Chapter 907: Counterattack plan

The word "Awakening" is not something the undead of this world had before, but a newly created vocabulary by the Administration for these low-level undeads who have undergone strange changes.
The words and deeds pointed to the two small benches, let An Rui and Diofi sit down, and then opened the image of the undead world stronghold, the fountain of eternal life.
"This is the image taken by Gudra, the resident liaison of the Undead World of your family, Xiaoan, and our scientific research team in the undead cities in the Fountain of Eternal Life and the stronghold."
China has two strongholds in the world of the undead, one is the Aghanim portal stronghold, which is equivalent to the scope of a special administrative city.
The other is the original territory of Arcer and Bigbart. Later, after the "Charming Knight" Golia joined the Space-Time Administration, under the negotiation of the "Plague Knight", the two undead lords also took their territories and joined the Space-Time Administration. .
And the piece of land where the Spring of Eternal Life is located, one or two inland provinces of China, has also become a territory under the jurisdiction of China.
Although An Rui and Diofi had heard of this place, they had never been to the Fountain of Eternal Life.
In the video, the entire Fountain of Eternal Life has the scale of a modern city.
The outer walls of the entire city have been demolished by the undead construction team, and many tall buildings have been built.
An Rui was also stunned: "Brother Yan, I remember that it didn't take long for the Fountain of Eternal Life to be incorporated into our country, you guys... Oh no, when did the Administration build this city into such a prosperous city? .
It seems to be more developed than Qili City and An Ruibao. "
There are many tall buildings, and in the process of urban construction, it looks really prosperous.
He said with a smile: "It's just a superficial phenomenon. Many high-rise buildings in the Fountain of Eternal Life are paper buildings burned down during the Ching Ming Festival.
I don't know what program this Horizon World spacecraft uses to store the data of these paper buildings, and then create new buildings in the undead world with technology that we can't understand.
In other words, it has subverted our cognition through a certain way, surpassed the rules of the law of conservation of energy, and turned the paper building into this kind of building.
However, these buildings that have been "burned" are not too problematic for the undead to live in, but for humans, the quality is not up to standard.
Xiaoan, you've always read the news, about those developers who shoddy houses. "
An Rui nodded. Some commercial houses looked good, but with a light dig, any cement house was made of sand or foam.
This kind of news has not been underreported, even now.
These unscrupulous developers should be decapitated.
If you pit money, you pit money. You are pitting consumers' money and killing others.
Words and deeds continued: "These'burnt' houses are just like those built by developers. They are not very different and can't help being weak.
Now the entire high-rise buildings in the central area of ​​the Fountain of Eternal Life have been demolished by the undead demolition team we trained, and the foundation is being dug. With the center of the Fountain of Eternal Life as the core area, we will re-start the modern city construction. . "
After talking, the screen switched to the construction site, and the undead were wearing yellow vests, hard hats, and modern tools in their hands, and began to "ding-ding-ding".
There were also many scientific research personnel and construction personnel sent by Huaxia here, and they followed command and dispatch.
The entire construction site looks no different from those in China.
Even on the construction site, you can see banners written in Chinese characters.
"Safety is an intangible savings, accidents are a tangible waste", "caring for life, paying attention to safety", "strengthening quality supervision, strictly controlling quality barriers", "preventing minor failures, alarm bells ringing" and so on.
An Rui and Diofie looked at words and deeds with weird faces. The souls of emotions still know Chinese characters?
Even if the literacy scan goes to the world of the undead, are the undead, such a small thing that is not worthy of death, really worth cherishing?
An Rui has also read some books about this world, as well as the information of the Time and Space Administration, and many necromancers know that the population growth method of the undead world is mainly supplemented by the death population of several other creature worlds.
No matter how the undead die, their population will continue to grow.
After all, the Fountain of Eternal Life was obtained when the words and deeds were in charge. It was also when An Rui and Diofie were wondering why the authority would treat these undead as human beings, they said with words and deeds: "Have you two noticed that these use How has the tool's undead changed?"
An Rui and Diofi were taken aback for a moment, and they didn't see why.
His words and deeds opened his mouth, and slowly spit out two words: "Human nature.
People are called ‘people’ because they have emotions, emotions, mood swings, relatives and friends, interests, the influence of people and things, and the influence of people and things.
And the undead in the undead world, apart from those high-level undead, even middle-level undead, rarely have these things.
However, look at the ordinary undead in the Fountain of Eternal Life. After we arrive, they slowly subtly subtly after bringing them to the world of life. Where are they still like before, just following the orders of the superior lord. And the form of walking dead.
Now they have slowly transformed into a soul with self-awareness, feelings, interpersonal relationships, gains, and emotions.
Just like the name and surname dug up from the Aghanim portal, it is called ‘Bone Big Head’, facing our little skeleton with ‘fear’ emotions, it’s all ‘human’.
They should now say that they are "creatures" rather than "dead".
It is these undeads, we call them ‘awakened undeads’. "
From a numb walking dead to an undead with self-awareness and emotions, this is the awakening of low-level undead.
Words and deeds opened a copy of the administration's information on the screen and said: "The Administration sent us the "Conjecture about the Awakening of the Undead" from the Undead War Zone.
It was mentioned that the burning of paper for the sacrifice brought the things of the world of life to the world of the undead.
These things themselves more or less carry a breath of life world.
In addition, when the undead uses these things, they are more or less affected by the tools of the life world.
That's why they subtly possessed'humanity', and they began to gradually evolve from awakening to'living beings' from'dead'.
The entire fountain of eternal life, whether it is the burnt down buildings, sports cars, maids, paper money, are using the lifestyle of the modern society in the world of life to change the lifestyle of the undead.
The undead in the entire stronghold are slowly changing because of the appearance of these things. "
An Rui and Diofie understood now, the cannon fodder undead began to possess "humanity".
If you have "humanity", then you become a "creature".
If they become "creatures", then they will have emotions, and they will have joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.
And when fighting broke out, the morale gauge that was originally locked would definitely change.
Morale collapse, in this world full of undead, will surely cause a chain reaction.
Seeing An Rui and Diofi thoughtfully in words and deeds, they slowly said at this time: "I had resigned and returned to the army, but I didn't expect to catch up with the undead invasion.
Udid Kuru intends to unify the undead world, then conquer the ground world, and then conquer the entire flat world.
He wanted to use those unfeeling souls to accomplish this.
Maybe he could do it before, but now, his plan may be frustrated.
I was ordered to be the commander of the undead war zone when I was in danger. I was also thinking about how to counterattack the undead world and make this self-defense counterattack a beautiful result.
After thinking about it for so long, I finally came to a conclusion.
The undead are endless, endless.
Instead of using the limited number and power of our creatures to consume the infinite number of undead, it is better to transform the undead into living beings, so that they can awaken and possess a'humanity' as living beings. "
The plan of words and deeds was naturally reported to the Central Committee, the General Army and the Administration. The bigwigs were also demonstrating the plan of words and deeds, but the problem was not big and should be passed.
An Rui and Diofie came to cooperate with the Undead War Zone to search for the whereabouts of the 33rd Army. Naturally, they did not forget their words and deeds. At this time, the goods arrived: "The 33rd Army lacks supplies.
Since the fountain of eternal life can'burn' things by'burning paper'.
Can we burn down the supplies of the 33rd army by ‘burning’? "
"Ah this..."
"Burn" down?
The thoughts of words and deeds were too jumpy, and An Rui couldn't keep up.
But even if the "burning" can go on, how to locate the position of the Long March troops? How to accurately "burn paper"?
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