Chapter 793: Lords, the nomadic threat no longer exists!

Char, a nomadic country in the central area of ​​the Great Plains.
This nomadic country once made a living by harassing surrounding feudal countries and tribes, plundering wealth and commodities from commercial countries in the north, and food and population from feudal countries in the east.
It can be said that Char is an unstable factor in the entire Great Plains.
The surrounding countries hated Xia even more.
However, Char, with its powerful nomadic cavalry, as well as tribal wizards and prophets, was stunned that the surrounding countries did not have the slightest temper.
Until a few years ago, the Ottoman Empire claimed to be the savior of the Great Plains countries, and began to send a large number of troops across the eastern mountains and into the eastern part of the Great Plains, and stationed troops against Char’s nomadic harassment among the eastern countries. in.
Xia's nomadic harassment in the east has alleviated a lot.
Although the war between Char and Ottoman continued, Ottoman did not send a large-scale army to fight against Char.
Instead, Xia robbed the eastern countries, and Ottoman's cavalry also rushed into Xia's territory, burning and looting Xia.
This hurt Xia's vitality, and the herdsmen on the border had to move inward to Xia's royal court.
However, the Great Khan discovered that Ottoman was just an excuse to deal with Char. Ottoman Sutan Ottoman IV sent his younger brother Saladin to sit in these small countries in the east.
On the pretext of protecting them, he supported the pro-Ottoman nobles and made them surrender to the Ottoman Empire.
Xia Khan couldn't see this yet, he was really stupid.
Ottoman clearly intends to annex the eastern countries.
In the north of Chara, Farathia, Winoa, and Sandorui also faced threats from Ottoman.
And the First Alliance from the west is also rapidly expanding eastward.
This allowed the Great Khan to decide to visit the northern countries and form a military alliance with the northern countries to jointly fight the First Alliance and Ottoman.
Fortunately, to the north of the Central Sea, the country that seemed to be called Huaxia seemed to have established an Aghanim Continental Conference.
With regard to the current chaotic situation in the Great Plains, the Continental Congress sent peacekeeping troops to the Great Plains one after another.
And Char, the nomadic country that caused the "turmoil" in the Great Plains, is now also helped by peacekeeping troops.
As the peacekeeping forces moved forward and stationed for several years, Ottoman's troops would no longer enter any place in Char's territory.
Of course, these peacekeeping forces from Huaxia, Panda, and Longyu did not seem to have any intention of invading Ottoman and its servants.
On the contrary, there are many people from China, helping countries complete various reforms.
For commercial republics such as Northern Wienoa, complete economic and industrial reforms.
Let the merchants of Weinaa take the ride on the ride that Huaxia crossed to do a residing trade and sell China's goods to the countries of the Great Plains through Weinaia.
For kingdoms like Farasia and Sandorui, this is to help them complete military reforms.
Establish a new army equipped with muskets and artillery, so that ordinary soldiers can have the power to fight against wizards and wizards.
As for nomadic countries like Xia, the help provided by the Chinese people is more in politics and agriculture.
The economic foundation determines the superstructure. First of all, Huaxia, through trade, united with Wienaya merchants to continuously sell cheap food and modern daily necessities into Xia's territory.
Thereby improving the living conditions of herdsmen and their living habits.
Although the Chara people don't like farming very much, the livestock breeding skills taught by the Huaxia people surprised the herdsmen of Chara to find that the cattle, sheep and non-dangerous beasts they raise can give birth to so many cubs at once?
However, there are too many animals in hand, and there is not enough grass on the Chaya grassland.
But it didn't matter. The cheap feed of Huaxia people soon passed through the hands of the Wenoa merchant and sold to Xia's territory.
The herdsmen of Char, sold these animals to merchants in Winoa, in exchange for supplies, or gold, silver and soft coins, to improve their lives at once.
After the arrival of the Huaxia people, the change of their lives, the Xia people really like it.
The gold and silver and soft coins that can be bought for daily necessities and luxury goods are also affectionately called gold and silver soft by the Char people.
Xia's social structure and lifestyle have changed. After she started to settle down, the political reforms against Xia have also been promoted.
In light of local conditions, China Huaxia did not apply its own country to Xia Ya's body.
In a nomadic country, before, a prestigious patriarch was selected from among the tribes to be a great sweat and co-master.
Therefore, under Hua Xia's suggestion, a tribal council system was accepted by the Xia people.
The tribes dispatch representatives or patriarchs to serve as members of the royal court council, while the Great Khan is elected by the royal court council. All resolutions about Char must be discussed and decided by the Great Khan and the royal court council.
This enabled Xia Ya to enter a relatively stable stage in politics.
Today, Char’s economy is prosperous, politically stable, and China’s military is equipped with firearms. It can be said that even in the face of the invasion of Ottoman’s new army, they will not be afraid of it.
The changes in the social system also made the relationship between Xia and neighboring countries quickly eased.
The four countries that had previously occasionally intrigued each other, Chara, Vinaya, Farathia, and Sandorie, have become brother states in their joint resistance against the invasion of Ottoman and the First Alliance in recent years.
Cha's rangers wore breastplates, carried muskets, and rode three-eyed horses. They patrolled the border as usual, and local Ottoman cavalry entered and looted.
However, when Xia's rangers paraded for a day, they did not find any Ottoman cavalry.
On the second and third day, it was still the same.
On the fourth day, the Rangers decided to go a little deeper into Ottoman's protectorate to see if the Ottoman army had any plans.
However, when they approached the Ottoman Protectorate, the scene before them was dumbfounded.
Civil strife broke out throughout the Ottoman Protectorate. The nobles who had been overthrown by Ottoman now began to counterattack the pro-Ottoman nobles supported by Ottoman with their remaining power.
The whole country was plunged into chaos.
As for Ottoman's army, they retreated silently.
The vision of the eastern Great Plains passed through the Southern Bureau to the headquarters of the Space-Time Administration.
Words and deeds looked at the information in front of them, and smiled: "Ottoman and Saladin are well aware of current affairs."
After Camber was defeated economically by China, the garrisons originally located in the eastern Great Plains also withdrew to the Ottoman territory east of the Eastern Mountains.
Before leaving, put down a bragging statement: "Char's crisis has been resolved! Monarchs of the Great Plains nations! The dawn of peace has arrived!"
After speaking, the whole army retreated to the Ottoman Empire.
However, this is not the fact that the Ottoman Empire is really so righteous, and the great unselfishly dealt with Char for the eastern countries.
But after the "defeat" of Camber, Ottoman, the only remaining founding country and core country of the Central Sea Pact, has been left alone.
Ottoman and Saladin are both very savvy people, and like Falkenhausen and Robert, they can see the strong relationship.
Due to the coercion of the workshop owners, Camber had no choice.
But Ottoman is different. This is a powerful monarchy.
Because of the war with Sihemia a few years ago, Ottoman and Saladin used various excuses to settle the nobles who opposed them.
And now, the Ottoman Empire is acting entirely in the will of Ottoman IV.
Such a shrewd monarch naturally cannot continue to provoke China.
Using the excuse of "victory against nomads", I found myself a step down.
This made the manpower originally deployed from Camber, ready to deal with Ottoman, the Southern Bureau suddenly hit the cotton like a punch.
No, it should be when I was facing the small video, I suddenly found myself feeling lonely and dull.
Ottoman withdrew from the eastern part of the Great Plain, throwing the countries of the eastern part into chaos.
The peacekeeping forces had to mobilize personnel from other places to go to the eastern countries to maintain order.
Tracy is still visiting the starting point city, Ottoman's ambassador to China submitted a diplomatic application to the Administration. His Majesty Sutan Ottoman of the Ottoman Empire will visit China with his beloved Queen Xilem.
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