Chapter 1575: Backstab

Attacking Area 51 is not a troublesome thing. The Grand Marshal Bruce was originally a member of the Area 51 Mobile Team. He knows Area 51 very well.
The CPA, with the Dark Night team as the forward, quickly broke into the core area of ​​Area 51.
The Dark Night Squad is the trump card in the CPA special warfare, which belongs to the trump card in the trump card.
Participated in many battles, and at the same time, it was also the most handy special operations force for the first director of the Time and Space Administration.
Long Yue, the current captain of the Dark Night Squad, wore a power armor, stepped on the corpse of a 51 reformed person who was wounded under his feet, and reported to Yan Luo, the front-line commander.
"According to the map, we have penetrated into the core area of ​​Area 51.
However, there are many reformers here, and they are all wearing power armor, we can not reach the target area in a short time. "
Nodding his words and deeds, he ordered: "New reinforcements are about to arrive, and then you will organize another offensive.
If there is no result, I will start a backup method. "
Everything went according to the established plan, and the periphery of Area 51 has been captured by Yan Luo.
In addition, a portal was established in the Yama base, and a large number of CPAs passed through the portal one after another, from the continent of Aghanim to the continent of Skadi.
Taking Yan Luo strategic support base as the general logistics base, according to the plan formulated by the general staff, it began to move to various regions.
On the road, either meet the army of the Scardi Empire.
Either it is to recover the territory of Milecan and assist the army of Milecan.
With the support of the "orthodox" Milliken, a lot of information was also obtained from words and deeds.
Looking at the news from Bruce, he said with words and deeds: "It seems that the information provided there is correct. Mickey has completed a mechanized transformation of himself.
The bones have all been replaced with alloys, a large number of nano robots have been implanted in the body, and some of their genes have been modified. "
Before the war started, Xue Yang made the layout in advance.
Inside Area 51, there is also eyeliner on the H side.
A comparison between the two parties' intelligence can determine the truth of what Bruce said.
The key reason for attacking Area 51 is that apart from obtaining a large number of new technologies studied in Area 51, the most important one is to obtain various data parameters of Mickey's transformation.
It has to be said that Scary has surpassed everyone's imagination in certain technology research and development.
Mechanical bones, nano-robots, and genetic modification are all things in sci-fi works, but Mickey has even tinkered with them.
According to the information provided by the informant, Mickey will directly participate in scientific research.
He will directly put forward the theory of scientific research, just like giving the blueprint of this technology to these 51 area scientific research personnel to make, it can be said that the whole process is opened.
Mickey is a brave of the Scary continent, even if he has the ability of SL, even if he has practiced magic and fighting skills, but in technology, it is impossible to learn all subjects into the world's top.
That requires talent. Discovering universal gravitation cannot be discovered by Mickey SL a million times.
Therefore, according to the inference of the Administration, Mickey should have set up a development route for the scientific research team in Area 51. After they have calculated the correct formulas one by one, Mickey will read the files back with these correct formulas.
Then give these formulas to the group of scientists.
In this way, the group of scientists can use the correct formula that they spent a lot of time calculating before reading the files to avoid the project problems they are currently encountering.
In the eyes of outsiders, Mickey gave these scientists the blueprints one by one.
As everyone knows, these blueprints were designed by these scientists themselves who spent a lot of time.
This also caused Mickey to become a master of various sciences in Area 51.
It has also prompted Area 51 to take off in a short period of time in certain technologies.
At this time, on the dark night team, the resistance in Area 51 was very fierce.
Mickey's control of Area 51 is unprecedented.
Whether it is the scientific research personnel or the guards here, almost all of them have been brainwashed by Mickey.
Maybe this is Mickey's personal charm.
The entire 51 area, in Long Yue's eyes, is completely the nest of the emperor faction.
Even if it is a scientific researcher, they will shout "Long live the emperor!" Then they will rush towards you with chemical explosives in their arms.
The morale is high, and the enemy is not afraid of life and death. This is one of the reasons why the Dark Night Squad is not advancing fast after reaching the core area.
And the guys in Area 51 took out all the weapons and equipment that were still being tested.
What teleport gun, what stealth cloak, laser sword, what gamma ray, etc.
In order to counter the attack of the Dark Night Squad, many experimental creatures were even released.
What zombies, what pathogen giants, what Hulks, what Cthulhu and so on.
Regardless of whether it is useful or not, it is right to take it out.
Long Yue took a few soldiers into a small room, and while the door of the strange creature experiment room was opened, a large number of strange creatures emerged from it.
The coil gun in the hands of the dark night team and the accompanying combat robot immediately opened fire.
The whole room suddenly became the feeling behind the scenes of "The Cabin in the Woods".
The battle in Area 51 is still at a stalemate, and the advancement of CPA has expired.
Seeing the report that kept coming back, he hesitated.
Now the attack on the core area of ​​Area 51 has been more than 4 hours. Even an elite like the Dark Night Squad has suffered a lot of casualties, not to mention the continuous reinforcement of the troops.
If this goes on, he can't do it, his words and deeds decide to activate the hole card in his hand, Xue Yang's killer strategy.
Inside the general army, the hologram of words and deeds jumped out, looked at the big men and Xue Yang next to them, and asked for instructions: "Please use the killer's mace."
The current situation between Scardi and Milliken is very favorable for H. The key now is to get the data of Mickey in Area 51.
Shandora is the main battlefield, and the hole Xue Yang dug before should also be filled.
Soon his words and deeds were approved by the General Army, agreeing to use the killer's magic.
Long Yue, who was still blocked by the Dark Night Team, suddenly discovered that there seemed to be civil unrest in Area 51, with gunshots everywhere.
Long Yue was surprised at what was going on.
Another team reported to Long Yuehui: "The report says that British researchers in Area 51 have armed control of the central control room, and people from Area 51 are rushing to the central control room to regain control."
Long Yue was taken aback: "Scientists in Britain?"
At this time, the announcement from the Yama base was conveyed to the ministries: "This war is not a war between us and Sibu, but a war between the people of the earth and the ambitious brave men of the flat world.
From the very beginning, Britain has been on our side.
They sacrificed a lot for the sake of the overall situation, thereby paralyzing the Skadi, making Mickey not think that Britain is his person.
And now, it's time for the Britons to shine. "
Li Na made a secret mission to the Winter Palace Guard and the House of Honor. As for the Ministry of Magic in Britain, the Administration did not choose to give up.
How arrogant the Britons are, can they allow the natives to ride on their heads and poop?
Regarding Mickey's identity, although Xue Yang's judgment caused a lot of discussion among the top officials of the Ministry of Magic, the top officials of the Ministry of Magic soon agreed with the authority's guess.
Mickey, is the brave of the Scary continent.
A country usurped by indigenous people is something that the four nations of the earth are unwilling to see.
Britain also sacrificed a lot, including the satellites on the dome, and step by step, the scientific research personnel trained by itself were put into the project team of Area 51 in the name of joint acting.
If Mickey gains control of the spacecraft in the flat world, one can imagine the future of the people on earth.
No one wants to see such results.
The hidden card of Britain was finally turned over by the Earth Alliance.
At this time, the people on both sides of the war knew that they were not Huarufu vs. Sri Lanka, but the four nations of the earth, plus the restored Milliken, against the Scarti Empire led by Mickey.
The original "enemy" became his ally, which greatly delighted the CPA fighters who attacked Area 51.
After the Britons took control of the central control room, the enemies in Area 51 were also confused.
After another 3 hours of fighting, CPA finally won Area 51.
Looking at Mickey's various data, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and his words and deeds. He looked in the direction where Shandora was in the north, and muttered: "Next, I'm going to card the bug again."
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