Chapter 1396: I like playing Castlevania more than solving puzzle adventures

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Looking at the scorched window in front of him, Fang Zheng pouted his lips. He just found out that all the external windows in this "copy" cannot be opened, but is this a problem for Founder?
Naturally, a fire passed directly.
And then ... I got the system warning again as a matter of course.
"Cut ......... this is really troublesome ..."
Scratching his hair, Founder is also speechless. He has no interest in "copying" this copy. After all, this is a horrible copy. Who knows who can live here for how long. Of course, if Founder is to be elected, he will definitely choose to lift the table directly. After all, isn't this copy his own initiative to play?
But the problem is that Founder can feel that the school where he is now is a multi-blocked confined space collection. It's like a Rubik's cube stacked by several cubes. With the ability of the Founder, it is no problem to smash this Rubik's cube directly. The trouble is that at present other girls are scattered in various "blocks". If the founder directly smashes the entire Rubik's cube, then once the space balance is destroyed, there will be someone who is directly involved in the space and disappears.
So Founder just wanted to smash the field, but also had to wait until everyone was found, and then smashed.
All in all, find someone first ...
Thinking of this, Founder also left the classroom, and then walked along the corridor.
The entire hallway was ragged and tattered, and there were even many places with locked doors. The Founder walked from side to side, and soon walked from the first floor to the second floor. However, he had just come upstairs and heard footsteps from the corridor. Immediately after, Founder saw a short-haired woman in her early twenties walking over the corridor.
Seeing Fang Zheng, the woman's expression was obviously surprised.
"You ... who are you?"
"Looks like you're stuck here too?"
Founder curiously looked at the woman in front of her, but the other nodded.
"Yes, my name is Yuto Yui, a teacher of Ruyue Academy. You are ..."
"I'm Kasugano from Takino Gakuen. I'm looking for my companion ... Have you seen any girls? They are about the same age as me ..."
While talking, Founder described in detail the characteristics of several people, such as Qiong, to the other side. However, after listening to his description, Yuyato shook his head apologetically.
"Sorry, I didn't see the girls you said, but my two students are currently taking refuge in the classroom over there, if you can, go with them. If I see the children you said, I will take them there too. "
"So teacher you?"
Hearing here, Fang Zheng looked up and down the woman in front of her, and when he heard Fang Zheng's inquiry, the householder Jieyi showed a smile.
"I'm going to find my students ... They are also trapped in this place. Although I don't know how to leave at the moment, I think as long as everyone works together, there should be a way."
"That being the case, let's go on the road together."
Founder quickly gave an answer.
"Teacher, after all, you are limited in strength, and two people have some care."
However, in the face of Founder's proposal, the householder Jieyi shook his head.
"No, Kasugano, you are still a student. And I am a teacher, and a teacher cannot put students in danger!"
Uh ...
Looking at the righteous female teacher in front of her, Fang Zheng couldn't help sighing. Based on the current situation and these words, the teacher's selection of the top ten people who moved Japan should be nailed down, but ...
"Maybe it's true in the ordinary case, but it's not the ordinary case now, Mr. Tenshi."
The Founder pointed around.
"You should also find out that this is not an ordinary disaster event, or if there are any grudges or monsters in it, they will not care whether you are a teacher or a president if you want to attack. Moreover, since you said here also With your students, then you should ensure your own safety, otherwise what should your students do if you have an accident? "
This time, the householder Jieyi did not answer. She frowned, as if thinking, and as if hesitating. In the end, she seemed to make up her mind and looked towards the Founder.
"So ... I'll leave it to you, Kasugano."
"It's nothing, we need to help each other when there is a problem."
Founder waved his hand, and together with the householder Yui, continued to walk deep into the corridor.
As they walked, the two began to share each other's information, and Founder learned from the tenants that they had come to this mysterious place through a ritual of death ...
Hmm ... In other words, in fact, this group of dead students and teachers are the "protagonists" of this copy, and others were involved in the incident?
The two walked along the way to check the situation. Naturally, they also saw about what happened in this Tenjin Elementary School. The newspaper attached here recorded the news that the teacher of the former Tenjin Elementary School cut the tongue of the missing child with scissors. Although it is impossible to view the record completely because of incomplete newspapers, it is enough to feel shocking just to see this part.
"It's too much ..."
Looking at the tattered newspapers on the wall, the tenants felt involuntarily.
"Although I have heard of this before, I did not expect it to be so cruel ..."
But Founder's focus is obviously not here.
"So 30 years ago, there was a case where children were continuously missing in Tianshen Elementary School, and later they were found to have been killed. Then Tianshen Primary School was closed and then pushed out ... ... then the Tianshen Elementary School where we are now should be in harmony with the three What does this matter ten years ago ... "
"Kasugano, you seem calm."
"After all, I haven't experienced similar situations once or twice."
Founder shrugged helplessly.
"But it is the first time to involve other people. I now want to find them quickly and run away ... ... As for the school itself ...... Although the deceased is dead, the deceased still needs Continue their lives. The suffering they once suffered was not the reason they can now do whatever they want to catch others and play a ghost game. "
Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, the householder Jie Yi didn't know what to say, but he sighed helplessly. She also acknowledged that Founder was right. But as a teacher and a woman, she still feels more unacceptable emotionally.
However, at this moment, suddenly, a voice came from not far from the front. When he heard this voice, the tenants suddenly got excited.
"This is ...... the voice of classmate Suzum !!"
As she said, the householder quickly ran to the health room not far away, and then she opened the door.
"Classmate Suzuki!"
At the moment when he saw the situation in the health room, the expression of Mr. Tendo suddenly became frightened and stiff.
I saw her student Suzuki Cocoon sitting in a chair in the health room and chatting with the two children in front of her. If I change to another place, I am afraid this will only be a warm scene. But now it's completely different --- I saw two children sitting in front of Suzumoto's cocoon, one lost his left eye and the other completely lost his upper half of the skull, leaving only the gums and tongue.
Obviously, they are not living people.
Any normal person would be frightened when they saw this scene, and the tenant teacher was no exception, but even so, she rushed into the health room.
"Classmate Suzuki !!"
"Ah, teacher Yui."
Seeing the figure of Yuyato, Suzumoto cocoon smiled very happily, and then she turned her head again and looked at the two children.
"Look, this is my favorite Yui teacher. I like my teacher like you ..."
"Classmate Suzuki! Leave those two children immediately!"
At this moment, the householder Yui came to Suzuki's cocoon, but the other party seemed to turn a deaf ear to her words.
"It's okay, teacher, these two children are good children ...... they are pitiful ..."
"Of course I know, but ..."
After hearing the answer from Suzumoto Cocoon, it was okay for the householder to get ready for a while, but at this moment, Founder reached out and held her shoulder.
"Leave it to me first."
Seeing that Fangzheng suddenly appeared, the householder was also a little embarrassed. The Founder nodded to her, then looked at the two ghosts.
"I think you should understand my power. Seeing the tragic experiences of your life, I can give you a chance. We can make a deal and I can help you fulfill your wishes and make you Buddha. But I hope you can help I will release everyone who is trapped here. "
Hearing Founder's words, the two ghosts did not answer, but unexpectedly, Suzuki cocoon stood up at this time.
"No, I won't go back, I want to stay here ..."
"Classmate Suzuki?"
In the face of Suzumoto's cocoon's answer, Kadoto Yui was also surprised.
"No, we have to leave here and come back to everyone. Sen Fan must be worried about you ..."
"Big brother?"
Hearing this name, Suzumoto cocoon finally seemed to have recovered a little soberness. However, at this moment, I saw that the two ghosts suddenly stood up, and then a strong aura burst out, blowing towards Founder and the tenants.
For Founder, this aura was just a breeze, but it was obvious that the householder Jieyi did not expect the other party to have such a means. Suddenly screamed and flew out, falling heavily to the ground.
Seeing this scene, Suzumoto cocoon also wanted to rush through. But at this moment, the two ghosts reached out and grabbed Suzumoto's cocoons and hung her upside down.
"Wait, what are you doing ?!"
Apparently, the two ghosts didn't expect these two ghosts to treat her like this. However, in the face of the inquiry of the cocoons, the two ghosts didn't say a word. They would rush out of the infirmary by pulling the cocoons!
And just then, Founder shot.
"I knew that the bear children did not play in the house for three days."
As he said it, the Founder slammed his fingers, and then saw the blaze of the initial fire suddenly emerge from the Founder's fingertips, and turned into a fire snake toward the two ghosts. The two ghosts were also quite scared to see the first fire coming at a gallop. Maybe they don't know what it is, but they can feel that this is a terrible existence that can completely destroy them!
"Yeah ------- !!!! ''
With the screams, the two ghosts let go of the cocoon, quickly left the infirmary and disappeared into the corridor. The Suzuki cocoon falling from the air screamed and was embraced by the founder.
"All right?"
"Ah ... thank you, thank you ..."
It wasn't until the two ghosts left completely that it seemed that Suzumoto cocoon finally recovered his sobriety. She looked slightly red at the Founder, then lowered her head a little embarrassed. However, Founder didn't say much, just put the Suzuki cocoon on the ground, then raised his right hand and turned around. Soon, the fire snake regained and turned into a little flame that disappeared between the fingers of the Founder. .
"Kasugano, you are ..."
At this moment, the householder Jieyi also got up, looking at the scene in front of her, she could hardly believe her eyes. Although Founder had already given her a lot of surprises along the way, the tenant did not expect that the other party had such power!
"Are you ... the spiritual one?"
"Oh, I just know some superficial spells."
Fangzheng smiled at the householder Jieyi, and then looked at the cocoon.
"So, classmate Suzuki, I want to ask you if you have seen anyone else, and my companion should be involved in this space."
"Speaking ........."
Without the interference of ghosts, Suzumoto cocoon seemed to be awake.
"By the way, I did meet a girl with white hair ~ ~ which looks similar to yours, wearing a white skirt and a black rabbit doll ..."
"The dome?"
After hearing the answer from Suzumoto Cocoon, Founder was also refreshed.
"Where did she go?"
"This ......... I don't know ..."
Suzumoto cocoon recalled it, then shook her head.
"That's what happened when I just came here. I saw her in another section of the corridor. I didn't respond when I called her. I wanted to chase her but when I came here, I didn't see that The shadow of the girl, and then I met the two children in the infirmary ... "
The next thing naturally goes without saying.
"That's it ..."
Upon hearing the answer from Suzumoto Cocoon, Founder frowned.
He was sure that the dome was in this space, but ... where was she?
At the same time, in the dark corridor, a petite figure was slowly moving forward.
"Hah ... Haha ..."
The dome leaned on the corridor next to it, panting, if anyone noticed, the dome was flushed at this moment, and even the eyes became a little blurred.
What is going on?
Feeling the heat coming from the body, the dome could not help pinching his legs. Since entering this inexplicable world, she feels that something is wrong with her body. There was a kind of heat that was almost impossible to suppress, slowly emerging from her body, and almost burning her whole body.
Brother ... Where are you ...?
At this moment, while holding the rabbit in his arms, the dome continued to stumble forward.
And from the gap of her skirt, you can see that a touch of crystal clear mucus flows down the white skin ...
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