen Chaowei did not expect why such a routine has appeared in China again.
He couldn't help but doubt that the Skadi Empire on the other side of the endless ocean, that predecessor was Milejian, had caused many incidents in this way.
Chen Chaowei asked: "The scale of this online public opinion incident is quite large, and this is certainly not the work of a small group.
Behind this, there must be a big fish.
We have to follow the vine.
Xiao Yao, do you have any thoughts? "
The police surnamed Yao said, "Yes.
Chen Ju, it's like this.
The public opinion leaders are very clever. They disguised their IP multiple times, and there is another one generated in it. It takes a little time for us to get in touch with it.
However, public opinion leaders also sent another signal to the Internet.
Call on the masses to oppose science and believe in gods. "
Chen Chaowei looked at Xiao Yao curiously: "Oh?"
Xiao Yao continued: "Call on the masses to believe in gods and create their own gods.
Even believe in existing gods and want to influence those gods.
There are indeed so many people on the Internet, who were bewitched by these people and began to oppose science and believe in gods.
And these people, in turn, formed small groups on the Internet or offline.
With a small group, there is bound to be the leader of the group.
The leader of the group is naturally likely to have contact with those who spread the news and guide public opinion.
And this group of people, obviously not those who guide public opinion, are so good at hiding themselves.
Therefore, we can start with this group of anti-science and god-believers.
Lock their IP addresses and sort them out. "
Chen Chaowei took a deep breath of cigarette, and slowly spit it out: "Then just do it, start with these guys first.
Pick out the person behind to see if it's the guy on the other side of the ocean.
Having been in this world for so many years, those guys have itchy hands, are they okay and start to return to their old professions? "
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