Chapter 976: Joan of Arc

In the eastern part of the Immortal Highlands, on the Great Plains of Cult, an undead army with a sacred banner is really lined up.
Opposite them was another army of undead.
I saw an advancing woman wearing armor and glowing with a faint light, holding a sacred flag, riding on the horse, standing at the front of the entire team.
A soldier in armor with the same faint light ran over, kneeled on one knee, and reported: "Grand Archon, everything is ready."
Behind this undead woman wearing Western European armor with a faint light on her body is also a group of undead with light on her body.
They are not as ugly as skeletons, zombies, and ghosts, nor are they as earthy as the undead of terracotta warriors and horses.
Except for the faint light radiating from their bodies, everything is no different from the humans on the ground.
This group of undead are heroic spirits.
Even they themselves don't know how they were born in this undead world.
More than 10 years ago, as ghosts, they gradually became heroes.
In the dark, they think that they are not the same kind of other undead in the undead world.
And deep inside, it seemed that there was some kind of power guiding them, letting them fight the undead in the undead world.
And this group of heroic spirits gathered on the battlefield exudes a faint faintness, and they look from a distance as if they were covered with a sacred light.
Holy and holy.
This group of heroic spirits came from the new undead country, the Holy Alliance, on the cult plain east of the Immortal Highlands.
When this group of heroic spirits just awakened, they were besieged by the surrounding undead.
As the heroic spirits, they do not have too strong physical attack ability, so when facing other undead besieged and suppressed, Lien Chan lost streak and was almost destroyed.
However, at this time, a hero raised a sacred banner.
With her excellent commanding ability, she led this group of heroes, exploited their strengths and circumvented their weaknesses, switched to the soul attack tactics that the heroes were best at, and won one victory after another.
And this heroic spirit is the woman in front of the army, riding a horse and holding a battle flag-Joan "Holy Woman".
With the birth of Joan, the undead who suddenly became heroic spirits more than 10 years ago have won one victory after another.
Joan held up her battle flag high, calling on all the heroic spirits to unite, fight together, and even destroy the undead in the undead world.
Joan is like a sacred banner, inserted among the heroic spirits, guiding the heroic spirits to act.
As more and more heroic spirits joined, the heroic spirits decided to establish a United Nations family, and the name of this country was called the Holy Alliance.
As for Joan of Arc, she was unanimously elected by the heroes to become the highest administrative and highest military leader of the Holy League, and the chief consul.
Under the leadership of Joan of Arc, the Holy League has won consecutive battles against the undead, and the Holy Land is constantly expanding outward.
As Uddid Kuru became the of death, he ordered the undead lords to submit to him.
Those who are unwilling to surrender naturally become enemies.
Those undead who were unwilling to surrender formed an anti-death coalition.
Therefore, the war between the undead and the undead has intensified.
Coupled with the invasion of the terrestrial world initiated by Uddid Kuru, the existence of such an evil, the Holy Alliance is naturally going to kill it.
Joan knew that there was a portal to the ground world on the Immortal Plateau. In order to prevent the creatures on the ground world from being disgraced by the undead, Joan decided to march towards the portal with the intention of destroying the nearby undead.
It's just that there are quite a lot of undead near the portal, even after a year of fighting, Joan has not been able to completely eliminate the undead army in front of him.
With hundreds of thousands of undead legions at every turn, even Joan found it very troublesome.
The little soldier reported that, and Joan nodded. Behind him was an army of 150,000 heroes, while the opposite was 400,000.
It seems that he has no chance of winning here, but it is not the case.
I was ready, and the two 50,000 valiant cavalry units had detoured to the left and right sides of the opposing undead army.
Just wait for Joan of Arc to sound the horn of the general offensive, and the two cavalry units of 50,000 will form an encirclement with the main force to annihilate the undead forces in one fell swoop.
Joan of Arc held the battle flag high, facing the undead ahead, shouting to the heroes behind him: "Soldiers of the Holy Alliance, charge with me!
Go! "
The 150,000 army of the Holy League made a roar of platoons, and rushed towards the undead army in front of them.
There are basically no tactics in the battle between the undead and the undead, just box A.
Ordinary undead are cannon fodder and are purely background boards. It is the high-end combat power of both sides that really plays a role.
The commander and high-end combat power of the opposite undead jumped out, and Jeanne, who was watching them, gave an order, and she and several high-end combat power also jumped out.
The two sides immediately fought together.
A tie is based on the strength of the two sides.
But Joan of Arc is an alien among the undead. Like Tudor, the arranged cavalry troops rushed out directly from the left and right wings.
Looking at the souls and spirit fires of the undead, they rushed over, killing the undead by surprise.
Even several high-end combat powers were hidden by Joan in the cavalry unit.
With the intrusion of cavalry, the situation of the entire battlefield has directly become 250,000 vs 400,000, and it is still being doubled by tactics.
The two sides fought fiercely on the battlefield for 4 days and 4 nights. The undead fought tirelessly, and the army of the Holy Alliance only captured all 400,000 undead.
And his loss was as high as 30,000.
Seeing those heroic spirits on the battlefield that turned into light spots and finally disappeared into the air, Joan was also sad.
After organizing everyone to mourn for the comrades who died in the war, Joan waved the battle flag and regained her spirit, revived and said: "The undead standing in front of us has been resolved. Now our goal is Enter the immortal plateau and capture the portal controlled by the evil undead."
The battle on the plains caused the Holy Alliance to solve a big problem, but along the way, on the immortal heights, Joan became more and more strange.
Even if it had solved 400,000 undeads by himself before, other undead on the immortal heights should also attack them.
But along the way, where can I see other undeads? I haven't seen a dead person.
Although Joan felt very weird, she didn't take it too seriously.
Even the adjutant around him repeatedly said to Joan: "Perhaps the banner of the Holy Alliance is too dazzling. Those evil undead fled without a fight."
Joan rubbed her forehead: "I hope so."
A day later, a heroic warrior ran over and reported: "Grand Archon, the situation at the portal is not right, it seems that there is a battle."
"Huh? Go and see."
Joan of Arc’s Holy Alliance army is very close to the portal. Although I don’t know what’s going on there, it’s "rumbled", but something must have happened.
Jeanne took a few generals and quickly climbed to a high ground not far from the portal, looking far away.
I saw fireballs rising everywhere at the portal, and "rumbling" explosions everywhere.
Those undead stationed near the portal have been devastated and turned into ashes.
It seemed that it was the mysterious attack on the portal, and even the undead on the portal came back for reinforcements.
Unfortunately, what awaits them is still the baptism of gunfire.
Joan squinted her eyes: "Who is attacking them? Is it a god? Maybe the will not intervene in the battle?"
The undead of the portal must be the enemy, but whether the guy attacking them is an enemy or a friend, Joan is unknown.
I didn't even see a personal figure.
After the explosion, there was a deafening roar of dragons in the sky. Joan and other heroic spirits followed the direction of the sound, and saw a group of dragons flying over.
They are equipped with equipment that Joan doesn’t even recognize, drone swarms for dragons, ground cannons for dragons, bombing pods for dragons, coupled with those that Joan recognizes, and dragons. Magic, ploughed the entire portal again.
"The dragon?
Creatures? "
There are creatures in the undead world?
Just when Joan and other heroes stood on the high ground and looked at the bombing of the portal in the distance, a small rotary-wing drone slowly landed from the sky and hovered in front of Joan and other heroes.
The camera under the drone is spinning "Zizi", "watching" the group of undead watching lively on the high ground.
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