Chapter 1538: War mobilization

In the early morning of November 23, Tai Chi City.
"Spicy guy..."
Suo Hui sat on the bed, facing the information on the Internet, cursing.
The Scarti Empire not only attacked Zhendong Port during the day, but also caused a large number of deaths of soldiers and civilians.
The most annoying thing is that this guy still did not declare a war.
Now we are holding a press conference for the Imperial General Office to say that war is declared on HX. What a bad day is this.
"Scarty Empire wants to learn from Xiaodongyang?"
Li Xuerui, who is now the mother of the child, took Suo Hui's body with her arm around, and followed Scary's criminal behavior to the narrative.
Li Xuerui was a member of the Taiji City Government, and was also very angry about the attack on Zhendong City by the Sri Lankan army.
As a former CPA fighter, Suo Hui, who participated in the Battle of Jiangzhou, naturally paid close attention to these matters.
At the same time, he is also quite aware of the considerable progress HX has made in military equipment over the years.
"Why does Scardy fight us?
Out of equipment!
The quality of personnel is very poor!
It can be said that the two armies are not of the same era!
What do you use to fight us, head iron? "
Suo Hui cursed while collecting more information on the Internet.
Indeed, in the past 18 years since the crossing, HX's military level has surpassed the other four earth countries that are addicted to jungle.
Even ordinary netizens can see it.
There was a lot of abuse on the Internet, and one after another slogans of donating money and blood, and even slogans that those who commit crimes against me will be punishable even if the Chinese are far away.
The entire network, and even the private sector, has fallen into an upsurge atmosphere.
"It's not that we haven't fought with Scary!
In the founding war, we hung up the United Nations army to fight, are we still afraid of him? "
"Now, look at Scardy's military level!
Thirty years of Hedong and Thirty years of Hexi is simply joyful! "
The war did not follow HX's schedule, and the sudden outbreak would not give HX much reaction time at all.
At this time, Suo Hui received a message in his communication.
Suo Hui, who was just in his anger, said uncomfortably: "Who, in the middle of the night, send me a message?"
When I opened it, I saw a message from the veterans' recall department.
Suo Hui's face quickly showed a hint of joy, and then immediately closed the message and put it aside.
The fleeting smile was immediately caught by the sharp-eyed Li Xuerui, "Who?"
Suo Hui hesitated: "It's an advertisement."
Li Xueli Limala looked down and said: "Operational advertising has been passed by law five years ago, and it is forbidden to send it to anyone's communicator.
Our Tai Chi city was still the first city at that time.
And for advertisers and businesses, if found, it will be a heavy penalty!
There can be no ads now!
Say, Suo Hui, who is it! "
At this point, Li Xuerui's excitement subsided a bit, with worry on her face, and asked anxiously: "Is it the army?"
Li Xuerui is a smart woman, and Suo Hui naturally knows that she can't be satisfied, so he nodded and responded: "It's the veteran recall department.
The war mobilization order was issued, and the troops called us back. "
Li Xuerui took a deep breath. Although the war had broken out, she, who was located on the continent of Aghanim, seemed to be a little far away from the war and was unlikely to affect Tai Chi City.
But the real situation is different. A war broke out between HX and Scary. This is a war that can destroy the world.
The two countries have successively promulgated general mobilization for war, and everything in the country needs to serve the war.
At first, I thought it was a bit remote war, but at this time she wanted to take her husband away from her.
Li Xuerui's eyes were red, and she clung to Suo Hui's arm tightly, and choked, "Can you not go?"
Suo Hui smiled, gently wiped the tears from Li Xuerui's face, and said calmly: "The country has been invaded, why don't we HX guys defend the country?"
Seeing what Li Xuerui wanted to say, Suo Hui hurriedly blocked her mouth: "This is a war between two superpowers, and it may involve other countries on the earth.
This kind of war between superpowers, our current conventional military strength, is simply not enough.
With the issuance of the war mobilization order, both the militiamen and those of us who have already retired will be called back into the army.
If a war breaks out and no one sacrifices for this country, then this country will be over, and this nation will be over.
War is very dangerous, but our group of people will go up without hesitation.
Because behind us are no one else, behind us are our wives and daughters, our parents, our relatives and friends, and our happy home.
Behind us are the descendants of Yan and Huang, our great country.
We cannot allow the flames of war to spread to our country, and we cannot allow our enemies to destroy our hard-won happy life.
We have to block all of this. "
After Suo Hui finished speaking, Li Xuerui fell into Suo Hui's arms and started crying.
Suo Hui gently stroked Li Xuerui's head, patted her back, and said, "It's okay, it's okay.
Scary is not our opponent, don't worry.
For our nation, for this country, for you, your children and your parents, I have to go. "
At this time, a call came.
Suo Hui took a look and hesitated.
Li Xuerui stopped sobbing, looked up at Suo Hui, and asked, "Who?"
"Li Le."
Li Xuerui reached out and helped Suo Hui put through the phone.
"Suo Hui, have you received the notice?"
Suo Hui said: "I have received it, let me report to the veterans recall department."
The two of us came from the same unit. Although we may not be assigned to the old unit, we should be assigned together. "
"Then see you later."
Li Le and Suo Hui participated in the Battle of Jiangzhou, and then took An Rui's ride, and they became gold prospectors in the west.
Companies such as Anxi Agricultural Grain Group and Taiji Dairy Products Co., Ltd. were the two who worked together with An Rui.
Although the two have a wealth of money, when faced with national recruitment, they still chose to return to the army without hesitation.
Suo Hui lowered his head, looked at Li Xuerui, and said, "Lao Li is going back too."
Li Le and Suo Hui are comrades-in-arms and partners.
The relationship between the two families is very good. Although the two families do not live together, they often communicate with each other. Li Xuerui also knows Li Le's family very well.
They also have their own wives and daughters, and they are no different from themselves.
But just like this, Li Le also gave up his easy life and embarked on the journey of defending the country with the worries of his wife and daughter.
Thinking of this, Li Xuerui didn't insist anymore. Instead, holding Suo Hui, she whispered: "Definitely, we must return safely."
Suo Hui nodded: "Definitely."
The next day, when the children discovered that their father was not as neatly dressed as expected, he went to the company to handle things.
Instead, they wore a set of military uniforms with no military ranks from more than ten years ago, and accompany them to eat breakfast, which naturally aroused the strangeness of the children.
Suo Hui and Li Xuerui did not intend to weave a fairy tale to convince the children of this story, but to present the real situation.
After all, the children nowadays are so smart that they can't deceive them at all.
"Yesterday our country was attacked by the enemy. Many compatriots in Zhendong City were killed.
Our enemy has declared war on us early this morning.
Dad used to be a soldier, so Dad needs to respond to the call of the country and return to the army to defend his country. "
Protecting the home and the country is a sacred and glorious thing for the children of HX.
The sons and daughters of HX heroes such as Hua Mulan, Yue Fei, Mu Guiying, and Qi Jiguang deeply affect everyone.
Suo Hui's eldest son grabbed a spoon and said, "Old man, I also want to defend my family and the country."
Suo Hui gently rubbed his eldest son's head and said, "Then you have to eat more, don't be picky eaters.
Exercise more and learn knowledge.
In this way, you can become stronger, kill more enemies, and defend your country. "
The little daughter also said gruffly: "Old man, you have to fight more bad guys!
After coming back, I will make a little red flower for you! "
After a warm breakfast, Suo Hui and his family parted with them.
Put on military uniforms, pack your bags, and directly take a taxi to report to the veterans recall department.
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