Chapter 1568: Surprise Mickey D.C.

January 23, the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the year of Bingchen, dragon, Xin Chouyue, Yiwei day.
The custom of drinking Laba porridge during the Laba Festival comes from Buddhism. At this time, the aroma of Laba porridge is wafting everywhere in the Pangu base.
The soldiers in the cooking class carefully cooked Laba porridge for the Pangu commanders. The aroma of rice, millet, corn, barley, red dates, lotus seeds, peanuts, longans and various beans is overwhelming.
At 2 o'clock in the morning, in the headquarters, Qi Ye looked at the commanders and fighters in the base and sighed. After going there, he didn't know how many erlangs died on the battlefield.
According to the plan of the General Staff, Pangu will be directly transmitted to Mickey D.C. to behead the military government of Millais.
Although the strategic location of the Skadi Empire was bombarded in orbit, Mickey D.C. was the capital and political center of Skadi, and the space forces did not attack the city.
So here, there are a large number of Scary defensive troops.
Pangu's mission is to behead the Milai military government, and at the same time attract Mickey D.C., the capital of the Skadi army, to rush to help, so as to create favorable conditions for the operation of the Yan Luo base.
Chief of Staff Ran Xu came over, opened the satellite map, and looked at Mickey D.C., who was turned into a militarized city, and said: "Commander, all the deployments in the Mitch District are under our satellite monitoring.
The satellites of the two countries have all been solved by us.
Speaking of which, the Sri Lankan army can only be regarded as half blind.
Take a look at the deployment of the Sri Lankan army in Mickey D.C., various traffic arteries, various agencies and facilities, have deployed a large number of national guards.
Obviously, they intend to coerce the citizens of the city to coerce us, so that we cannot easily take action on Mitch District. "
Qi Ye nodded. He watched the satellite images of Mickey D.C. over and over again, and he was already quite familiar with the deployment of Mickey D.C. in the city.
The National Guard is not a serious force, and the senior military leaders in Scarti have no experience in large-scale wars with modern countries.
Therefore, the military power in Mickey D.C. is almost not mobilized, and which troop is garrisoned is which troop is garrisoned.
And just these days of observation of Mickey D.C., the National Guard personnel are very loose, and they are always running to the bars and shopping malls next to them.
From the high-precision satellites, Qi Ye even saw several members of the National Guard at duty, carrying guns to a nearby bar to drink.
Discipline is optional for the folks in the National Guard.
However, the plan to be directly transmitted to Mickey D.C.'s city for beheading was passed, so let's put aside these incompetent guard members.
Outside the city, there are the Scarti garrison and the regular army.
As long as Pangu base is teleported over, it will definitely be besieged by several brigades of Skadi.
Although Pangu possessed a powerful magic shield, he couldn't stand the magic bullet of Skadi.
Once the magic bomb explodes, then Pangu's proud magic shield and drone swarm will be completely useless.
A huge immovable mobile fortress will become a huge dead target.
At that time, Pangu Base could not stand it either.
After comprehensive consideration, the general staff gave a new plan.
Before the transmission of Pangu base, the sky forces will orbitally bomb the Sri Lankan troops stationed near Mickey DC. At that time, Pangu will kill Mickey DC again, even if it is attacked by the magic bomb, it will not be too much. Threat.
Looking at the battle time, Qi Ye said: "The space force should be ready to bomb Mickey D.C."
From 2 to 3 in the morning, it is the sleepiest time and the best time to attack Mickey D.C.
On the side of the space force, Guan Weihua also issued a bombing order.
Wang Xuezhi and others in the spaceport looked at the various data of the railgun on the screen and arranged: "Pay attention to the calibration.
The No. 1 array bombed the 421 brigade, the No. 2 array bombed the 1st cavalry brigade, the No. 3 array bombed the garrison brigade, and the No. 4 array bombed the 101st brigade.
Arrays 5 and 6 are on standby. "
After the orbital gun was aimed at the target, the operators of the spaceport adjusted again, and the orbital gun entered the stage of waiting to be launched.
Above the dome, the muzzle of the railgun opened one after another.
The tungsten rods were slowly pushed out.
At this time, the Sky Force Command suddenly sounded: "Report!
The Sri Lankan army began to move! "
Although the satellite was gone, Scardi did not forget the in case that he still had the orbital gun hanging above his head.
Although the force on hand cannot destroy them, a large number of monitoring instruments are aimed at the railgun, and the railgun has changed a little, and the Slovak army can know it.
At this time, after the railgun completes the array, the Sri Lankan army also calculated the area targeted by the railgun.
It was Mickey D.C., an area that Chinese people hardly bombed, this time it turned out to be a target for rail artillery.
Guan Weihua saw that the Sri Lankan army had moved, and immediately ordered: "Fire!"
In an instant, the "shooting stars" turned into justice, passed through the dome, and fell from the sky.
The alarm in the Sri Lankan army barracks kept sounding, but after 2 o'clock in the morning, this special time, so that the fat young soldiers of Scardi couldn't get up at all.
Even if he got up, the whole person was dumbfounded.
Those who didn't wear a coat didn't wear a coat, and those who didn't hold a weapon didn't hold a weapon, and the entire barracks was in chaos.
"Emergency assembly! Emergency assembly! Emergency assembly!"
"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"
The shouting made these sleepy guys at a loss.
It's just this quiet winter night, where's the enemy from?
No gunshots, no shells.
The cold wind "swishes", making everyone tremble.
Two complaints: "There are no missiles either."
At this moment, under the dark night sky, meteors fell from the sky.
The huge impact directly blasted the entire barracks into a big bag.
Almost no one was able to escape from this sudden orbital bombardment. In just an instant, nearly ten tungsten rods fell on the ground.
The camp of one of Scardi’s brigade was wiped out by railguns in no time.
The bombardment in the distance quickly reverberated through the entire Mickey D.C., and the citizens of the special zone were awakened from their beds by the thunderous sound.
The dark sky in the distance has been dyed white by the energy produced by the explosion of justice that descended one by one.
A little girl leaned on the window, looking at the white light shimmering in the distance, and asked: "Mom, what's that over there?"
The parents were also taken aback. She was quite sure that she had been attacked.
"Rumble, rumble, rumble..."
The shock wave generated by the explosion rushed over quickly, and the whole house shook "crunchy" under the shock wave, and a lot of dust was scattered from the roof.
The parents hugged the little girl and carried her back to the room: "Don't go out, come back quickly."
The entire Mickey D.C. was lit up with lights after the explosion.
The citizens woke up, they watched the explosion in the distance in horror.
At the same time, the entire Mickey D.C. also sounded a long alarm.
The streets were full of unprofessional noises from the National Guard.
"Quick! Strengthen the guard of the White House!"
As Mickey took the elite to Shandora, the White House was also set as the base camp by Miles.
The National Guard drove armored vehicles and came to the door of the White House one after another.
The high monument, the square under the Mitch Monument, which was renamed by His Majesty Mitch, is full of National Guard soldiers.
In the sky, a helicopter flew around, turning on the searchlights and starting guard patrols.
On a higher level, the F22 and F35 aircraft clusters also whizzed past everyone's heads.
A Black Hawk helicopter was flying over the monument square at low altitude. Suddenly, with a "boom", the Black Hawk went directly into the sky as if it had hit something, turning into a ball of fire and rolling down.
A huge portal suddenly opened, and the huge body of Pangu base was directly located in Mickey D.C.
The sturdy stone feet even touched lightly, directly breaking the spire of the entire Mickey monument.
The huge square tip smashed down, directly smashing a group of National Guards below to death.
Looking up at the behemoth Pangu, the National Guard exclaimed: "Thanks to him, it is the Pangu strategic base of Huaxia people!"
Have you seen "Independence Day", the science fiction film 41 years ago, at this time Pangu is like that giant spaceship, shrouded in the sky above Mickey D.C.
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