Chapter 2096: Discussion and experiment (Eating a corn meal every day is good for health)

Chapter 2068 Discussion and Experiment (Eating a corn every day is good for health)
For Founder, the matter of interfering with the third coordinate point also came to an end. He introduced Mann, Hill, Red pupil and Black pupil to Lugnica to help Firut-of course, this part No need for Founder to come forward in person. On the empire side, after Estes returned, she also ascended to the throne as expected by Founder. Although many princes and ministers opposed the approach of Estes, Estes showed her in this regard. The bloodless side...
Well, from a certain angle, this one is indeed suitable to be an emperor.
The Revolutionary Army is also over. Estes will of course not let go of these guys who signed a treaty of humiliation and humiliation with foreign enemies. The first thing she did after ascending the throne was to directly uproot the Revolutionary Army and completely eliminate it. At this time, the Assassin's organization also slept secretly, at least for a short time, they will not appear.
At this time, Founder also withdrew his own consciousness and began to focus on solving more important problems.
That is resistance to chaos.
Fortunately, this time he was not fighting alone.
Anyway, it can be regarded as......... 1. Five people.
"I heard that you have an idea to fight against chaos?"
The goddess of order's head dangled in the pure white space, and it looked like a horror movie, but Founder was already surprised. He also knew that the goddess seemed lonely on the surface, but he was super happy. Although the goddess of order itself could not leave in this refuge, she, like Cthulhu, was able to influence people in the distant world through her spirit.
In fact, the goddess of order is now focused on "guiding" (in my own language) the bravery of an alien race in the Galactic Empire who loves humanity and intends to see how the double-taboo love that spans gender and race will develop...
Well, this topic should not be mentioned again.
As long as she is happy.
"Yes, I have an idea now, but before that, I have another idea."
"what idea?"
The goddess of order dangled around Founder, and drank tea.
"According to your statement, the Order family initially observed the universe, and then used their own order imprint to fix the measured order and integrate it, right."
"Um... that's true, what's wrong?"
"In fact, I suddenly thought of a problem......... Are you really sure that chaos is out of control because of the ultimate result of your compression order?"
"what do you mean?"
Hearing this, the goddess of order froze for a moment, staring silently at Founder.
"I think so, you see, the order family determines order through their own observation, then in your order family, chaos itself is chaotic, unknowable, and uncontrollable. This is also a recognized fact, is it not? Say this is not the result of your chaotic order? You fixed some kind of ambiguous element into the individual named'chaos', and gave it the attribute of'unknown, chaotic', isn't it?"
"It's like a jigsaw puzzle."
Founder held out his hand, and soon a jigsaw puzzle appeared in the air.
"It has different colors, maybe you like some colors, but don't like another color, but in the final analysis, whether you like it or not, it is part of the color. Then in turn, although you think that chaos is not part of order, even Contrary to order, but strictly speaking, this should be considered part of the order... Although you may not like it, but since it has been given attributes, can it not be stated that this has been ordered?"
This is another question that Fang is thinking about in the millennium test. What is the concept of order in the order family?
Is it only order that can be clearly indicated by numerical judgment? Or is it all order as long as the attributes are given?
Just like insects, mammals, and fish, you certainly can't compare them together. But from the big "biological" classification, they all belong to the same category.
Similarly, the sun, earth, and moon are also different, but they are all placed in the category of "cosmic celestial bodies".
So since chaos has been given the "chaotic, unknowable" attribute, is it not a larger part of this world order?
Hearing this, the goddess of order suddenly froze.
"Indeed, this issue has also been discussed within our family...Woo, but it is not my major, and I don't know much about this........."
"By the way, what professional are you a goddess of order?"
"Biology research and civilization creation, I am a talented student!"
Speaking of which, the goddess of order looked up proudly—well, she didn’t have a chest.
No wonder so many coordinate points feel like a biological laboratory. After a long time, they are actually science students...
"After all, if chaos is identified as order, will it affect the order family?"
"It’s not clear to me, but in my opinion, this should be a good thing. If we confirm that chaos is part of a higher order, then it means that our order family has more control and understanding of order. A step forward.........Of course, this is just my opinion, I don’t know what I think about it."
Speaking of which, the goddess of order pouted.
Yeah, although I knew that the goddess of order was in front of me, Founder almost forgot that the status of the goddess of order is not high among the order family. If you compare the order family to a country, then the goddess of order is in this country. The status is equivalent to a senior researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, even the academician is not...
"Okay, let's solve the problem at hand first."
Founder certainly does not expect a senior researcher to know the secrets of government agencies, and this is not an imminent issue.
"I thought of a way to fight against the tide of chaos. An experiment is needed. I wonder if you have a good way?"
"It's no problem...but what are you going to do?"
Facing the question of the goddess of order, Founder smiled.
"You know when you look at it."
"Well, I want to see what you made."
Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, the goddess of order hummed, and then the light flashed, and at the next moment, a portal appeared in front of Fang Zheng.
"This leads to the four-leaf galaxy."
"Four leaves?"
"Yes, this galaxy is a fringe zone, and there is nothing good about it. I chose to experiment here just in case."
That's right, the generally dangerous biological laboratories are basically in the Gobi Desert, and no one has built them in transportation hubs or population areas.
"If you compare us to the opposite side as an hourglass, then the four-leaf galaxy is the gap in the middle of the hourglass. If this loophole can be blocked, then the outbreak of chaotic waves can be alleviated and resisted."
"So it turns out."
Looking at the dark, turbid galaxies in the light door as if contaminated by oil, Founder nodded.
"By the way, is there any civilization in this galaxy?"
"I don’t know, because from this side, it is not an area under my jurisdiction. The four-leaf galaxy is the high-speed traffic entrance of the Order family. This is within the control of the highest council directly under the Order family, but It has been unresponsive for such a long time, and it is estimated that the situation there is similar to here. If you want to completely activate your order marking and gain authority, then start purifying from the four-leaf galaxy..."
This is the case, that is to say, it is the "intra-city highway" of the order family from here on, and the "alfalfa galaxy" and "galaxy system" where he was previously considered to be rural rural areas?
Although it has long been known that the Order family is quite powerful, but... Hey, at first glance it is quite powerful.
"You can put this into it."
With the words of the goddess of order, a small light ball emerged out of thin air.
"It was made by the force of pure order. Put it into the four-leaf galaxy. It will stimulate the reaction of chaos to create a wave of chaotic waves. It can be used to conduct experiments against chaotic waves."
Founder took the small light ball and took a closer look.
"This is not something you just came up with."
"Of course not. Otherwise, how do you think I arranged the life force system in this galaxy?"
It is also said that the character of the goddess of order cannot naturally be used without experimenting, nor is it a Macedonian defense. From what she heard, she apparently has used the power of the four-leaf galaxy to simulate the eruption of chaos waves more than once.
"Is there any danger?"
"If your method of resisting the wave of chaos is useful, there is no danger."
The goddess of order was thrown over again by a big truth. UU reading www. uukanshu. com
Okay, it's useless... I only know it if I try it. If it's useless, then of course it will be over.
Founder shrugged his shoulders, then he turned his head and crossed the light door. Immediately after the next moment, Founder was thus in the cold and dark universe.
Looking at the sphere of light in his hand, Founder let out a light breath, and then he squeezed the sphere tightly and threw it directly at the dimly shaped, dim object like the stain of the universe in front of him.
The little sphere of light with a touch of light, traversed the universe like a meteor, and then disappeared silently in the muddy stains.
Immediately after a moment... the entire chaotic cloud suddenly rose! Suddenly broke out! Immediately afterwards, Founder felt a chaotic atmosphere suddenly appear, as if the gas from the broken ball generally rushed towards himself!
Chaos waves, here!
(End of this chapter)
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