Chapter 1481: External blast

Arabis glanced at them contemptuously. Among these ant-like gods, An Rui and Diofi were indeed relatively good.
But compared with him, it's a lot worse.
After Arabis took a moment, two giants of light suddenly emerged, holding a huge sword that was also burning with flames, and slashed directly at the two of them.
An Rui brandished the sword of oath and directly confronted the giant of light.
And Diofe, who was not good at spell attacks next to him, had to choose to dodge when facing slashes.
However, with such a flash, the slash naturally pointed to the field service of the gods behind her.
Without the bonus of magic, those guys have little fighting power to participate in this magical battle.
Seeing that the two strongest giants on the scene were beaten back and forth by the giants of light he had summoned, this was the first time that Arabis showed a satisfied smile since he was allied with Gregno.
"Scarty's suggestion is good."
In the eyes of Arabis, Scardi may not be able to become his follower.
However, at this time, three beams of light suddenly penetrated Arabis' barrier and directly pierced his eyes.
Unlike magic, the beam does not feel any magical response.
But that's it, these beams actually penetrated the barrier and hit Arabis' eyes.
The scorching energy immediately pierced Arabis' eyes.
Arabis covered his eyes and blocked the beam's attack. What he couldn't figure out was how the thing shot through the barrier.
And this is the proposal of Ran Xu, the staff officer of Pangu base, the front-line joint operations command.
Although the barrier can eliminate the existence of matter, it may not eliminate the light.
The three bases are equipped with experimental laser weapons, which were used in the Shanghai Stock Exchange against Gregno, and they can be used.
Now dealing with Arabis, the same can be used.
"Diofi, now!"
Seeing that Arabis closed his eyes, An Rui realized that now is the best time to fight.
He hurriedly bounced the giant of light in front of him, brandishing the sword of oath and rushing to kill in Arabis.
The blade was aimed at Arabis’ neck and pierced in the past, and Arabis’ perception suddenly sensed the crisis, and closed his eyes and took two steps back.
At the same time, his head raised back, and An Rui's attack was dangerously avoided.
And Diofi also wielded a long sword at this time, and stab towards Arabis from the other side.
I saw Arabis frowned, stretched out a finger, drew in the void, and cast a spell directly.
In the next second, a huge monster head crawled out of the void and bit at Diofi.
The monster's fangs bite towards Diofi, and Diofi, who had no time to escape, had to resist with a shield in his left hand.
He pressed Diofi's upper jaw, and stepped on the monster's lower jaw with his feet.
At this moment Diofi was like a big bone standing in front of the monster's mouth, making the monster unable to close his mouth at all.
Arabis, who stepped back a few steps, exploded energy from a violent earthquake, and instantly knocked An Rui out in front of him.
At the same time, another finger said nothing, "Peng", and the entire sky turned black.
The lasers fired from the three bases were gradually extinguished under the black envelope.
In the front-line joint operations command, the words and deeds and others were shocked and said: "The laser is gone!?"
"The laser disappeared after it hit the barrier!"
The laser outside the barrier is still active, and the laser inside the barrier, as if it had encountered a black hole, turned into a light particle in the blink of an eye and disappeared.
"Throw the magic bullet directly, blast it from the outside, and blow up his barrier!"
Soon, words and deeds gave a new combat plan. Since weapons will be corroded when entering the barrier, let the magic seal wave be released outside the barrier, and then destroy the entire barrier and the area of ​​Arabis.
The people of Guang Shixin glanced at each other, and they all agreed with the proposal put forward by words and deeds.
At the same time, the three bases began to center on the barrier and moved back several kilometers toward the rear.
"Launch a magic bullet!"
With an order, the magic bombs in the three bases were launched from the missile launching unit and flew directly toward the barrier.
When the chain of missiles was about to reach the barrier, they exploded "pumppengpeng".
A large number of Demon Sealed Waves were directly released from inside, and the huge barrier in front of him began to quickly twist.
The magic wave is like the wind with soap bubbles. When the wind's power gets stronger, the bubbles naturally burst with a "pop".
The moment the barrier burst, the sky inside the barrier suddenly recovered from night to day.
At the same time, all the areas under the barrier disappeared.
However, when the darkness receded, look at the existence in the battlefield.
The gods and spirits who entered the inside first, fell to the ground, dead and wounded when they were unable to use the spell.
Diofi was entangled by a monster. As for An Rui, relying on his powerful body, he barely wrestled with Arabis.
However, the influence of Demon Seal Wave was not limited to the barrier. After the barrier was broken, Demon Seal Wave also rushed towards the inside.
Arabiston frowned, his barriers and areas were destroyed, and he felt obvious.
Coupled with the Arabis gradually spreading towards this side, Arabis knew that if he stayed here, his horror would be affected by the magic seal wave, and he would no longer be able to use spells.
Extend the index finger and middle finger, and sing for a while, and the gesture will force An Rui's body in half.
However, at this time, the electromagnetic guns from the three bases greeted them again.
Shooting accurately, at a distance of more than ten kilometers, the electromagnetic cannon shells flew over in the blink of an eye.
The shells hit Arabis heavily, directly hitting him back again and again.
Compared with An Rui's shot, it can't be done.
The two giants of light he summoned and the monster head biting Diofi were also directly sieved by a volley of fire from three strategic bases.
Diofi broke free from the monster's mouth, landed with her feet, shield and sword on the ground, dragging her tired body, raised her head to look at An Rui, and shouted: "An Rui, support and Mo Fengbo are here! Get entangled! that guy!"
An Rui also got up and looked at the appearance of Arabis, naturally knowing that this guy was going to escape.
Dragging the sword of oath, he chased after Arabis.
Seeing this, Arabis quickly stretched out his finger and drew a magic circle, trying to hold An Rui.
However, at this time, he had to face the attacks of three strategic bases, and he had to face the magic wave that was about to pounce on it.
Arabis curled his lips, there was no time to continue fighting with An Rui here, and the magic seal wave came, and he was finished.
Hastily changed the formation and activated a teleportation formation.
A teleportation space opened unexpectedly, and at the same time, an artifact was crushed, and a square barrier emerged around Arabis, blocking the electromagnetic cannonballs.
The shell hit it and exploded directly.
With words and deeds, the commander of the front-line joint operations command looked at Arabis who had torn the channel and exclaimed, "That guy is going to escape."
Arabis floated under the teleportation space, looking at the casualties on the battlefield, grinning: "I'm not that easy to deal with."
Arabis wants to shift the battlefield and continue fighting.
If the Chinese cannot come, Arabis will regain its strength.
Huaxia people are more difficult to deal with than Arabis imagined.
However, just as Arabis was about to enter the space, a powerful force suddenly split from the sky. The space that had just been torn apart by Arabis was torn into two halves with a "swish".
A looming guy suddenly appeared on the battlefield and looked at Arabis and said, "Arabis, do you want to escape?
Sorry, you have nowhere to go, this is where you fell. "
"Lin Dengwan!"
In the next second, Lin Dengwan turned into a beam of light and attached it to An Rui's body.
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