Chapter 825: The industrialization of the dwarves

Departing from Shouwang Town to Hearthstone, the road conditions began to change significantly when reaching the middle section.
After the black asphalt road extended more than 30 kilometers in the territory of the Black Iron Kingdom, it immediately turned into a gray concrete road.
On the dividing line between asphalt and cement, you can also see the Chinese road builders employed by the Dark Iron Kingdom who are changing the gray concrete roads into black asphalt roads.
An Rui looked at the Huaxia construction workers outside the window and the dwarf wearing a safety helmet and safety clothes, and muttered, "Is the dwarf changed from white to black?"
Refers to the conversion of cement roads to asphalt roads.
In order to stimulate economic development, the large-scale investment in the "Northern Advance Policy" has ended, and the large-scale investment in the "Western Advance Policy" and "Southern Advance Policy" have just begun.
Although the population of Western Regions Province did not grow so wildly when Mobei Province was first established, the unlimited business opportunities of Western Regions Province also attracted domestic immigrants.
In order to improve the road problems between China and Black Railway, and promote the development of commerce between the two sides.
Huaxia also provided a lot of low-interest or interest-free loans to the Dark Iron Kingdom. As for the Dark Iron Kingdom, it is still worth mentioning. Anyway, the Dark Iron Kingdom is mortgaged by minerals.
Therefore, on the road from Watch Town to Hearthstone, the road builders can still be seen upgrading the road.
Many buses and trucks can also be seen on the entire Morro Highway.
Suo Hui pointed to the crater in the distance and said, "Look, that's the Guardian's Edge.
During the Red Moon War a few years ago, Fein ‘Elemental Knight’ triggered this volcano and attacked our Pangu base.
Look around here, now it has become a tourist attraction. "
An Rui knew about this. After all, he had personally experienced it, and he was the "Gundam" driver at Pangu base at that time.
It has to be said that the business acumen of Huaxia merchants is developed. A merchant named Disni has taken the entire Watch Front and established tourist attractions.
First of all, this extinct volcano is the remains of the battlefield during the Red Moon War. Visitors can climb the Watch Front while listening to the story of the Red Moon and the Chinese War, and experience the impact of the war on the vicinity of the volcano.
Secondly, the Guardian's Front is located in the north of the two rivers, on the northern edge of the Black Iron Plateau.
Visitors can experience the snowy plateau scenery of the Black Iron Plateau, and they can also experience the lush forest landscape of Western Regions under the watch wind.
Of course, the most important thing is that the amount of money that Disini bought a piece of land from the Dark Iron Kingdom is not high, and it is not as good as a fraction of his construction of Disini Paradise in China.
With experience in the construction and management of Di Shi Ni Paradise, Di Shi Ni has also made this scenic spot vivid and colorful.
What those scenic spots in China should have are all here.
Specialties, QR codes, souvenirs, high-priced food, etc.
Those that are not available in domestic scenic spots are also available here.
Black Iron Dwarf Dance, Dwarf Roller Coaster, Dwarf Mine Roller Coaster, Extinct Volcanic Cave Tour, etc.
Rather than saying that this is a film going in, it is better to say that this is a product of the combination of going in and an amusement park.
Of course, with the construction of the scenic spot, a small town where Huaxia and the dwarves live together has also formed nearby. Because it is located under the Watching Front Mountain, it is also called Shouwang Town.
It forms one north and one south with Shouwang Town in the northwest of Western Regions Province.
Because one is in the territory of the Dark Iron Kingdom and the other is in the territory of Huaxia, in order to distinguish the two Shouwang towns, the two towns are called North Shouwang and South Shouwang, or Black Shouwang and Hua Shouwang, or High Shouwang and Low Shouwang. .
Of course, the two Watch Towns also have their own characteristics.
Beishouwang is China’s road from the northwest to the Dark Iron Kingdom. The entire city is full of modern-style high-rise buildings, and there are also many freight stations and transfer stations.
Nanshouwang was formed because of the tourist attraction of Shouwangzhifeng and the border gate city.
Most of the towns are low-rise bungalows, or 4 or 5 storey buildings.
And mainly Chinese and Dark Iron dwarves live together.
The most in the city are hotels for Chinese tourists.
An Rui’s 4-person car walked up the winding mountain road in the two rivers and mountains, and the lush scenery was directly covered by the white snow.
This is the real world of the Dark Iron Kingdom, a world of ice and snow, so apart from official businessmen and some tourists, not many Chinese people are willing to go to this ice and snow for a long time.
The roads on the Black Iron Plateau are also quite difficult to build. Although they are not as difficult as the roads on the Tubo Plateau, it took 3 years to complete the Shoulu Highway, which is fairly fast.
After entering the two rivers and mountains, because of the winding roads, it seemed that the distance was very short, and the journey took a long time.
If it wasn't for a honeymoon trip and to appreciate the local customs, An Rui would be willing to take on a role like Bi Luo, directly holding Guan Lin a somersault cloud over to Dark Iron City.
A few days later, a street sign written in black iron dwarf script and Chinese appeared on the side of the road, with the words "Heartstone Fort" and "43KM" written on it.
Suo Hui sighed and said, "Finally, we are almost at Hearthstone Castle, and it will be much better when we arrive at Hearthstone Castle.
Because from Hearthstone to Dark Iron City, the dwarf subway built by dwarves a thousand years ago is much faster than the winding mountain road.
Not long after driving into the boundaries of Hearthstone, everyone heard the roar of the machine.
An Rui glanced intently and saw that the road began to narrow, and the two-way road was artificially separated and separated into one road.
The vehicles going back and forth follow the command of the dispatcher, move forward, or stop.
Looking at the side, large-scale construction machinery produced by China is "buzzing" and a dark iron dwarf is sitting in the cockpit, controlling the entire construction machinery.
There are a lot of construction machinery here, they are emitting thick black smoke, and they are upgrading this section of road from white to black.
Knowing this situation, Li Le introduced to An Rui and Guan Lin: "This is a road project on the side of the dwarf. They borrowed money to buy a lot of engineering equipment and hired Huaxia engineers to upgrade and widen the road as soon as possible. Pave the high-level road to North Watch."
On the entire construction site, many Huaxia engineers wearing big cotton jackets and military coats can still be seen commanding.
Perhaps the dwarves are quite talented in machinery, and their mastery of the operation of construction machinery is much faster than other natives in other worlds.
Listening to Li Le’s introduction, Anrui learned that not only these road construction machinery, but several domestic heavy industry groups have also sold a lot of engineering equipment to the Black Iron Kingdom to help the Black Iron Kingdom improve road traffic. , Constructing buildings and facilities, digging mountains and walls, etc.
Of course, as for laying the asphalt road, An Rui also found that the black iron dwarves gather together when they are resting.
A mechanical operator stepped on the accelerator and burned diesel fuel, while the black smoke from the tail was "pupupupu" sprayed out along the exhaust port.
A group of dwarves who had just eaten a hot box lunch gathered in the exhaust vent, frantically snorting exhaust.
As for the Huaxia engineer next to him, he lit a cigarette and talked with the other dwarf while looking at the situation here.
An Rui probably understands what's going on, because the dark iron dwarves have a strange habit, and they love gasoline and diesel fuels as beverages, so that they have also fallen into an inexplicable love for exhaust gas.
Just like ordinary people smoke, the cigarettes produced by China are not attractive to dwarf people.
But when the machine is running, the exhaust gas from fuel combustion makes lovers want to stop.
An Rui can't laugh or cry, that's why these dwarves gather around here to take their exhaust gas.
Because the road turned into an asphalt road again, the speed of An Rui and others' cars also became faster. After tens of minutes, the outline of Hearthstone Castle appeared in front of everyone.
Due to the arrival of Chinese merchants, some supporting modern facilities have appeared in this city.
After getting off the car, An Rui looked around and found that there were many factories in Hearthstone, and there was a huge roar in the city.
At this time, An Rui found two groups of people on the square holding signs and scolding.
An Rui asked Li Le Suohui, who traded with the Dark Iron Kingdom: "What is going on? Are you protesting?"
Suo Hui smiled and said: "What else is going on? The establishment of the factory has led to a dispute between the machine-strike iron sect and the manual iron sect."
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