Chapter 1173: Firepower is justice

At first glance, this seems to be a decision made by Founder's head (though it is true), but Fang Zheng decided to add it after considering it.
The reason is Mead's magical attack.
This magical attack can destroy objects, but it will not cause serious damage to life (well, trauma is counted). You must know that this kind of thing can only be found in this world. After all, you said you want a "magic that can evaporate a building in an instant, but it won't kill humanity." For a different world, I'm afraid that everyone else will look at you with fool eyes.
At the moment, since there is such a good thing, Founder naturally does not need to use it for nothing.
He chose the charm card on the one hand for Founder's intention to pay tribute, and on the other hand for the decision he made after studying Mead's magic.
While helping Naha to create the magic of "Starburst", Founder has found that the magic of magic in this world is largely equivalent to a certain program, which will only be executed according to the originally designed plan. If you want to bring automatic lock, tracking and other functions, you need to concentrate on the spellcaster.
However, this is actually very wasteful. Take the duel between Fett and Naiya in the original book, Naiya also thought of this trick to manipulate the magic bullet, and then intended to overcast her while Fite wasn't paying attention. It was found that the bullet was dodging, and then a lightning spear shot Naiba directly.
But Naiha did not dodge Fett's pike.
This has already explained the problem very much. Manipulative spells consume a lot of energy of the caster, and Fett's Lightning Spear obviously does not have tracking, but it is easy to focus on Nai because it is extremely fast , Naiha couldn't react at all.
The so-called martial arts in the world is not broken, which is almost the same reason.
But this is not enough.
In contrast, the charm card is much simpler. Its biggest advantage is its strong firepower, wide range, and no dead angles at 360 degrees. More importantly, the spell card is an automatic activation trigger. You can use your own way to fight while activating the spell card. For example, when Sakura is facing the enemy, she can activate a spell card to bombard it with firepower, and at the same time use Kuro to attack the enemy.
And with the help of Runka, the magical girls can compete with air weapons such as fighters.
Of course, the charm card system is not without its flaws.
After all, this is not the original, but it is a plausible thing that Founder has made from the impression of the original "cottage", so the Mead version of the magic card also has several flaws.
First of all, it needs a lot of magic to launch it. This is also normal. After all, a spell card takes a long time, even a few minutes. Considering the number and quality of the various beams, rays, and magic bullets when the spell card is excited, its magic power is certainly not a small number.
However, fortunately, this defect is not impossible to make up for. The magic girls can completely inject their remaining magic into the rune card at the end of the day and save it. After all, the magical girls do not fight every day. If there is no fight, then the magic of this day is not wasted?
Instead of this, it ’s better to inject rune cards to save. One way to ensure that these magical powers are not wasted. Secondly, you can gradually train and increase your own magical reserves in this way.
The second is the issue of the barrage and strength of the rune itself. Founder does not intend to plagiarize the barrage of those rune cards in his memory. On the contrary, in addition to designing a few spare cards, the other rune cards are intended to be delivered. For these girls, they take the initiative to create according to their ideas, their experiences and their wishes.
After all, in the Founder's impression, each charm is a representative and symbol of its user, so it is left to these girls to make it themselves ...
Of course, Founder is also looking forward to what kind of fireworks these little girls will create.
Although Founder's request is very strange, fortunately, he is not the kind of person who asks for not doing it himself. In fact, Founder just gave Presia a lip, as the next research and development focus, and then I opened my personal terminal and started to crack.
But ...
"At present, we don't have too good materials for making magic guides."
Presia devoted herself to making magic device for Alicia, and at the same time she looked to the Founder with some worry. After all, she is a scholar and researcher. If it is about design, installation, control, etc., Prescia can solve it. But when it comes to raw materials, Prescia knows nothing.
This is like a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier engineer. It is certainly no problem for you to ask him to design a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. You can certainly say how to assemble it. But you have to let him smelt the steel used by the aircraft carrier ... The other person might just hit you with a wrench.
Presia currently uses the materials that she has accumulated in the courtyard of time and space, which are all the stocks she bought before darkening. It is okay to simply make one or two magic guides by hand, but it is difficult for Prescia to study the entire production line from scratch.
"Do you have anything to do with the production methods of the Mead Magician?"
"No, these are military secrets."
makes sense.
Hearing Prescia's answer, Founder shrugged. They are also submarines. The quality of submarines created by civilians cannot be compared with that of military factories.
But it doesn't matter ... if he is right, then I'm afraid it won't be long before he can get these things.
In fact, this is earlier than Founder imagined.
"Drip ---"
方 As the Founder reformed the Heart of the Sun and the Thunder Tomahawk, a harsh prompt sounded. Immediately after the screen jumped out, what appeared on the screen was the endless universe and several shining ships.
"Here it is."
Fang Zheng glanced at the screen and poked his lips. And Precia also looked curiously at the screen, her face suddenly changed slightly.
"this is………"
"It should be the fleet of the Space and Time Administration. I guess they will come. I didn't expect to come quite fast."
Fang Fangzheng put down the work in his hands, clapped his hands, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised. After sending Lindy and others away, he placed several Protoss probes in the solar system, waiting for the Space and Time Administration to come in. Although Founder knows that the two sides will definitely fight, at least ... you cannot fight in the Earth and Moon space.
If it was seen by people on this earth, what would it be?
But now it seems that the other party seems to think so.
"Connect communication."
Thinking of this, Founder also clapped his hands and issued an order. Soon, I saw the screen in front of him beating a few times, and then a bearded man with a hat appeared on the screen.
"Here is the sphere of influence of the Heavenly Palace. Is your time and space administration from the beggar's gang? There is no education at all. Entering our territory does not even say hello. Is it fun to sneak in like a thief?
Looking at the bearded man in front of him, Fang Zheng immediately opened a wave of hatred without waiting for the other party to speak. And when he heard Fang Zheng's words, the bearded man in front of him looked pale.
"We are the Fifth Fleet directly under the Dimensional Headquarters of the Space and Time Administration. We came to arrest the wanted criminal of the Space and Time Administration, Precia Tistrosa, and I hope you can cooperate."
When I heard this, Precia finally couldn't help but stand up and looked at the screen uneasily. As a former Mead, she certainly knew what the direct fleet of the Space and Time Administration ’s dimensional headquarters meant.
However, Founder just motioned for Prescia to be calm, and then he continued to look at the bearded man in front of him.
"I remember that I have informed Governor Lindy that Prescia Testrosa is currently managed by our Temple of Heaven, don't you know?"
"Presias Tessarosa is a first-degree felon!"
Bearded man obviously does not intend to talk nonsense with Founder.
"We have an order and we must bring it back! Also please don't prevent us from performing our official duties."
"This is not the back garden of your Space and Time Administration."
Hearing here, Founder also sat up straight, staring coldly at the screen in front of him.
"You do not have the right to enforce the law of the Space and Time Administration here ~ ~ I repeat, you have ignored the warning and broke into the territory of our Temple of Heaven without permission. If you do not leave immediately, we will Your actions are treated as intrusions. "
"If you do this, you are against the Space and Time Administration."
The bearded man was obviously not intimidated by Founder's warning. He looked up and stared at Founder with contempt.
"You don't know what kind of power our Space Time Administration has! And soon, you will see our true strength with your own eyes."
After saying this, the bearded man closed the communication.
"Master, what do you do now?"
I heard the conversation between the two parties, and now Pressia began to panic, but the Founder waved his hand.
不用 "Don't worry, Prescia, I said, let me deal with this little thing about the Space and Time Administration ... oh, don't tell Fett and Naiyo them, lest they worry."
As Xun said, Founder swiped in front of him, then clicked, and soon, the system information of the Dimension Code appeared in front of Founder.
[You will declare war on the Free World Force ‘Time and Space Administration’, and you will automatically enter war mode after the declaration of war]
[Will war be declared? 】
Looking at the question in front of him, Founder took the tea cup leisurely, took a sip of black tea, and then reached out his hand.
:. :
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