Chapter 836: Support from Heping Island

Located in the eastern part of the Eastern Region, the "Peace Island" is a large island in the westernmost part of China's Xihai Province. Although this island is called Heping Island, there are not many weapons and equipment deployed on the entire Heping Island.
As an important island for trade with the Dragon Region, in order to deal with the possible attacks of sea beasts in the Dragon Sleep Sea, this island has many garrisons in addition to deploying defensive weapons.
On the Peaceful Island at this time, the harsh sirens pierced the sky, and the militiamen on the island took their weapons and rushed to the designated locations, and the garrison on the island was the same.
This time it was not a sea beast attacking, but the western part of Heping Island, where a large number of undead invading the dragon domain were discovered.
Li Boran, who was only 16 years old at the time of the journey, was admitted to the Northern Air Force Military Academy from Ryukyu Province at the age of 18 after witnessing China's self-defense counterattack against the north. After graduation, he became a pilot.
With the development of Xihai Province and the establishment of Heping Island and Heping City, Li Boran was transferred to the Heping Island base.
Watching waves of missiles launched from a nearby missile base, Li Boran held his helmet and climbed onto the J16 command fighter.
Li Boran murmured: "This mission is to fight the undead? I thought it was a sea beast?"
After getting on the plane, Li Boran was checking the condition of the plane and the condition of the 24 drones while recalling the mission he had just received.
The mission this time was mainly to deal with the undead army that suddenly appeared from the Longmian Sea. The scale of the entire invasion was quite large.
Even if all the missiles on the Peace Island are launched, it may not be able to eliminate all the invading undead army on the coast.
Therefore, Li Boran received the task of commanding drones, mounting incendiary bombs, and going to the invaded beaches, supporting the dragon, and providing free cremation services for the dead.
The J16 refers to the command-type fighter that has been improved after the advancement of drone command technology in the past few years, and it does not have too strong combat effectiveness.
With the development of several years, the J16 finger has also appeared various improvements, the command efficiency of the UAV combat fleet has also become higher, and at the same time it has become more adaptable to various complex battlefield command conditions.
After checking the body's condition, Li Boran said: "Connect to the mission fleet."
The artificial intelligence voice in the cabin also followed the report: "The mission fleet is connecting..."
"The mission fleet is connected."
I saw the serial numbers of 24 unmanned fighter jets suddenly appeared in the command system, all of which were flying leopards.
The serial number from 1 to 24, on each drone, is written in four large characters: "Ready".
After inspecting his own combat drone fleet and seeing that the ground handling schedule was established to take off safely, Li Boran reported to the tower report: "Call the Bird's Nest, the'Flying Bird' is ready and ready to take off."
The tower said: "Take off is allowed, please receive the drone fleet in the designated airspace."
Li Boran said: "I understand."
Li Boran pushed the afterburner lightly, and the entire J16 finger slowly glided on the runway. As the speed got faster and faster, Li Boran gently pulled down the joystick, and the entire J16 finger's nose followed Lifted it up.
At this time, on the screen of the new pilot helmet incorporating the AR system, a circle of green gathering areas appeared in an airspace not far ahead.
The small yellow arrow was along the channel in front of Li Boran's nose, and it flickered towards the assembly.
Just like playing a game, the system will mark the route between you and the task point with arrows to guide you there.
Li Boran drove 16 fingers into the green assembly area, looking down, a small black three small unmanned combat bomber had risen from the launch pad below.
There are not many runways at the Air Force Base on Heping Island, mainly for the take-off of manned fighter jets and the landing of unmanned fighter jets.
As for emergency missions, it is naturally impossible for drones to occupy manned aircraft.
The Assault unmanned multi-role fighter was developed to meet this task.
Following the combat experience accumulated in the previous series of Rainbow, Sharp Sword, Dark Sword, etc., the Charge fighter is small in size, light in weight, fast flying, and high in stealth performance. Under the background of the new era, the drone swarm combat system And famous.
The body of the Charge 1 is an equilateral triangle, with a length of 8 meters and a wingspan of 8 meters. It is somewhat similar to the predecessor's sharp sword.
However, Charge 1 is far smaller than a sharp sword in terms of its size and weight.
In the hangar, the ground crew hurriedly put the incendiary bomb in the belly of the Charge, and after checking it again, they confirmed: "The Charge is finished loading and the mission can be performed."
Immediately afterwards, the ground crew pushed the Charge to the slide. After clicking the confirmation in the system, the system assigned the command plane to the Charge, activated the slide again and carried the Charge to the ejection flat for emergency lift-off. .
The Charge quickly came to a UAV catapult tower standing upright in the airport along with the slide rails. When the two platforms were docked, the anchor that ejected him immediately fixed the Charge.
Immediately after that, the platform of the hangar began to come over vertically, carrying the Charge to a 90-degree vertical, so that the nose of the Charge was aimed directly above.
At this time, the Charger, waiting to be ejected and take off vertically, is like a rocket on a miniature rocket launcher.
Here is the advantage of the new type of UAV as Charge, which can use the vertical ejection platform to reduce the time it takes for the drone swarm to lift off at the same time.
And in small airports, perform take-off tasks.
With the four Assault UAVs vertically fixed on the vertical ejection platform, after Li Boran's command plane received the connections of the aircraft, the first wave of Assault UAVs that took off vertically ejected directly.
There were two vertical ejection platforms in the entire airport. After the preparation of the vertical ejection platform system was completed, the eight Assault aircraft on the ejection platform also "huhhuhu" sprayed flames from the tail.
At the same time, the entire catapult launched 8 Chargers into the air with a single shot, and gathered towards the green airspace in front of Li Boran's helmet.
After the two vertical ejection platforms were ejected, the ejection platform returned to its original position again, and the other eight Assault drones in the hangar also drove over on the slide rails.
The vertical ejection platform clicked and docked with the Assault drone on the slide, and 8 drones took off again.
In less than 5 minutes, a formation of 24 drones arrived in the green area and completed the assembly.
After Li Boran received 24 UAVs, the area in the helmet changed again, and an arrow pointing to the mission area appeared.
At the same time, in the helmet image, a screen floating next to it also received the battlefield image from the drone.
Looking at the colorful bones on the beach below, Li Boran muttered: "This army of undead is too much."
Although the wave of missiles launched on the Heping Island had almost solved the bone dragon in the sky, the undead troops on the ground did not cause much damage.
There are only a dozen dragons participating in the battle on the entire battlefield. Bone dragons can no longer pose a threat to them. However, the magical array constructed by corpses and witches on the beach cannot be resisted by dragons. of.
I saw a column of tornadoes rising from the sea, quickly rolling towards the beach.
The skeleton soldiers on the coast were even more lifted up by the tornado, which stained the tornado with a dense white.
The undead skeletons will not suffer much damage in the tornado. When these bone tornadoes are advancing towards the dragon, the skeleton soldiers in the tornado are also sharpening their swords, ready to attack the dragon at any time.
Li Boran exclaimed: "These giant dragons are running, how can you fight the undead with a dozen dragons? The more you fight, the less!"
Li Boran's drone swarm is still some distance away from the battlefield, and there is no way to support it immediately.
However, at this moment, sparks suddenly exploded across the beach.
Li Boran was shocked. Heping Island was the closest support point to this battlefield. Basically all the missiles that could be used had been used up, and the drones he brought had not yet arrived on the battlefield. Who was attacking the beach? side.
However, Li Boran discovered that these "explosions" looked different from the explosions of ordinary artillery shells. Li Boran immediately looked to the southeast, in the direction of China's Tubo Province.
Exclaimed: "Electromagnetic Cannon Matrix!?"
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