Chapter 868: Rescue operations

There was also a brief silence during the emergency meeting in the United Spaceport.
Everyone knows the emergency plan, no matter which emergency plan is adopted, the danger should not be brought back to the United Spaceport.
Although a similar emergency plan was formulated, even the people below could not have imagined that such a weird incident would really happen in reality.
Of course they have already passed through. Everyone is living on a horizontal world spacecraft made by aliens. There seems to be such a weird incident.
In the United Spaceport, three of the seven people present were soldiers. In the face of danger, it was impossible to directly choose the safest option in the emergency plan and abandon the shuttle.
They are soldiers, they have to choose the best option, and they have to save them.
As a soldier, it is natural to face difficulties.
The shuttle cannot be abandoned, and Li Zihui and Liu Li cannot be abandoned.
They are not only their comrades in arms, but also their colleagues.
Although several people have achieved the worst plan, they are still racking their brains to find ways to solve the problem.
After Wu Yulun pondered for a moment, he said, "I'll go, I'll see if I can resolve the crisis."
Yu Dehong said: "You may not be able to do it alone. Going alone will not solve all problems. Li Zihui and Liu Li are members of the space force, and they are also soldiers.
And what we are facing is a rather unknown thing, we don't know whether it is life or what. "
Like Ivan, Wu Yulun, as a security officer of the spaceport, should naturally face such a crisis.
It's just that Ivan, as the first person to unfold the crisis, died directly, so Ivan's task needs to be replaced by Wu Yulun.
Therefore, in Wu Yulun's view, whether it is as a security officer to protect the safety of the spaceport and colleagues, or to continue to work on the job that Ivan failed to complete, Wu Yulun should do it.
And as a soldier, he should stand up in the face of danger.
However, Yu Dehong knew that Li Zihui and Liu Li were both CPA fighters, and their fighting skills were not weak. If Wu Yulun was added, it would not increase the possibility of dealing with that magical thing.
But take the game as an example. In a decryption game, there are 3 people who go to the level, but there is no one who decrypts, which is very troublesome.
And now the spaceport can complete the decryption work, probably only Huaxin in charge of information and communication, Li Yi in charge of biological research, and Tom in charge of astronomy research.
In this matter, it would be better to arrange for Li Yi, a biologist, to go with him.
But Li Yi is an ordinary scientific researcher, not a CPA fighter, nor a person who joined the space force like Hua Xin, so it seems that Wu Yulun going in a single row is not very useful, if Li Yi does not.
Obviously, Li Yi also noticed Yu Dehong's hesitation, which he looked at himself from time to time.
Li Yi also knew at this time that he might be able to play a role, and immediately gathered the courage and volunteered: "Let me go, I am a biologist, maybe I can come in handy."
Huaxin's body trembled slightly beside her, and she didn't expect the weak-looking Li Yi sister to be so brave.
Yu Dehong was not in a hurry to express his stance, and Li Yi followed: "If only Wu Yulun went, there would only be one more combatant.
And if I go, I can identify what it is, and maybe I can find a way to deal with it. "
After thinking for a moment, Yu Dehong said, "Okay, just do it like this."
Tom next to him had no idea that the Huaxia people were so aggressive. This was a big trouble. If it were placed in Milliken, the shuttle would definitely be abandoned.
Tom, who was born in Milliken, naturally couldn't understand the sense of collective honor and responsibility of Chinese people.
As the commander, Yu Dehong immediately made the following deployment.
First, the rescue team was finalized. The members were security officer Wu Yulun and biologist Li Yi.
In addition, Yu Dehong also arranged engineer Wang Cong in, but it was not Wang Cong who went there in person, but Wang Cong's robot arranged 3 units, 2 equipped with weapons and 1 equipped with functional appliances.
Considering that the shuttle cannot be allowed to enter the spaceport until the crisis is resolved, Yu Dehong asked Xiao Xiao, the dispatcher, to arrange three escape capsules, re-edit the orbit, and transport the personnel to the shuttle.
After the meeting, each started to do its own thing.
Yu Dehong found Wu Yulun and Li Yi and said, "Do the worst, if you go this time, you may not be able to come back."
CPA is like this. It will not fabricate lies to deceive anyone, but will tell the fighters the specific content and difficulty of the mission.
The soul, spirit, and style of this force have also continued from the very beginning.
Facing difficulties, fighting against the sky is endless.
Wu Yulun saluted: "Please rest assured, the commander. I know the arduousness of the task. If the suicide note is drawn up before heaven, if anything happens to me, I will bother the commander."
Li Yi on the side also seemed to be infected, and said, "It's okay. If something goes wrong, it's a sacrifice for science, it's worth it."
Yu Dehong got to know the petite biologist in front of him again. The introverted and reserved appearance and the bravery and responsibility he showed now make it difficult to connect the two.
Li Yi looked indifferently, the big deal was to devote himself to science.
Think about the scientists and warriors who explored the "Dragon Sleeping Sea", "Shandora" and "Endless Ocean". Didn't they also sacrifice their precious lives on this rugged road?
The United Spaceport is also to explore the truth of this world, and what they are encountering now is just a problem encountered in exploring the truth.
If this is all feared, what should we do about the following problems?
Yu Dehong looked at Li Yi and said, "Thank you."
Li Yi shook his head and smiled lightly: "Mmm, what I should do, it's impossible to abandon the two of them, isn't it?"
At this time, Yu Dehong patted Wu Yulun on the shoulder heavily: "Li Yi's safety is up to you."
Wu Yulun promised: "One less hair, you are asking me."
In a moment, everyone was ready to go.
Wu Yulun and Li Yi each entered an escape capsule with weapons and equipment, and Wang Cong also placed three robots in the other escape capsule.
At the same time, Xiao Xiao also re-established a set of orbits, so that after the escape capsule was launched, it would not go to the country, but flew towards the shuttle at the edge of the connection between the dome and the bottom of the spacecraft.
Li Yi was sitting in the escape capsule wearing a space suit and felt nervous. Even if it was the courage just now, it was a lot smaller because of sitting in this confined narrow space.
But thinking of the two people trapped in the shuttle, as well as Ivan's body and the strange thing, Li Yi patted the helmet and said, "Li Yi, you can."
At this time, Yu Dehong's voice came from the channel: "Are you ready?"
Li Yi took a deep breath, and after listening to Wu Yulun's response in the channel, he also replied: "Ready."
Yu Dehong nodded, and Xiao Xiao started counting: "Launch the escape capsule in 10 seconds.
Huaxin also intervened at this time and prayed: "Sister Li Yi, brother Wu Yulun, I hope you all go well, successfully solve the crisis encountered on the shuttle, and bring everyone back."
Li Yi only felt that the escape pod shook, and then moved with it.
Standing by the window of the spaceport, Tom looked at the three escape capsules flying out toward the shuttle, and muttered: "Is this the children of China? Don't give in to the world, don't be afraid of difficulties."
The holographic screen above Li Zihui and Liu Li also played the scenes of three escape pods flying in. Yu Dehong in another small box next to him said: "The support has come, it will be here soon. what's the situation?"
Li Zihui looked at the vitality organ and said, "Ivan should be dead. It just got into the liquid in his body. I don't know if he is controlling it or what. In short, the moving guy in front of me will not be Ivan. "
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