Chapter 931: Long March is over

[PS. Cucumber started personal comics, the progress of comics can follow Q groups and posts]
November 8.
Guangshi Xinsuo Department also got an exciting news.
"Here is the undead war zone, please answer when the 33rd Army receives it."
Along the way, Guang Shixin's signal from the base of the undead world was finally received by Guang Shixin.
Obviously, after learning that the 33rd Army had started the Long March, the words and deeds immediately jumped into the search for the Long March troops.
From September 10 to the present, for two months, the 33rd Army and Lucia’s two airborne divisions have almost completed the feat throughout the entire Eurasian continent.
When they heard the signal from the Undead War Zone, the soldiers from the 33rd Army and the Airborne 1st and 50th Divisions immediately hugged and cheered.
"We are here! We are here!"
"We are in contact with the Undead War Zone!"
"The Long March will win the final victory!"
After the Long March troops hugged and celebrated for more than 10 minutes, they rallied and continued to walk towards the nearest Aghanim portal.
Contact with people on the ground world, they are no longer alone and helpless.
A few hours later, a group of undead war zone drones that took off from the direction of the Aghanim portal also arrived over the Long March troops.
Boxes of food supplies and ammunition supplies were dropped by these drones.
Although there are not many airdrops in one batch, a dozen consecutive airdrops have been arranged here.
Let this group of comrades who have abandoned the heavy equipment and started the battle continuously, and the comrades who have traveled long distances get a good supply.
On November 13, when the troops of the Ministry of Words and Actions appeared in front of the soldiers of the Long March, the two sides burst into enthusiastic cheers.
The soldiers who came from the portal to greet them hurriedly supported the soldiers who had experienced the Long March.
Counting from the Long March that began on September 10, to November 13, 65 days.
From rushing to fighting, from the world of the undead to the underground world, the Long March troops traveled a total of 10,865 kilometers.
This is the Long March troops, clearly recorded.
This is equivalent to 167 kilometers in a day.
This is a huge challenge for both the 33rd Army and Lucia's two airborne divisions.
The soldiers dragged their tired bodies, watching the soldiers in the undead war zone that appeared in front of them, tears burst into their eyes instantly.
Along the way, many fighters were not sacrificed in battle.
It was on the road of the Long March that they encountered danger, or they could not sustain it and sacrificed.
In particular, Lucia’s two airborne divisions lost more than 3,000 troops in combat and non-combat.
This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Lucia's two airborne divisions. Fortunately, this is a modern unit, coupled with the influence of the 33rd Corps CPA fighters, which made these Lucias persevere.
The Long March was also over when the two sides commanded.
Words and deeds came with a large number of vehicles, allowing the Long March troops to board the vehicles one after another.
When the soldiers of the Long March boarded the vehicle according to the arrangement.
In the command headquarters, Guang Shixin also told his senior and his rival about what happened.
"Commander, the 58th, 59th, and 22nd brigades are still on the front line.
Not only that, the knights of the Holy See of the Red Moon expedition to the world of the undead hundreds of years ago also left offspring here, and established a force called the Knights of the Red Moon to help us resist the King Rhein Chase.
At the same time, we found a portal to the underground world in the southeast of the Red Moon Knights.
Now it has helped the two countries on our side to merge into a country called the Empire of Light and Shadow.
On the front line of resisting the pursuit troops, there are not only our 3 brigades, but also the Red Moon Knights and this empire from the underground world.
So I want to return to the front line as soon as possible and throw into the battle.
Can't let the Knights and the Empire of Light and Shadow, and 3 brigades face a prince with extraordinary power. "
He was a little surprised by his words and deeds. He was saying that he didn't see the 58 brigade, 59 brigade, and 22 brigade when he was in charge. They were still on the front line.
The Red Moon Knights, a human descendant from Aghanim Continent, also surprised words and deeds.
"Unexpectedly, there are still human beings in the undead world."
Words and deeds slapped his mouth and muttered to himself.
Although the undead invaded the ground world, the life-filled environment of the ground world is not suitable for the survival of the undead.
In addition, the place full of death in the world of the undead is also not suitable for the survival of creatures.
Knowing from Guang Shixin's mouth, Guang Shixin has promised to bring the descendants of the 210,000 Red Moon Knights back to the ground world.
As the supreme commander of the Long March Force, Guang Shixin has the right to do so when acting alone.
However, now that he has commanded, his words and deeds need to help Guang Shixin fulfill this promise.
Not only should these 210,000 descendants of the Red Moon Knights, who helped the Long March troops block the undead chase, be brought back to the ground world, there is another plan in words and deeds.
Since it is necessary to establish a special administrative unit on the side of the Undead World, such a bad environment, even if it is encouraged by policies, may not be able to attract many domestic immigrants.
And these 210,000 people now have no nationality on the continent of Aghanim, and the Holy See has long ceased to exist. What nationality can they have?
Instead of this, it is better to incorporate these 210,000 people into the big family of China.
After all, they are people who have lived in the world of the undead for a long time, and the city set up near the portal in the future will also become a habitat for these 210,000 people.
Not only that, they can also cross the portal to the ground world.
These 210,000 people, if they join China, they can be used by words and deeds to "defend the border."
His words and deeds did not tell Guang Shixin what he thought. He did not know whether Guang Shixin opposed this matter. However, he prepared a plan to forward it to Xue Yang of the Administration Bureau to deal with the Red Moon Knights. Suggestions are given.
"We will not abandon the Red Moon Knights. The promise you made to them, Lao Guang, is the promise that our Chinese people gave them. We will bring them back to the ground world."
As for the empire of light and shadow, what surprises words and deeds is that Guang Shixin has allowed China and Lucia to obtain the eternal friendship of this empire.
Otherwise, this empire will not use all the power of the whole country to expedition to the world of the undead and help Guang Shixin's Long March troops to resist the pursuit of the undead.
Moreover, the intelligence obtained from the Empire of Light and Shadow, the kingdom of the sky world called "the kingdom of heaven" is invading the underground world.
Words and deeds will inevitably cause headaches for these guys. These powerhouses in the different world are not fuel-efficient lamps. Isn't it good to be a salted fish?
Naturally, words and deeds would not allow the Red Moon Knights and the Empire of Light and Shadow to help China and fight the undead alone.
However, at this time the 33rd Army and the Airborne 1st and 50th Divisions were quite exhausted and could no longer participate in the battle.
Therefore, the words and deeds commanded: "Lao Guang, you will return to the portal to rest with the 33rd Army. I will first support the battles of the 3 brigades, knights and empires."
Guang Shixin said: "But the commander! Senior! Brother Yan! Words and deeds!
58, 59, and 22 are units of the 33rd Army. The Knights and the Empire were also involved because of the Long March troops. I can't rest..."
With words and deeds, he patted Guang Shixin on the shoulder, and said to this brother who graduated from the same school with him and was 2 years younger and a competitor: "I know your current mood, although You are an iron man, but if you look at the soldiers below, they may not be everyone like you.
You are all heroes of the Long March, and their mood must be the same.
But everyone is tired and needs to rest and relax.
Lao Guang, I now order you from the province of the Commander of the Undead War Zone to take your troops back to the ground world at the end of the portal for a rest, and then come back.
As for the Red Moon Knights and the Empire of Light and Shadow, I will deal with it immediately. "
Guang Shi squinted his eyes, took a look at his words and deeds, then saluted, and said with a serious face: "I beg you for the finishing work of the Long March troops!
The 33rd Army, request to return! "
Words and deeds lightly punched Guang Shixin's chest: "Lao Guang, are you nonsense?
You go back to me first, and tell other generals in the Undead War Zone about the habits of the undead and your experience. "
Words and deeds can't immediately go north at this time, this force is only responding to the hearts of the people.
Back to the stronghold on the portal side, words and deeds immediately began to formulate its support plan.
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