Chapter 849: Corrupted Giant

"What kind of monster is that?"
Inside the command of words and deeds, words and deeds quietly stared at the huge monster squeezed out of the bone teleporters on the screen.
The fat head is like the big head of a toad.
The mung bean-colored skin was covered in pits, and there were herpes like bitter gourd bumps everywhere.
The herpes on the skin was like a virus, and it was covered with wet liquid.
Some herpes squeezed directly when the monster squeezed out of the bone door, and the yellow-green sticky mucus was flowing everywhere.
On the other Y20 rushing to the battlefield, "Plague Rider" Pregg looked at the huge monster half-length exposed in the bone gate, and swallowed: "Erosion giant, a kind of life in the corpse water lake. The big fat monster in.
In the lake formed by the accumulation of rotting corpses, under the nourishment of the power of death in the undead world, he is composed of various rotting corpses, which is quite disgusting.
Its strength is not under Leviathan.
In the world of undead, undead creatures with low IQ are also called undead half-human Leviathan. "
Suddenly startled by words and deeds: "So strong!?"
If it is a Leviathan level, then it cannot be solved by the 77th Airborne Division.
If you are not careful, the 77th Airborne Division may be reimbursed here.
Words and deeds are hesitating whether to use a part of the matrix's firepower to contain the corrupt giants who have not completely exited the portal, and let the Airborne 77 Division first withdraw to a safe area, and then find a way to deal with it.
"Oh oh oh oh oh oh..."
However, at this time the erosion giant roared, his expression distorted and looked extremely painful, and a large amount of foul-smelling green saliva also splashed out of the erosion giant's mouth.
His words and deeds narrowed his eyes, and the situation was quite serious at this time: "That guy is casting a spell?"
On the plane, Pregg looked at the screen, and there was a black line at one end: "Uh, the erosion giant seems to be stuck."
The portal was too small, and the Corrupted Giant was directly stuck in the door, unable to move, unable to enter, and not to retreat, leaving only his head and half of his body outside, and howling dry.
Rub, good chance.
Words and deeds immediately gave orders to the 77th Airborne Division, concentrated firepower, and stormed the corrupt giant.
The officers and soldiers of the 77th Airborne Division were also taken aback. They thought it was something very powerful.
Although it is indeed very powerful, but I love it to be stuck.
Xue Ren also ordered his regiment to launch shelling on the corrupt giant.
"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"
Not only the 77th Airborne Division, but also several electromagnetic cannons that delayed the Erosion Giant that had just been separated by words and deeds were also transferred, and the entire Erosion Giant was immediately bombarded by tons of artillery fire.
Sora has the strength of a Leviathan, but can't move, who is to blame?
I can only blame it for being too fat.
The shelling suddenly opened the head of the erosion giant, and all kinds of mucus also spilled out.
The erosive giant has no brains. After the head is blown open, it is full of rotten flesh.
And the black evil maggots and giant flies in corpse water that lodged inside also came out, and Xue Ren immediately ordered: "'Insect Swarm'! Spitfire!!!"
"Puff hoo hoo hoo hoo..."
The flames spurted up again, and the undead monsters who had just come out to breathe the disgusting breath of life in the ground world, before they had time to retches, they were scorched by the flames.
As the Corrupted Giant blocked the entire Bone Portal, the passage from the Undead World to the Aghanim Continent is temporarily impassable, and the undead staying in Aghanim will not receive continuous reinforcements from the Undead World.
After the Airborne 77th Division controlled the teleporters, the new reinforcements, the Airborne 11th Division, broke through the encirclement of the undead from the north and killed them. Together with the Airborne 77th Division, based on the remains of the undead city, they began to construct civil engineering. , Resist the invasion of the undead outside.
After the battle lasted for a few times and disappeared, facing almost "infinite" firepower, the undead who didn't understand the earth people chose to retreat.
Although there are so many undead, they can no longer receive support after losing the portal.
The infinite undead has become finite for them.
Instead of spending time with this strange group of humans here at the portal, it is better to attack from all sides and convert the creatures of the ground world into new undeads and join their undead army.
Long Yue's dark night team and "Plague Knight" Pregg also sat on Y20 and airdropped to the main city of the undead.
Although the body of the erosion giant blocked the portal, it did not mean that it was completely blocked. The undead on the undead world must be trying to open the entire passage.
In the world of undead, there is this wonderful race of ghouls, who can quickly clean up the flesh on the corpse.
In the front-line combat headquarters of the Undead City, commanders above the regiment level and the dark night team held a new meeting.
"At present, the Erosion Giant has sealed the entire portal to death, but we are the first to conquer the undead city on our side, and build a stronghold to gain time.
However, the undead will definitely take action, they will not sit and wait because the Corrosive Giant has sealed the portal to death. "
At this time, Pregg said in the meeting: "If the undead invests a lot of ghouls to clear the passage, I am afraid that it will take less than 2 hours for the ghouls to hollow out the body of the entire man.
By then we will face a large number of undead.
Moreover, with the strange species in the undead world, we really don't know what kind of undead forces we will face after the ghouls open the passage. "
Words and deeds said in the meeting: "Is it less than 2 hours? It is enough.
The Airborne 11th Division took over from the Airborne 77th Division to consolidate the defenses in this area.
The 77th Airborne Division was ready for an assault. Once the ghouls opened up this passage, they rushed in and established a permanent base opposite them. "
"I will arrange a new round of delivery and deliver more central equipment to you."
The original mission of the Airborne 77th Division was to conquer the main city of the undead, to seize the portal on the Aghanim continent, and then to enter the world of the undead on the other side of the portal to establish a permanent base.
These are indeed the tasks that Division 77 must do now.
The only difference is that the Corrosive Giant blocked the entire portal, and the ghoul estimated that it would take less than 2 hours to clear the portal.
This also gave the 77 Division offense and the 11 Division defense to prepare time.
Of course, even if the ghouls do not deal with the corrupted giant that is blocking the road, the CPA will take the initiative to destroy the body of the corrupted giant and march toward the world of the undead.
As the undead forces from the outer counterattack withdrew, the 11th Airborne Division began to take over the defense of the 77th Airborne Division, and in the ruins built by the undead, fortifications to the outside and opposite were established.
The Airborne 77 Division also began to enter a short-term correction, ready to continue fighting at any time.
At the same time, a large number of Y20 fleets began to fly in the sky, and a large number of heavy equipment and defense equipment were dropped from the sky.
The 11th Division used equipment for position defense, and the 77th Division used equipment for attack and position construction.
In addition to the 77th division's of course, the dark night team and Pregg, the necromancer, will also cooperate.
Time flies quickly, 11 is the first fortification to be constructed, which is the fortification for the portal.
The movement on the side of the undead world was much faster than expected. In just over an hour, a group of ghouls jumped out of the blasted head of the corrupt giant.
But what appeared in front of the ghouls was nothing but the 11th Airborne Division that had completed the fortifications, and the 77th Airborne Division that was ready to attack.
The muzzle of the black hole and the flamethrower were aimed at this side, and with a "fire", the bullets and flames suddenly vented towards the group of ghouls.
The ghouls had big stomachs and looked at the group of humans who were onlookers in front of them, knowing that the strange steel staff in their hands was in flames, and the ghouls knew that they had suffered.
The emerging ghouls were killed on the spot, and the Dark Night Squad also acted as a knife force at this time. Under the cover of the firepower of the 11th Airborne Division, they began to countercharge against the undead world.
Because the portal is relatively narrow, the soldiers of the Airborne 77th Division can only follow the dark night team one by one.
Looking at the mysterious group of soldiers wearing mechanical exoskeleton, the soldiers of the Airborne 77 Division looked envious.
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