Chapter 832: The battle between the undead

Can terracotta warriors appear in the undead world?
This is the first time An Rui has seen Oriental flavors outside of Huaxia and Furry.
There are several earth-like cultural circles throughout Aghanim. The first is the Holy Aghanim United Empire. The entire empire’s cultural circle is similar to that of Western Europe in the Middle Ages.
And those furry beast ears, whether they are fluffy, ten thousand beasts, white dragons, or Eastern Regions, are similar to the East Asian Chinese cultural circles on the earth.
Camber, in the south of the central sea, is similar to the existence of the Netherlands and Venice during the great voyage.
Except for some of the countries of the Great Plains, which belong to the Niwei mixed wind, most of them are earth tianzhu winds.
The style of the Ottoman Empire has a typical Arabic flavor.
The style of the Alabas Empire belongs to the tune of ancient Egypt on earth.
Although the Emerald Forest in the south cannot find the exact flavor of the earth, it is similar to the feeling of the Amazon female warrior on the earth and in the game world.
Even the dark iron dwarves of the Dark Iron Kingdom have a taste of the dwarves in the game, but the dwarves here are more inclined to the steam wind of technology in terms of technology and magic.
An Rui was a little surprised when he encountered the terracotta army of East Asian Chinese flavor in the south of the Black Iron Plateau.
I saw the words Lv14, Lv13, Lv15, Lv14, Lv14 and so on on the heads of these terracotta warriors.
Judging by An Rui's experience in the flat world for so many years, the strength of this terracotta army is roughly equivalent to that of the regular troops of other countries on the ground.
Guan Lin and An Rui unanimously took out their phones, took pictures of the strange things they encountered during their honeymoon trip, and asked softly: "An Rui, what are these?
puppet? Still undead? "
Without the real eye and the dimensional eye, it is impossible to directly judge whether the opponent is an undead.
However, the terracotta warriors and horses in front of them looked like puppets, but they gave people a feeling of being dead.
An Rui was also not arbitrary, and said, "It's probably an undead."
"What are these terracotta warriors doing?"
An Rui shook his head. He has never been to the world of the undead. How do you understand the plans of these terracotta warriors who may be undead: "I don't know, let's take a look."
As the canoe drifted along the current to the shore and stopped, the two men could see more clearly.
It is indeed a terracotta warrior in the style of the Qin Dynasty, even with the same weapons.
In the thick fog, you can faintly hear the croaking of horses.
At this moment, there was a commotion from the tree canopy not far away. The terracotta warriors and horses that were marching stopped suddenly. Several people leaned back to press Ge down, and the white eyes were even more deadly. Staring around.
"Wow wow wow!"
It was probably the voice of the undead, neither An Rui nor Guan Lin could understand, and the entire terracotta warriors and horses formed as a team moved again.
"Wow wow wow..."
At this time, the sound of fighting sounded, and in the fog, the two could only see a small black figure attacking the terracotta warriors.
The two sides fought for a while, and the small figure quickly fell under the orderly and disciplined terracotta warriors.
"Jungle Goblin?"
This area lives in the jungle goblins of the jungle goblin tribe, so the goblins that fight the terracotta warriors must be the goblins.
Although the battle between the two sides does not matter what An Rui is, as far as the undead is concerned, they are in a sense hostile to the creatures.
An Rui took out the shotgun from the space bag, filled the shotgun, and prepared to go up and help.
But Guan Lin grabbed An Rui: "Wait, something is wrong."
An Rui was taken aback: "What's the matter?"
I saw Guan Lin carrying the thermal imaging and said, "You turn on the thermal imaging to take a look."
An Rui immediately took out the thermal image and opened it.
Not only can there be no heat source on the terracotta warriors, but even the goblins.
The only red heat source is Guan Lin and herself.
The terracotta warriors and horses do not have a heat source, it is better to say that they are either puppets or undead, or undead puppets.
If there is no heat source in the goblins, there is a big problem.
An Rui was taken aback: "Also dead?"
Guan Lindai frowned. According to what the plateau orcs said, more and more undead appeared in the southern part of the Dark Iron Kingdom in recent months, and it is very likely that these goblins are also undead.
But what puzzles Guan Lin is that this is a battle between the undead and the undead?
In the fog, the two groups of people fought fiercely, and the "ding and ding" of the weapon collision was clearly identifiable. Even the sparks from the weapon collision could be seen in the fog.
However, the size of the small undead goblin is not an opponent of the tall terracotta warriors at all.
In addition to the undead goblins, each organization and the stragglers' fighting style, facing the formation of the terracotta warriors and horses, it is completely a battle between the green forest bandits and officers and soldiers.
The undead goblins were completely crushed by the terracotta warriors and horses.
An Rui and Guan Lin didn't think it was too much to see the excitement, so they took out a bottle of Happy Water, poured a glass each, found out the special snacks from the plateau orcs, and began to taste them.
Suddenly there was a commotion from the canopy of the trees above their heads. The two raised their heads and looked over their heads. Guan Lin reached out and touched the gun beside her, and Guan Rui directly flicked the shotgun she put aside.
I saw a jungle goblin zombie that was bloodless and rotten all over, and turned into gray-green skin because of the loss of blood color, jumping from the canopy with a small stone axe.
With a scream of "babble", he was about to attack the two of them.
The price of watching the excitement is that it will be affected if you are not careful.
However, An Rui was not afraid, looking at the level of the goblin zombie who jumped down, Lv5, coldly snorted: "War five scum."
An Rui was about to kill the goblin zombie in seconds, and a crossbow arrow shot over with a "puff" sound, and shot it on the goblin zombie with a "puff", shooting it down in the river.
Guan Lin looked for the direction where the crossbow arrow flew, and pointed to the terracotta warrior and horse holding the crossbow on the shore: "An Rui, it's a crossbowman."
I saw that the crossbowman's eyes were glowing with white light, and he glanced at the two, with the coldness of the dead world in his mouth, lowered his head, and began to reload his crossbow arrows.
Was discovered.
An Rui stood in front of Guan Lin at this time and protected Guan Lin. If the terracotta warriors and goblins attacked the two, An Rui could fight back.
"Trusty rusty..."
Five goblin zombies rushed out of the bush next to the canoe, holding a spear made of animal bones in their hands, and rushed towards the two people on the boat.
"Hiss hiss"
There was a croak of war horses, and a chariot rushed over.
The archer in the car hit one of the goblins with one arrow and nailed it to the trunk nearby.
Another soldier in the car waved Chang Ge, and the blade directly took away the heads of the four goblins who had attacked An Rui Guanlin.
An Rui and Guan Lin were stunned for a while. Although the terracotta warriors and goblins were not threatening to them, watching them from close range at the time made them feel as if they were in an ancient battlefield.
It is also an ancient battlefield where Qin fought against goblins.
The bronze bodies of the four war horses in front of the chariot are like four majestic bronze war horses.
The coldness of the world of the dead was also exhaled in his mouth, with white light in his eyes, stopped in place, shaking his head and touching horseshoes.
And the terracotta warrior in the car jumped out of the car and glanced at An Rui and Guan Lin, as if looking at them. He immediately walked to the 5 goblin zombies and drew the dagger from his waist. With a "pouch", the goblin's ear was cut off.
Is this a military exploit? Or what?
After all, the ears of the goblins in this world can be used as medicine.
Although An Rui and Guan Lin who were watching the excitement were found, the Terracotta Warriors did not intend to attack them.
The battle lasted for half an hour before it ended. Guan Lin judged that it should be an attack.
The undead goblins were heavily wounded and retreated.
The terracotta warriors and horses once again set up the queue and continued to march along the road in the dense forest.
"Hiss hiss"
At this time, a team of terracotta warriors and horses ran over, and the leading terracotta warriors and horses rode on their horses and stared at the two.
An Rui liked the rank of the terracotta warrior named first, Lv77, and his strength was pretty good.
Guan Lin noticed that this terracotta warrior was wearing a general's costume and said to An Rui: "It seems to be the general of this terracotta army."
At this time, the general opened his mouth and made a "buzzing" sound, but neither An Rui nor Guan Lin could understand.
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