Chapter 1446: It ’s just a bunch of little girls.

Chapter 1433 Just A Group Of Little Girls (Budi Rice Is So Delicious)
Although many people participated in this competition, the existence of Sky Arena as a half-planar space naturally prepared for this. Soon, the participants were divided into arrays and each was transmitted to a different one. Competition venue. In front of the chief including Fang Zhengnei, there are also magic projection screens. These screens can not only be seen, but also be projected to any city in the country of magic guide.
As a matter of fact, in the city squares in China, there are crowds of people everywhere, which makes people feel as if they are watching a World Cup qualifying match.
Perhaps ordinary audiences are concerned about their own children or family members, but for the eight chief executives, their focus is simple.
"This is the magic girl that the boy said?"
The head of the illusion department touched the two mustaches he had carefully taken care of, and stared curiously at the magic projection in front of him. I saw in the picture, on one of the competitions, Ilya in the pink magical girl's combat suit was holding her cane, and looked around uneasily, shivering as if it were a mouse surrounded by a group of cats same.
"It doesn't look good."
"If you've seen her skill, you won't say that."
The head of the plastic energy department touched his smooth head, then looked at the projection in front of him.
"Don't look at these little girls one by one in the usual days, but when they really face the battle, they are all good, excellent fighters."
"But Baita doesn't need soldiers."
The enchanting chief put down his rimmed glasses and shook his head.
"I'd like to see what kind of skills these magical girls have."
Having said that, the chief of the enchanted system seemed to think of something, turned his head, and respectfully looked at the chief of the necrotic system sitting beside him.
"Her Excellency, you have been in the Temple of Heaven for this time. How would you rate these magical girls?"
"I don't care and don't know."
Colette shook her head. She was telling the truth. Although she stayed in the Heavenly Palace for a long time, Colette almost never went out of the laboratory door, so those magical girls or whatever, she just listen One ear, but I haven't seen it myself.
"Well, where is so much nonsense, a big man is like a woman's mother-in-law."
The chief of prophecy is holding his arms in his arms. The top of the fourteen pack abs is clearly visible on the mage's robe.
"If you don't see it, I know? I have enough confidence in that kid, I'm sure it's okay! Just look at it."
"hope so."
The head of the spell system coughed slightly, and those murky eyes flashed a sly light.
"We also hope that there is no problem, after all ... it's not just us who the Persuasion wants to convince."
As the head of the spell system said, this time the magic girls are competing, not just them, but also other mages of the white tower. After all, it is impossible to hide the fact that a new faction is to be set up in Baita. In fact, these mages participating in the competition already know this.
And in their hearts, most of them also have questions like "what is this magical girl who can be tied with the eight major factions?" This is also normal. After all, the eight magic factions of Baita have been standing for hundreds of thousands of years. There is no downfall, but something like "Magic Girl" suddenly appears, and it will be tied with the eight major factions ...
For the mages of these factions, they must be somewhat unconvinced.
This is another reason why the Chief Council hopes that Founder and others will participate in the competition. As long as these wizards can personally experience and witness the power of the magical girl, there should be no resistance.
It's also much easier to accept.
Because of this, the magic girls have received the most attention in each field.
"Hmm ... I always feel nervous ..."
Holding the wand in her hand tightly, Ilya curled up involuntarily. She could clearly see the eyes cast from all directions, including curiosity, disdain, mockery, doubt, and indignation and dissatisfaction. For Ilya, she is not very good at facing these.
"Huh, a bunch of defeated dogs."
However, in contrast to Ilya, facing the other mage's eyes, Xiao Hei was at ease, and she even turned to the machete in her hands.
Just a group of mages, let them see how powerful they are!
Apart from Ilya and Xiao Hei, everyone else's response was different. Sakura looked a little nervous, but Naha looked dignified. On the other side, both Fett and Xiao Meiyan were silent and said nothing.
Just then, the game officially started with a crisp ringtone.
Almost instantly, dozens of mages immediately targeted their attack targets at the magical the field. For a moment, something like Fireball Magic Missile Smells and Clouds suddenly shot heads at the magical girls.
Although due to the requirements of the game, there will not be killing spells such as Death Cloud and Death Finger, and the mage participating in the competition will only reach the fifth ring level at most-after all, after the sixth ring can be used in white Tower is a teacher, so I'm sorry to come to the competition between students.
For a moment, the scene was chaotic.
However, none of the teachers and chiefs present showed any flustered expressions. Instead, they looked at the stadium with interest-this chaotic scene is simply a taboo for the mage. Even if you do get ready to cast a protective spell on yourself, you won't be allowed to secretly give you a dispel magic.
Therefore, how to protect yourself and defeat the enemy in this chaotic situation is also the focus of the Master's learning.
In this case, many mages have come up with a solution. Some mages summoned the summons directly to make meat shields, while some mages chose to teleport out of the melee zone, while others directly gave themselves a lucky shot and looked at their faces, while others simply rushed back.
Of course, most mages are still very sturdy to defend themselves first, and then change externally with the same.
Facing this wave of melee, the reactions of the magical girls are also different.
Perhaps it was because the performance before the start was too weak, so that Elijah immediately attracted a lot of firepower. This also frightened her, hurriedly reached out, and pulled a card from under the skirt.
"Rider, dream call ......"
"Boom boom boom !!!"
However, before Elijah's words were finished, her petite body was immediately enveloped by explosives such as magic missiles and fireball acids.
Did it fall like this?
Looking at the smoky match in front of them, several mages all smiled.
It doesn't look like a magical girl.
However, the smiles on the corners of their mouths had not disappeared, and suddenly, a strange voice sounded.
"Mou —!"
Along with a low howl, a series of lightning burst from the smoke, breaking up the smoke directly. Immediately afterwards, the mages were surprised to see the little girl driving out of a car pulled by two cows. Not only that, but the clothes on Eliya at the moment were different from the previous pink magical girl clothes. She was wearing a bright red cloak, holding a dagger in one hand, and the reins of an ox cart.
Although it looks a little embarrassing from the outside, it is obvious that the little girl has not been seriously injured in the previous attack.
"Hmm ... I'm getting angry!"
Covering her face with a beheaded head was a violent Ilia, and she also raised her small face, and then she raised the short sword in her hand. The next moment, the mage saw a radiance erupting from within Ilia's body, and then they Quickly shrouded in it.
Facing this sudden light, many mages closed their eyes instinctively. However, when they opened their eyes again, the scene in front of them surprised them!
I saw that what was before them was no longer the previous competition field, but a vast desert!
Not only that, in this desert, in front of them, there is an army of thousands of people!
"what is this?"
Seeing this, the head of the curse system suddenly widened his eyes, and the chief of the enchanting system also rubbed his golden glasses with fun.
"This seems to be some kind of closed space, which is really interesting ...... It seems that the little girl used some kind of closed space to pull in these mages, and those are her ... summons? This kind of summoning, It's quite rare. "
"indeed so."
At this moment the head of the spell system nodded, then he widened his eyes and stared carefully at the picture in front of him.
"Looks like there was a good show this time."
Just as the chiefs were watching the show, Ilya had suddenly waved the short sword forward, and then, countless soldiers suddenly roared and rushed forward to the mages.
Looking at the scene in front of them, the mages were suddenly aggressive.
They used to think that it was not good for more people to bully others, but now ...
Which talents are there?
I ’m still a ghost now ~ ~ I ’m asking for blessing first, I can go out alive from here! !!
"Fireball, fireball!"
"On the wall .........!"
"Quick, find a way to crack this space!"
"Is there no way to counter with summons?"
For these mages, this is the first time they have encountered such a situation. Although Ilya summoned only ordinary followers, but the boundless number is enough to scare these mage!
They desperately wanted to resist, but unfortunately, in the face of this boundless king's army, the resistance of dozens of mages persisted for only a moment, and they were completely submerged and disappeared.
(End of this chapter)
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