Chapter 1829: Conspiracy

The two sides of the dispute were two students, one lean and one fat. I saw that the tall man first started and punched the strong man in front of him, while the strong man turned his hands against his chest and hit the tall man. At the same time, a blue barrier suddenly appeared, blocking the further attack of the taller man.
Then the sturdy man immediately seized the opportunity to counterattack against the slender man. However, the slender man was significantly more flexible than him. The slender man avoided a few punches after connecting a few punches, and then squatted down. The sweeping leg kicked the strong man to the ground.
The connection failure seemed to make the strong man very upset. I saw he stood up again, and found a strange metal rod in his arms, and threw it hard.
As he spoke, he saw that the metal rod immediately stretched, and instantly transformed into a long whip. Seeing this, people screaming around.
"It's Alchemy Steel !?"
"Are they martial artists?"
And the two did not stop there. The strong man suddenly waved the long whip in his hand and slammed it against the tall and thin man. The whip was obviously not a bargain, although the thin and tall man easily avoided it again. However, the whip hit the wall, and the solid wall was beaten together with the glass next to it.
At the same time, the tall and tall man also took out a long stick and played with the strong man again.
"No one cares?"
Seeing this, Kuroi Shirako frowned, and as a discipline member, she was most accustomed to this kind of fighting with a large audience. In the school city, if Shirako Kuroi saw this kind of thing, he would go up and wave both hands to the wall.
However, Shirai Kuroko also knows the size, although she is a bit perverted in front of Misaka Misaka, but in other aspects Shirai Kuroko is quite stable. After confirming that this is another world, she did not act lightly. After all, each place has its own rules, and an outsider is not convenient to intervene.
Instead, Misaka Misaka ...
"Sister, please do not act lightly."
"I know………"
Being stared at by Shirai Kuroko, Misaka Mikan is not easy to use, she is really eager to try at this moment, but since Shirai Kuroko said so clearly, Misaka Misaka naturally will not understand ... but it is still itchy hands.
At this time, the trio standing not far from them also began to talk.
"The words of the martial artist, the urban police cannot intervene!"
"I'll call the senior of Wu Yike!"
Soon one of them turned away, and the other two hurriedly backed away.
At this time, the fighting scope of those two students was getting wider and wider, and even spread to the surrounding crowds. There were not only students in the martial arts department, but also students in the general department. I have seen this scene where I saw the two fighting. Come over, screaming and dodging in all directions.
At this time, Founder and others saw a young girl with long black hair wearing a general uniform and seemed to be in a hurry to return to the school building to take refuge. However, at this time, the strong man also waved a long whip again. Then he was hit by a thin tall backhand, but neither of them noticed that the blown whip flew abruptly and threw it towards the dark-haired girl. And the dark-haired girl was passively at the moment, unaware that danger was coming!
"Be careful!!"
Seeing this, Misaka Misaki also hurriedly yelled, but maybe luck was good enough, the dark-haired girl suddenly crooked her foot when the whip was about to hit her, and fell to the ground, and the whip was She fluttered over the girl's head, and then wrapped around the pillars of the porch.
However, this long whip is obviously not as soft as it looks. While the long whip hit the pillar, I saw that the pillar that was originally thick and hard suddenly broke, and then the entire porch collapsed like this!
not good!
"give it to me!"
Seeing this, Shiro Kuroko no longer waits and sees, although she should not interfere in other school's affairs according to the truth, but now she is killed and watching, then there is a problem!
So the next moment, the figure of Kurai Shiro suddenly disappeared, then appeared next to the dark-haired girl, held her down, and the next moment, they disappeared into the collapsed porch.
Seeing this, everyone in the surrounding area was screaming in surprise, and the two martial arts students who were the creators were also frightened at this moment. You know that they were just fighting fiercely, and they did not expect to be killed. . It was scary at this moment, but fortunately, just when everyone didn't know what to do, I saw a flash in front of them, and the next moment Shirai Kuroko and the dark-haired girl appeared unscathed again. In front of them.
"How is this going?!"
Seeing this, everyone present was staring at each other, eyes widened in surprise, and even his chin was about to fall to the ground. It was such a surprise to them that there was no one there at the last moment, but the two of them suddenly appeared the next moment, and the two of them were already watching the collapsed porch to be buried!
This is the difference brought about by the different characteristics of civilization. In the academy city, everyone knows at least the existence of people with space ability. The so-called pig has not been seen before, so of course you don't care too much. But in this world, there is no such ability to move instantly. Although people in this world can use their own power to accelerate things in an instant, this and the instant movement are completely different.
And with others moving instantly ... it is even more unimaginable.
"Please also pay attention to the situation around you."
After the victim was rescued, the member of Shirai Kuroko's discipline immediately committed the problem. She had looked at those who were fighting and fighting in the large court, and now she was almost killed. So Shirai Kuroko would not naturally polite.
"In such a crowd gathering, please do not engage in unnecessary fights? In case other people are involved, it is more than just an apology ..."
At this moment, Shirai Kuroko also stood in front of two martial artists, and taught them scrupulously. Although the two men were not good-looking, they bowed their heads and did not speak. After all, they were almost out of nowhere. Things that can be laughed off. So even though Shirai Kuroko looks a lot younger than them, there is nothing they can do to say more.
"Stop it for me !!"
And just when Shirai Kuroko taught two troublemakers, accompanied by a roar, then everyone saw several martial arts students rushing over, and seeing their arrival, Shirai Kuroko stopped saying more and turned to Step back.
"What the happened! How can you, as freshmen, conflict in such a place?"
This student was obviously a hot-tempered man, and when he came up, he scolded the two of them, and Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Miku looked around and thought that it was all right, then turned around and left.
And at this time, I saw the dark-haired girl who was rescued by Kuroiko Shirako and her two friends came over.
"That ... Thank you for your help."
"You're welcome, just a hand."
Shirai Kuroko responded lightly, and it was indeed a hand for her, and as a discipline member, Shirai Kuroko did not do this kind of thing once or twice, and was used to it.
"Aren't you students in this academy city?"
"We come from elsewhere, so ..."
Having said that, Shirai Kuroko glanced at it, and when the next Founder made a gesture to himself, he nodded.
"Then we are leaving."
After saying this, Shirai Kuroko pulled Misaka Misaka, and the two followed Fang Zheng and turned away.
When the blonde woman over there reprimanded the two and turned around to find someone, Fang Zheng had already left Misaka Miku and Shirako Kuroko.
"How? How are you feeling now?"
Returning to the room that Feili had arranged for herself, Founder closed the door and looked at them with a smile and asked. Misaka Misaka frowned, thinking for a while.
"Well, the people here seem to be very irritable, but they don't seem to be very strong?"
"There are only seven LV5 in Xueyuan City. What else do you expect?"
Founder glanced silently at Misaka Misaka, and he realized that Misaka Misaka was actually a combat madman like the two rituals, and he felt itchy without fighting ...
Instead, Sunspot thought longer, and after a while, she asked.
"Mr. Founder, what are we going to do in this world?"
"good question."
Founder patted her hands. Although Shirai Kuroko's ability is not as good as Misaka Misaka, but in terms of overall situation, she is really much higher than Misaka Misaka, who is still only thinking of fighting.
"Do you think there is any good way to solve the problems of this world?"
Founder has explained the background of this world to the two before. At this moment Misaka Misaka and Kuroko Shirai are also thinking, then Misaka Misaka shines.
"Yes, the reason these people want to live in this mobile city is because of the monsters. Then, if we destroy all the monsters, can we let them live again?"
"Sister, you are too naive."
This time without waiting for Fang Zheng to negate, Kuroko jumped out first.
"Not to mention how many kinds of monsters there are in this world. Just looking at these people can only use mobile cities to evade monsters is enough to show that the number of monsters far exceeds the number of humans. Now we do n’t even know this world How many humans and monsters are there, and when will they be wiped out? "
"Then what do you say? Or send them to our world? After all, according to Mr. Founder, the earth in this world is contaminated, so people in this world cannot survive."
"You don't even think about such things."
This time Founder finally spoke.
"Let me tell you a story. In fact, before I came to your world, I went to another world, and that world ..."
As he said, Founder told the Mizuko Misaka and Shirako Kuroko the original situation of the Zero Messenger World, and after hearing Founder's narration, both were shocked.
"That is to say ... 5,000 years ago, those who were capable of rough stones in our world were persecuted by the incompetent. They opened the way to another world, where they established their own kingdom. As a result, the world was about to collapse after five thousand years So they want to call back? "
Misaka Misaka was incredible. She could not imagine her world jumping back and forth on the brink of a war.
"That world ... is it amazing?"
"No, the world is very poor in terms of the overall level of civilization, which is basically the level of the Middle Ages. After all, religion hinders the development of civilization ... but their ability system is also unique, and there is also a cruel hand rubbing nuclear bomb inside. What about people. "
"Nuclear bomb ?!"
Hearing this, Misaka Misaka and Kuroi Shiro were stunned.
"That's right, now you know how great it is."
Founder also smiled. In his opinion, Huihui and Louise were both hand rubbing nuclear bombs. The difference was that the former was a tactical nuclear weapon and the latter was a strategic nuclear weapon. There is also a different number of times. Huihui can only put one burst of magic a day, and Louise's CD is longer, and it takes several months to launch it.
However, if you let Louise do one shot, it will not be a problem to destroy half of the academy city. Of the seven LV5s, I am afraid that only one side can pass and Emperor Yuangen can skip it.
Fortunately, eventually, under the guidance of the red horsetail, the crisis in that world was lifted, and naturally no longer thought about occupying the earth.
Regarding this news, Misaka Miku and Shirako Kuroko can't digest it too, but at this moment Misaka Misaki dare not mention any messy ideas.
"Then stop here today, you go back to the Academy City first, and tomorrow I will officially leave the city and go to other mobile cities. At that time, I think you should have an understanding of the status quo."
Founder was going to absorb Misaka Misaka and Kuroi Shiroko into his own organization, and definitely wanted to teach and investigate them. At the moment, I saw that they both had care and didn't say much, and soon opened the portal again. Take them back to the school city.
While Founder took the two back, there was a conversation in another place.
"you sure?"
Looking at the man in front of him, the silver-haired youth whispered, asking that he was the student council president, Calian Rose, who had met with Founder during the day.
"Yes, President, I see clearly."
Hearing Calian's inquiry, the strong man opposite him nodded hurriedly. If Misaka Miku and Shirako Kuroko are here, he will definitely recognize the strong man in front of him and the tall man next to him. The two people fighting in the conflict, although the two of them are messy at the moment, but they can not see the look of life and death in the afternoon.
"The girl was about to be crushed, and the little ponytail girl suddenly appeared next to her. Then she reached out and pressed the other person so that they disappeared instantly!"
"You can be sure it wasn't nagging or prestige?"
"I didn't feel any signs of simmering, and that didn't seem to be like Granville ..."
"I understand."
Hearing here ~ ~ Karian narrowed his eyes and nodded at the two.
"You can go, remember, don't tell others about this."
"Yes, President."
When they had finished speaking, they turned and left, while Kalyan stared at the back of them, muttering in his mouth.
"Looks like ... we have an incredible group of guests ..."
Calian didn't notice, and at this moment, on the second floor behind him, Philly was silently casting a window to look at Calian standing outside the house, and then showed a disgusted expression.
The next moment, with a soft hum, the silver-haired girl turned and left.
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