Chapter 1542: Above the dome (3)

[PS. The new book "The Handbook of Liberation in Different Time and Space" has passed the internal signing, and the Chinese pierced the Sino-Japanese War of Armed Forces. The start violently beats Xiao Dongyang, who has a good life. It is expected to open in January and February. For more information, please pay attention to the new book group. Because it feels that the civil war on the earth in this volume is a bit touched, it has been accelerating and ending. 】
"Be locked?!"
Roma immediately turned on his security officer's system. As the person in charge of Scardi and a security officer, Roma's authority is relatively high in the entire United Spaceport.
After opening the system, all the rooms related to Scary were blocked.
Roma clicked the door in front of him, put his finger on it, and clicked.
Unfortunately, the door in the holographic panel is still red.
Even a security officer at the level of Roma could not open this door.
"Can't open it!"
Roma scanned all the cameras in the same room, squinted slightly, and said in deep thought, "It seems that we have been monitored by Wang Xuezhi."
The Scary devils got loaded one after another and asked: "Captain, what should I do now?"
Rom said don't panic, I'm looking for Wang Xuezhi.
After speaking, he sent a communication to Wang Xuezhi in the holographic system, but to Roma's surprise, his system reminded himself, "The authority is insufficient to send communication to the commander of the spaceport.
Do you want to send a communication request? "
Roma immediately checked his authority, and sure enough, all of his authority was deprived by Wang Xuezhi.
A quick glance at the change log, it was changed 15 minutes ago.
Everyone just left the meeting place and returned to their respective areas.
In other words, at that time, Wang Xuezhi had already started?
On his side, he is still unifying everyone's thinking.
Although Roma and others shut down all the visual and audio systems, Wang Xuezhi still used his highest authority as the commander to quietly open one to monitor the Scary ghosts in the "shutdown state".
The picture of Scary suddenly made H's security staff look serious, and H's scientific research staff were also nervous.
If Roma is on this side, H’s researchers have to take on weapons to protect themselves, their compatriots, and the space station.
"Commander, Skadi really intends to deal with us."
Wang Xuezhi shook his head: "It's not all, those scientific researchers have been overwhelmed.
As long as the group of Scary devils headed by Roma is solved, there will be no problem.
What's going on in Britain? "
A monitor reported: "Commander, we are also concerned about the British side.
However, there is no unified thinking on the British side, and many scientific researchers are unwilling to get involved in this spaceport battle.
Moreover, the British security officers are not willing to join the battle at present.
But the person in charge on the British side received an order from the empire, requiring their security officers to cooperate with Scardy's operation.
Since we deprived the Britons of their authority in advance, even if they were planning to rendezvous with Scardi at this time, they would not be able to get out.
The person in charge over there is sending an application to you and intends to ask what is going on?
Will I take it for you? "
Wang Xuezhi said: "Tell them that their tricks have been seen by us, and their conspiracies have been known to us.
If these Britons do not want to sleep forever in space, they will obediently put down their weapons and stay in the room, let the scientific researchers tie them up, and wait for the next release of the spaceport. "
Wang Xuezhi's words are very beautiful, not about us, but about the spaceport.
In the words, directly separating these militants from Britain from the British, and allowing ordinary scientific researchers to draw a clear line with them, can be regarded as drawing in these British people who do not plan to participate in this battle.
In addition, the space port in the mouth can be regarded as a direct setting, defining these British armed men as a rebellion in the space port.
What they betrayed is the entire spaceport, not a single H.
"no problem."
After speaking, the inspector opened the communication and transmitted Wang Xuezhi's words to the room in Britain.
At the same time, Wang Xuezhi also contacted the person in charge of Lucia and France.
On the ground, Scardy and Britain have formed an alliance and declared war on H.
And H ended the alliance with Lucia and France, against Scardi and Britain.
Although the declaration of war will be announced in the daytime news, the military of the five countries has issued orders to the heads of the countries in the joint spaceport.
H. Lucia and France's security guards formed the spaceport defense army on the spot.
After receiving the order, the Francis team immediately moved closer to the British area.
"Hurry up!"
"Point 1 is in place!"
"Point 2 is in place!"
"Point 3 is in place!"
"The offensive team is in place!"
To the left and right of the gate, two Francis fighters leaned against the wall with explosion-proof shields.
And beside them, there is a soldier holding a shock bomb, ready to throw it in at any time.
Further behind, there are a few soldiers with live ammunition.
The Francis took a deep breath. He never expected that colleagues who had lived together for so long would also face each other.
But this is also no way. Scardi's unjust attack on H has caused 5 countries to fall into war at the same time.
The Francis was waiting, waiting for Wang Xuezhi's order.
In a moment, the hologram of the person in charge of Francis bounced out in front of the team leader: "The British have been disarmed.
When I went in, the British militants who had been by scientific researchers were imprisoned for me.
Of course you have to be careful. British researchers may also have enemies. "
The team leader glanced at the soldiers at 1, 2, and 3 points behind him. They were the reserve team, or the cover team.
Seeing that everyone was ready, the fist raised by the team leader turned into a palm and said: "Chong! Chong! Chong! Chong!"
The door opened, and the two fighters carried their shields in front and rushed directly in.
The Francis behind him also filed in, and the tactical lights shot into the eyes of the British people present, making them unclear.
In a moment, the offensive team rushed in.
I saw the British researchers obediently pushing to the corner according to Wang Xuezhi's request, raising their hands high, indicating that they did not have any threat.
In the room, the British militants who had surrendered were by scientific researchers into rice dumplings, floating around in the space.
The team leader hurriedly sent a message to the person in charge of Francis: "The team has successfully completed its mission. All the militants are under our control, and the scientific research personnel are safe."
The rebellion of the British militants was quelled, which is good news for Wang Xuezhi.
But on Skadi's side, it was not so easy.
Scary security personnel are far more than Britons in terms of quality and quantity.
Those on active duty, as well as those in Area 51, made Wang Xuezhi be careful.
The joint team formed by H and Lucia, under Wang Xuezhi's arrangement, quickly moved closer to the area on Scardy's side.
In a short time, the deployment was made in front of Scary's gate.
Cover points, support points, firepower points, and for groups only.
The person in charge of the joint team hurriedly reported to Wang Xuezhihui: "Report, the team is already in place and ready to attack at any time!"
"and many more!"
Wang Xuezhi did not directly issue an offensive order, because Roma's Hologram directly surpassed all the authority and appeared in front of Wang Xuezhi.
I saw Roma staring at Wang Xuezhi, saying word by word: "Would you like to let us catch it like this?
Wang, you are fantastic.
Don't forget, I am transforming people.
I am the computer, and the computer is also me.
In the afternoon, I had planted the virus into the entire spaceport system. "
The system did not prompt at all. Wang Xuezhi immediately noticed the importance of the matter, and hurriedly arranged: "Quick!
Check the system and expel Roma from the system. "
The corner of Rom's mouth rose slightly, and he smiled: "Then enjoy the killing time."
After speaking, Roma's holographic communication disappeared.
Wang Xuezhi hurriedly issued an order to the Hualu joint team guarding the gate: "Be careful! Scary Devil controls the spaceport system!"
In the Scardi area, the door indicator light that was originally locked changed from red to green in the blink of an eye, and the door was opened directly with a "pouch".
"Da da da da da..."
The bullet shot out from the door of Scary in an instant.
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