Chapter 929: Wudu Mingshui

After the Li Long Corps and the Red Moon Knights were separated, within two days, a legion composed of the elites of the underground world arrived at the Red Moon Knights.
Looking at the various races from the underground world, Gundaluf was surprised. It turned out that the underground world had no dominant race, it was a world of mixed races.
The bird-human shaman who led the team came out, put his hands against his temples, chanted a spell, connected the spirits of both parties together, opened his beak and said: "Hello, from the Red Moon Knights friend.
For our great friends Huaxia and Lucia, the Expeditionary Army of the Light and Shadow Empire will fight alongside you. "
"Great friend".
This vocabulary was directly transferred to Gundaluf's brain through spiritual connections.
Obviously, the Chinese and Lucias are very stalwart in the minds of the Empire of Light and Shadow.
Gangdaluf nodded, learned Chinese etiquette, saluted the shaman in front of him, and then extended his hand to him: "Huaxia and Lucia are our compatriots and also our friends. .
The Red Moon Knights are very happy to fight side by side with friends from the underground world, the Empire of Light and Shadow. "
The shaman also learned to return to a military salute to the earth, reaching out and shook hands with Gundaluf: "Whether you retreat or not, we will be our great friends to resist the invasion of the undead on the front line."
Gangdaluf smiled: "The Red Moon Knights didn't abandon their allies who were fighting side by side.
Let us fight these evil undead together. "
The first expeditionary forces composed of the Red Moon Knights and the elites of the Light and Shadow Empire soon began to formulate a joint combat plan.
Although the comrades around him are not Chinese or Lucia, they are also a good ally.
And the power displayed by the elites of the Light and Shadow Empire surpassed Gundaluf's imagination.
The magic array group they constructed was much stronger than the spell array group constructed by the Red Moon Knights.
And these guys from the underground world also know how to combine magic arrays to form a large array called the magic matrix.
From these elites in the underground world, the knights of the Red Moon Knights also learned a lot of experience.
And after contacting them, the knights of the Red Moon Knights found that these people from the underground world seemed completely different from the guys in the underground world recorded in ancient books.
Like the undead world, people in the evil underground world are very friendly and easy to associate with.
On the side of the Li Long Corps, three days after being separated from the Red Moon Knights, the Li Long Corps arrived at Skuding Bridge again on October 27.
The Corps also began to cross the Skuding Bridge and completed the fourth river crossing.
Looking at the Nether Castle that was broken into ruins next to it, and the Legion of the Light and Shadow Empire that flew north from the sky, the Iron Triangle of the Corps was still somewhat worried about the war in the north.
The Audio-Technica didn't know how strong the reinforcements brought by the main force from the underground world were, and whether together with the Red Moon Knights could resist the Rhine's pursuit.
After crossing the Underwater, Li Long stopped, found Ding Wei and Kong Jie, and explained his plan.
For Li Long's garlic, Ding Wei and Kong Jie are quite supportive.
Just this matter, the three of them can't make a decision.
The main force has returned, and the autonomy of the Li Long Corps will definitely be taken back.
However, Audio-Technica decided to report this matter to Guang Shixin, the commander of the Long March.
Guang Shixin was waiting for the rendezvous with the Li Long Corps at the portal. Three days, coupled with the world of the underground world, gave the main force of the Long March troops a good rest.
In the headquarters, a soldier reported: "Report, communications from the Li Long Corps."
Guang Shixin said, "Come here."
Li Long's bluffing voice suddenly appeared in the communicator: "Report to the chief, the Li Long Corps has successfully crossed the skull bridge!"
The corner of Guang Shi's heart twitched. He knew that Li Long was not a person who had to report on small things. He was just crossing the river, so he wouldn't report directly to him.
Guang Shi murmured, "This fellow must have some thoughts."
Immediately he said: "Old Li, if you have a fart, don't think I don't know the intestinal tract in your stomach."
"Hey hey, you still know me best, the old leader."
The voice of Li Long's hippie smiling face immediately came from the communicator.
When Guang Shixin served as the brigade commander of the 58th brigade, Li Long served as the head of the 38th regiment under Guang Shixin.
As Guang Shixin became the commander of the 33rd Army because of his military exploits, Li Long was promoted because of his military exploits and took over the position of Guang Shixin as the brigade commander of the 58th Brigade.
Although Guang Shixin is only 2 years older than Li Long, Guang Shixin can also be called the "old leader" of Li Long.
At this time Li Long said: "Chief, isn't this the brothers of the Red Moon Knights accidentally involved in our war?
I'm Lao Li, I'm wondering what kind of reinforcements from the Light and Shadow Empire, what if it doesn't work.
Let's just involve the two groups in the war, just leave it alone?
This can't work.
This is not our old Li's style.
It's not the style of our gardener.
Don't give up and don't give up, I wondered...No, Lao Ding and I wondered whether we have to help or just let those two guys fight the undead alone.
They need our reconnaissance power, and we also need us to make a combat plan.
So the chief, can we divide our forces?
The main force continues the Long March, and some people go north for reinforcements? "
Whether it was the Red Moon Knights or the Light and Shadow Empire, being involved in this war with the undead was not originally planned.
Guang Shixin was also at the forefront of the Knights and the Empire, and felt a little sorry for him to take the Long March behind.
After the friendly army, he left?
This is a bit unreasonable.
After Guang Shixin pondered for a moment, he said, "If you order your army, you can return to the portal."
"Huh? Old leader, no, ah, brothers from the north..."
Before Guangshi finished speaking, he was distracted by Li Long and said angrily: "Li Long! I haven't finished speaking yet!"
"Send your corps back to the portal for supplies. After 2 days of rest, separate from the Long March troops, go north, and join the battle against the undead!"
If there are the Red Moon Knights and the Light and Shadow Empire, it seems that it is possible for the Li Long Corps to go north to fight together again.
When Li Long heard this, his eyebrows were instantly delighted: "Hey, I know that the old leader understands me.
The 22nd, 58th and 59th brigade will return to the portal immediately! "
One day's rapid march, the Li Long Corps couldn't wait to reach the portal to the underground world from Skuding Bridge on the 28th.
After Guang Shixin added weapons and ammunition for the three brigades of the Li Long Corps, he continued the Long March directly to the southeast, and did not intend to stop.
The Li Long Corps, which once again obtained independent combat power, took a rest on the portal side for 2 days, and then started northward on the 30th.
The Li Long Corps, which had been resting for 2 days, had a lot of experience. When the light and shadow troops came from the portal to the Skullding Bridge, they looked at the bridge made of dense white bones. Li Long and Ding Wei Kongjie He smiled and said: "Let's go back and forth, 5 times."
Ding Wei nodded: "5 times."
Kong Jie's eyes widened and proudly said, "What do we call this, 5 crossing the underworld? Hahaha..."
The three guys laughed, shoulder to shoulder, and led the troops across the skull bridge.
Waiting for them will be a long battle in the world of the undead.
A few days later, the generals of the front-line Red Moon Knights and the Light and Shadow Empire did not expect that the Chinese and Lucias did not completely leave here, and headed towards their goal of the Chinese Undead World base.
Instead, a part of the troops were separated and returned to the frontline battlefield.
In the three-nation joint command headquarters, Li Long and Gangdaluf hugged fiercely and patted each other on the shoulders.
Li Long said: "In China, there is no tradition of abandoning allies on the battlefield."
Gangdaluf also excitedly said, "My friend, you should actually go back to the surface world."
Li Long said: "I wonder about the Red Moon Knights and the Empire of Light and Shadow. We need our reconnaissance capabilities, our intelligence analysis capabilities, and our battle plan formulation capabilities."
Faced with the return of the Li Long Corps, the coalition army gave the warmest welcome: "Welcome you back, our friends and compatriots!"
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