Chapter 1758: American Horror Story (1 is raining these days)

Latest website: The next day, Founder arrived at the gate of Xueshe Garden early in the morning. After meeting with Tear and Early Spring, the three entered the Xueshe Garden together.
"What's the situation?"
Looking at the wet tears on the skirt, Founder was a little scratched, and tears spat out his tongue.
"Haha, that ... was a little too excited when I came out ..."
"Forget it, go ahead and talk."
Helplessly shook his head, and then Founder led the two into the Xueshe Garden.
Although all are in the seventh school district, the schoolhouse does not allow ordinary people to enter at will. After all, there are five private girls 'schools, and they are all aristocratic girls' schools, and the students are either rich or expensive. If outsiders are allowed to enter at will, it will inevitably cause problems, so the external security of Xuesheyuan is also very strict.
However, Founder himself gave the tree designer a high level of authority, and Chunchun and Tears were invited again. Therefore, after verifying their identities, the three entered the schoolhouse.
"Wow, this is the garden of Xueshe. It looks different from the outside, so beautiful ..."
Walking on the antique-style streets, in the early spring, his eyes looked around sparklingly, and he felt that he could not see them. The tears are also curious looking around, looking around from time to time. It's no wonder that compared with the modern atmosphere outside, the interior design of Xuesheyuan is closer to the western classical style, and it looks a bit like a different world.
Most come and go are girls, not only that ...
"Ah, Mr. Founder, Gui'an."
"Gui'an, Mr. Founder, is there anything you want to do in Xueshe Garden?"
"Student Zuotian, you actually came to Xueshe Garden? Why didn't you tell me?"
From time to time someone talked to Founder and Tears, which made the early spring quite surprised.
"Student Zuotian? How do you know the young lady here!"
"Ah ... because they often go to Mr. Fang Zheng ..."
Hearing here, Tears also smiled bitterly and spread his hands. Many young ladies in the Xueshe Garden have visited the Founder's lecture, so they knew each other naturally. Because Tears's popularity has always been good, she has become friends with many people.
"It's so good! You can be friends with Miss ..."
After hearing tears' answer, Chunchun suddenly became awkward.
"But I still have the work of the Discipline Commissioner. Hey, if I don't work, I want to go ..."
Having said that, the early spring looked towards the Founder.
"Mr. Founder, can I also listen?"
"of course can."
Founder nodded, and added a smile.
"If you don't have the work of a Discipline Commissioner."
In the early spring, it sank.
After that, the group went to the entrance of Tokiwadai and met Misaka Miku and Shirako Kuroko. Here, Tears replaced their previously soiled uniforms and changed into Tokiwadai's clothes. The young lady's enthusiast was jealous in the early spring.
It wasn't until early in the cake shop that Chunchun finally cheered up. Instead of tangling with these trivial things, she seemed to make up for her hurt heart. She ordered several cakes in one breath.
I'm not afraid of getting fat.
"Xuesheyuan is really different from the outside. It's awesome ..."
Happily took a bite of the cake, and in early spring I felt like I was about to cry.
"Yeah ... it always feels like it is abroad ..."
Tears also held her cheeks in one hand, looking at the scenery outside, a little deep in her tone. Looking at her like this, Misaka Miku and Shirai Kuroko looked at each other in doubt, not knowing why, they always felt that the performance of tears was not the same as before.
"Ha ha."
Seeing this scene, Founder shook his head with a smile, then he glanced at a corner of the cake shop, and then spoke.
"Well, while I'm bored, let me tell you a story."
"Oh? Story?"
After all, they were all little girls. When they heard this, the four girls all expressed interest and looked curiously towards the Founder.
"what story?"
"Well ... it's a horror story, it's the content of a horror I've seen before."
Speaking of this, Founder took a coffee and took a sip, and then smiled at the four, then went on talking.
"The protagonist of this story is Bit. He is a very ordinary and ordinary white-collar worker. He goes to work, goes off work and lives the same life. It was overlooked, and Bit was used to this life. Then one day, he found that things changed ... "
"How has it changed?"
After hearing this, Tears opened her eyes with excitement.
"He found himself ignored ... well, it wasn't the kind of disregard in the ordinary sense. Everyone seemed to be invisible to him, as if he were a hidden person. He came to work and worked in his office He worked at the table for a day, and his superiors also assigned him tasks. But when he found his superiors, his superiors said that he had not seen him at work today, and he had not been assigned any tasks. "
"How is this going?"
"Is it because his superiors bullied him on purpose?"
At this moment, Kuroko and Chunchun also asked questions with some curiosity, while Founder shook his finger and continued to speak.
"At first it was just invisible, but then the situation became more and more serious. Even Bit found that everyone seemed to ignore himself, and even his work was counted on the heads of others. This made Bit very angry, he even I thought about dancing in the office to get everyone's attention, but no matter how he did it, no one looked at him as if this person didn't exist at all. "
"Shouldn't Bit Awaken a certain ability."
Meiqin also expressed his views, while Founder shrugged.
"In short, Bit couldn't stand this kind of life. One day, he went violently. He made himself into a ridiculous clown and walked into the company with a kitchen knife. However, the company's security and employees didn't look at him. At a glance, Bit came to the office like this, and gave the colleague who stole his performance and credit --- killed! "
"— !!!!"
Hearing here, Misaka Miku shuddered, and everyone else was astonished.
"So was that bit caught?"
"Because he was ignored by everyone, in fact, everyone has forgotten Bit's existence, and even his parents do not remember Bit. Although the police found the body, it was also defined as a murder, but they completely ignored it. Standing at the scene, Bit with a sharp knife in his hand. This made Bit desperate, he left the company, but when Bit was about to commit suicide for a hundred, suddenly, a person appeared in front of him. "
Hearing here, the four swallowed drooling together.
"Is that good or bad?"
"Isn't it an angel or a demon."
"That was a man named Philip. In fact, he was just as neglected as Bit. He told Bit that there are many people in this world that are neglected like him. They are forgotten and ignored by everyone. It ’s like a living invisible person. According to Philip, on this land, there is a city that belongs to the neglected, and everyone there is neglected like Bit, so Philip invited Bit to go there, Started a new life, and Bit agreed. "
"......... what happened later?"
"They successfully reached that city and started a new life."
"......... This is not terrifying."
Hearing this, Shirai Kuroko commented boringly, while Fang Zheng smiled.
"Yes, it's not scary at all. When he got here, he found his beloved one. He also felt that he could start a new life, and then ... he discovered one thing, and that was that he started to be People ignored. "
Faced with this unexpected turn, everyone froze.
"Yes, he was neglected again. Among a group of neglected people, Bit found that he was still neglected. This time the situation was more serious than before. When people around him began to forget him again, he found himself whole. People are starting to disappear! "
If this story wasn't particularly terrifying to the girls before, then they all feel a little shabby when they hear it here.
Forgotten by most people, neglect is already bad. I finally found my companion, but found that even in a group of neglected people, I am still the one who is neglected?
And will it disappear?
This is really terrible.
"And at this time, there was also an accident. Philip, who brought him to the city, came up with a bold idea. As a revenge for those who ignored them, Philip wanted to use a special The way to declare their existence is to occupy the political center of their country, that is, the white house. "
At this moment everyone, including Misaka Misaka, was shocked.
"So they succeeded?"
"Of course they ... failed."
"They are just neglected."
Looking at the four mad girls in front of him, Fang Zheng smiled and spread his hands.
"They don't have the ability to hide or disappear from this world. They are simply ignored. But when they drive on the street with a gun and a gun, I am afraid that only blind people will ignore them. Existing. In the presence of the army, these people naturally have no power to fight back. They originally thought that they could go all the way and then grab the president directly, but the reality was obviously completely different from what they thought. They were killed, and the rest were caught. "
"What about bits?"
Now Tears couldn't hold back his inner question and asked.
"He was not arrested. Although he also hopes to re-prove his existence and join the 'war', he has been completely neglected. Both the army and his companions have forgotten him. In the end, he stood alone in the middle of the battlefield, and ... disappeared. "
Founder clapped his hands.
"No one remembers him, and he doesn't exist."
After listening to this story, the expressions of the girls were a little complicated, and at this time, suddenly, the phone in early spring rang, she took the call, and then her face changed slightly.
"have a job?"
Seeing Chunchun's expression, Shirai Kuroko knew immediately, and Chunchun nodded.
"It seems that I can only stop here today ~ ~ Helplessly sighed, Kuroko stood up and gave a gift to Founder, Tears and Meiqin.
"Then, sister, and Zuo Tian and Mr. Fang Zheng, we have more important things, we must take a step first and say goodbye."
After saying this, Kuroko and early spring quickly left the coffee shop, and at this time, the tears came out of breath.
"It feels pitiful for the man named Bit. He was neglected, but he was neglected again ..."
"It's not a good thing to be ignored, but that's not why you can do whatever you want."
Founder lowered the coffee cup in his hand, then looked aside.
"What do you say? This lady."
With the founder's words falling, suddenly, a young girl quietly appeared from the air in front of them.
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