Chapter 1502: This is the power of technology (it turns out to be hot again)

"Woo ........."
When Kodorie opened her eyes, it was already the next morning.
"Huh ..."
Sitting up, the girl yawned and sighed.
Yesterday was so good ...
Feeling the faint soreness from her body, Kodori frowned. Although she did meditate in accordance with Founder's words yesterday, to be honest, Kodori did not feel any changes, but was just as tired as she thought, so she could really catch up with two days later Fight?
At this time, I don't know what happened, Kodori suddenly recalled the scene from yesterday, the weird feeling, and the strange cry of herself ...
"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"
The girl hugged the pillow angrily, covering her face, while both feet could not stand on the floor.
How could I make that sound! And still in front of others! I also showed that expression! What a shame! Shame it!
If she could, Kodori really wanted to give herself a stick, and then just forgot everything that happened yesterday. But unfortunately ... this is impossible.
"Ah, Kodori! You are awake!"
Maybe I heard Kodori's shout, and soon I saw two little girls pushing open the door and rushing in, smiling and greeting her.
"How's it going? Are you okay? You were so weird yesterday ..."
"Wow ah ah ah ah !!!"
Hearing the little girl in front of her, she recalled her dark history, and Kodori immediately crouched and hugged her head. She managed to force herself to forget it, but now she heard it again, Kodori remembered it, but her scream yesterday was heard by everyone! !!
Thinking of this, Kodori lit up.
"Where is he?"
"He? Do you mean Brother Founder?"
Upon hearing Kodori's inquiries, the girl with short yellow hair was slightly hesitant and wondered if she should answer. The girl with long pink hair next to it happily raised her hand.
"He's sleeping with Neveline!"
At this moment, Ke Duoli's face suddenly changed.
At the same time, Founder is lying on the sofa in the library, looking through the materials in front of him.
"Humans killed Star God and brought her body to a certain city ...... Can these guys record more detailed records? But then again, even if the detailed address is recorded, it will not be found Well, after all, five hundred years have passed.
Fang Zheng and Neveline stayed in the library for one night. The only gain was to learn from the "Official Records" that the three gods were indeed killed, and that the last star was also killed by humans, and she also killed her body. Put it in one of the cities of mankind. It is a pity that the record ends here, because not long after that, the seal is lifted, the tide of beasts erupts, and humanity perishes.
In some ways, this is blame.
They killed their creator, so they will be punished.
This sentence is quite suitable for the Bible or some religious books.
"Woomm ..."
Just as Founder thought about it, a groan came from his chest, and he lowered his head to see that Nephrine was curled up like a cat, and lay on his side to sleep.
A cute kitten.
Founder reached out and touched Neveline's small head. At the same time, he also noticed the gloomy gaze coming from the crack of the door.
"Yo, early, Kodori."
Hearing Founder screaming his own name, Ke Duoli stared at him in the crack of the door and then resigned into the room, then closed the door.
"Good morning, what are you doing?"
Kodori's voice was a little louder, and as a result, she had awoken her sleeping asleep. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and greeted Kodori.
"Investigate some information about the Star God, but unfortunately it is not a big gain."
After hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Kodori nodded, she didn't care about Xingshen. For Kodori, it was all five hundred years old. For the moment, what she cares about most ... is fighting the beast.
"With two days left, we are about to fight the beast. Can we adjust our bodies before that?"
"Of course it is impossible. What about your dreams?"
Founder glanced at Kodori in a bad temper.
"This is a long-term process. To be honest, I originally wanted to adjust your body directly, but there is currently no equipment on hand."
"But then, what about fighting? Can't you rely on you alone?"
Although Founder said that he would protect himself and others, as a golden fairy, as a fairy soldier, Kodori obviously did not like to stay in the rear. They have always been fighting on the front lines.
"No, you will also participate in the battle."
"But if we continue to do this, our bodies cannot be adjusted to the most suitable state for combat, which will cause problems."
After hearing this, Kodori became more worried. Magic poisoning will not only allow magic to settle in their muscles, but also affect their movements and reactions. More importantly, if excessive magic is burned in battle, they may die as a result. Kodori is not afraid of death, but this meaningless death is unacceptable to her.
"Do not worry."
The Founder is obviously prepared for this.
"I will prepare new weapons for you."
"New weapon?"
At this time, Neveline also turned her head curiously to look at Founder, and Founder nodded.
"Yes, if I guess correctly, the reason why only your golden fairies can defeat the beast is because the beast itself is quite powerful. If you don't rely on strong magic to attack, you can't make it hurt, right . "
"That's right ........."
"The simple thing is that only a powerful enough attack power can destroy the beast. In this case, it is enough to use a weapon that can explode a powerful attack power."
"... ………………?"
Hearing here, Neveline and Kodori stared at each other curiously, not quite understanding what Founder meant, and Founder said nothing more.
"You will know by then."
He just said such a word and ended the chat.
For the next two days, Kodori, Neveline and Ethelya still meditate and exercise according to the Founder's method, and every night, the Founder also uses her own power to adjust their magic channel. Of course, this will inevitably produce various strange calls, but gradually, Founder found that three people seemed to have responded to this "adjustment."
For example, Neveline seems to be beginning to "enjoy" such adjustments, and the cry of each adjustment becomes more lyrical, while Ethelya is still "hahaha" "don't do it" "so strange"-this also It's normal, after all, some people are born with itching.
On the contrary, Kodori's reaction made Founder feel very interesting. The girl seemed to have a tendency of M. When Founder adjusted her magic channel, Kodori would also show a comfortable expression, but perhaps because of her self-esteem or stubbornness, even if she felt this feeling, she was forcing herself not to make a sound. .
To put it simply, "say no, your body is still honest."
Therefore, every time I make adjustments to Kodori, it is the happiest time for Founder to play.
After all, it was very interesting to see Kodori showing a stubborn "no big deal, I will not ........."
Finally, on the morning of the third day, the four people embarked on the airship again.
"Is that okay? I don't feel good right now."
Looking at the floating island not far away, Kodori is still somewhat worried, although after three days of exercise, she has found that this adjustment is indeed good for her body. For example, the deposition of magic power has decreased, and the speed of relieving fatigue has accelerated. But this did not improve her current situation. Frankly speaking, in this situation, no one knows what will happen if she joins the battle.
"Relax, I'm ready, come with me."
On the one hand, Founder brought three people to the deck while the airship was approaching the floating island. At this moment, the battle had begun. It can be seen that on the edge of the floating island, a group of beasts are twisting their bodies and attacking the town.
"Well, this is your weapon."
Founder glanced at the distant battle, then reached out and grabbed it, and then the three saw Fang Zheng grabbing a huge dark ......... big iron block from the void.
"what is this?"
"M560 Hydra missile launcher."
Founder patted the huge iron block in his hand, and handed it over to Atheya.
"This thing works great. Just aim at the target, it will automatically lock, and then pull the trigger."
"Just, that's it ...... so this is ... a gun?"
Isaiah took the strange weapon called the Hydra in confusion and asked. The technological level of this world is very low, but there are already long-range attack weapons such as muskets, so the three of them are not unfamiliar with this, at least ... know how to use it.
"Launcher ... you can be a gun, but it's completely different from the toys in your world."
As he said, Founder once again took out another silly black iron block and handed it to Kodori.
"this is??"
"M920 Cain portable power accelerator, be careful, this thing will go away, I am afraid that half of the town is gone, don't point it at the city!"
"Is that terrible?"
After hearing Founder's words, Kodori suddenly took a breath.
"You won't lie to me!"
"I'll know when you use it ...... Nephrine!"
As he said, Founder took out the third silly and thick.
"This is a black hole generator. It can create black holes to control the enemy ... just right, just as a practical exercise, come with me!"
At this moment, the beast had already landed on the island, and at the same time, the Founder also waved, and took the three of them quickly left the airship deck and flew towards the battlefield.
When the four came to the battlefield, there were already hundreds of sixth beasts on the floating island, and they were heading towards the town.
"Neveline, come first and fire at that!"
Hearing Founder's words, Neveline carried her holy sword behind her, then raised the black hole generator in her hand, and pulled the trigger against the herd in front.
The next moment, I saw a little spot that was almost invisible shot from the muzzle and flew towards the center of the group of beasts, then suddenly expanded and zoomed into a dark, unrevolving ball.
Then, a scene that surprised everyone happened.
I saw that the beasts that were moving forward were bound by the invisible shackles around the black sphere, and their huge bodies were suspended, and they started slowly toward the black round hole. Flew over. Faced with this scene, those beasts were obviously at a loss, they desperately wanted to break free, but they had no effect.
"how did you do that?"
Kodori's eyes widened in amazement. She couldn't imagine that a black ball that looked as small as a ball could actually restrain the action of these monsters? !!
"Kudori, fire ..."
But before waiting for Kodori, Fang founder gave the order again. This time Kodori also immediately stabilized her mind. Although she used the holy sword, she also learned to use the musket. Although this weapon is not the same , But the basic style is similar, so Kodori also raised "Cain" in his hand and pulled the trigger against the beasts bound by the black hole.
The next moment, the shining light suddenly emerged, making the three of them involuntarily tilted their heads and closed their eyes.
Then came the deafening roar.
"Booming Rumble ----- !!!"
It's like a thunderous roar, even in the sky, you can hear this shocking sound. After a while, the light faded, and the three turned their heads. When they looked at the battlefield again, the scene in front of them made them breathlessly inhaled. In front of his eyes, those beasts bound by the black hole have completely disappeared, everything within a dozen meters of the circle has been turned to ashes, and even an astonishing pit has appeared on the floating island.
"This this……………"
Kodori trembled her fingers and clenched the strange weapon in her hand. If she had doubts about the power of this weapon before, then Kodori has no doubt at all.
"So terrible weapon ..."
At this moment, Neferi also sighed with whispers. Just just that blow killed nearly fifty or sixty beasts and put them on weekdays. Even if the three of them were together, it took an hour to be Get it.
"— !!!!"
At this moment the beast also found a threatening target in the sky to attack himself. Soon, several tentacles flew up and rushed towards the four.
"Isaiah, aim at the tentacle and fire immediately after the automatic lock is completed."
"So ...?"
Upon hearing Founder's order, Ethelya also hurriedly raised the Hydra missile launcher in his hand. When he heard the "didi" sound ending, he immediately pulled the trigger. Then she saw a dozen flamed, black objects flying out of it, flying towards those tentacles.
The tentacles also tried to dodge Aisya's attack. But that strange black thing seems to have glasses. Even if those tentacles choose to avoid from a distance, they are still like hungry wolves who see the prey and catch up directly.
Immediately afterwards, a series of fires and explosions sounded, completely engulfing the tentacles in front of them and turning them into ashes.
"Look, it's that simple."
Until this time, Founder clapped his hands.
"This is the power of technology."
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