Chapter 2120: You have no way to escape

Chapter 2092 you have no way to escape (forgot to write the card update)
The question of whether Founder is a person or not is not only suspected by the head of the explosion. In fact, almost everyone now has a similar question.
It is really until now that what happened before them is too unbelievable and unexpected. Hearing this, one of the men dressed strangely and holding four hamsters in his arms lowered his head and sneered.
"Well, I can feel that the thick dark magic that surrounds the man is definitely not a waiter!"
"That's what you said."
Faced with his companion's S2 behavior, a blonde girl with a pair of ponytails wearing a kimono next to her suddenly said a tongue. Fang Zhengfei, as long as he is not blind, can be seen here. Okay, this shining spaceship alone is definitely not like what they should have in this world.
"Speaking of that, when Mr. Fang Zheng first introduced himself to us, he said he was a super-college magician..."
At this time the explosive head also joined the conversation.
"Magic mess? No no no, this looks like a super-college alien!"
The other freckled girl with short red hair and a camera in her hand shook her head desperately.
Hearing the word alien, Miao Mucheng's expression suddenly became unnatural.
"what happened?"
Looking at Miao Mucheng's expression, the next ten gods Bai Ye also asked curiously, and Miao Mucheng scratched his head in embarrassment.
"That... I suddenly remembered that when Classmate Wu Qi asked Mr. Fang Zheng before, he did answer that he was an alien. Of course, at that time, everyone thought he was joking..."
Speaking of this, Miao Mucheng didn't go on, but he didn't need to say anything. Just look at the glorious spaceship in front of him, and he knew that Founder was obviously not talking nonsense.
"Classmate Wu Qi, what do you think?"
Miao Mucheng once again looked at the white-haired girl standing in front of the screen, and after hearing Miao Mucheng's inquiry, Wuqie Xiangzi thought for a moment and shook her head.
"I don't care, no matter whether Mr. Founder's identity is an alien, or an envoy, it is beyond our understanding. But in any case, at least for now, he should be on the same side with us, For now, this is enough."
"makes sense."
Hearing the answer of Wuqie Xiangzi, standing not far away, a girl with long blond hair and full of noble temperament, like a princess, nodded.
"In any case, he saved the seven sea classmates. For us, it would be rude to guess the identity of the other party. If it is not for the help of this founder, I am afraid that the seven sea classmates have already been hit by Enoshima shield. Poisonous hand, and we may not be able to stand here anymore."
"I believe Mr. Founder must not be a bad person."
At this time, the dance garden Sayaka was also inserted, holding her hands tightly on her chest.
"Mr. Founder is a very gentle person, I... I know this very well..."
Speaking of this, Sayaka's cheeks on the dance garden showed a hint of blush, not knowing what she thought of.
Seeing this scene, the seedlings next to him were somewhat bitter in the heart. In any case, he had been in love with each other for three years... Well, although Miao Mucheng knew that it was impossible for him to be an ordinary student and a popular idol like the dance garden Sayaka, but hey, How to say it, I still feel that......... Forget it, now it is useless to think about it.
Thinking of this, Miao Mucheng withdrew his eyes and sighed with mixed tastes.
Founder didn't know what Miao Mucheng was thinking. At the moment, he was following the directions of the past, tracking the whereabouts of the two girls.
"But after all, they really can run..."
Founder walked out of the gate and glanced at the surrounding streets, frowning involuntarily. Along the way, he has seen many dead bodies killed by black and white bears. But not only these, there are also many little ghosts with black and white bear hoods, who happily abused and beat those corpses, as if they had a deep hatred against those corpses.
Although I knew that these little ghosts should be brainwashed by the black and white bear because of that hood, this scene still found Fang Zheng very unhappy. To be honest, even in the dark world, he does not want the cursed children to deal with adults who abuse them in this way.
This is not the Founder's Heart, but because he can do this kind of thing as a god. There is no need to let those abused and cursed children revenge in this way.
Not to mention that the relationship between the two parties in this world is far from the level of the dark world...
To be honest, Founder feels that those little ghosts are still dead. Once they wake up, see the bodies of their parents, and think back to what they have done, there is no good thing.
While thinking, Founder continued to move forward. Soon, he followed the phantoms of the girls through the street and came to a subway entrance.
"Is it here?"
Looking at the blue iron door in front of him, the front face was dignified, then he clenched his fists and waved hard at the iron door in front of him.
The blue iron gate flew in response to the sound, and dazzling light emerged from it. Founder raised his head. I saw that not far from his eyes was a building like a fighting field, surrounded by iron wire, hundreds of Thousands of children with black and white bear hoods were sitting and rocking in the auditorium.
In the center of the arena, under the spotlights, stood two overwhelmed girls. They have short black hair and wear blue and white sailor suits. The other is wearing a golden shawl hair, wearing a note hairpin, wearing a pink sweater and plaid skirt.
Not only that, the two girls at the moment looked pale ahead, and when they saw that not far away in front of them, there was a pile of garbage.
No, it's not garbage.
That's a corpse.
Hundreds of corpses piled up there, rotting, bloody, and smelling, disgusting. Seeing this scene, Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes, showing a cold killing intent. Then he strode into the arena and came to the two girls. At the moment, the two girls also heard the voice, turned their heads anxiously, and looked at Fang Zheng with doubts and surprises, not knowing what to do for a while.
"You, you are..."
"Are you a sleepy nursery? Is this Miao Mucheng's sister?"
Founder raised his head, looked at the short-haired girl in front of her, and asked. In fact, he knew the answer almost without asking. After all, the dull hair standing on the head of the short-haired girl in front of him was almost exactly the same as Miao Mucheng.
You don’t need DNA testing to know you are brothers and sisters.
"Ah yes, I am..."
"My name is Fang Zheng. I came to save you. It seems that you are in some trouble."
Founder glanced at the two girls, then looked forward again, and the girl named Miaomu Sleepy nodded quickly.
"Fang, Mr. Founder, I, I...that..."
"I know what you want to say, but now, you should leave here first. The next thing I want to do is not suitable for children. You are not suitable to stay here to watch."
Speaking of which, Founder looked at the blonde girl next to him.
"Can I trouble you to leave here and wait for me over the passage? I will take care of things here right away."
"Ah, yes, that..."
Hearing Founder's order, the blonde girl nodded, and then she looked at Founder and wanted to say something, but Founder waved her hand.
"You better don't say anything, don't ask anything, and I won't answer, well, go."
The blonde girl looked at Founder, and after a while, she seemed to be determined, and then she pulled the younger sister and turned her head and left the arena. Until it was confirmed that the figures of the two had disappeared, Founder turned his head and stared at the little boy in front of him coldly.
"Did you do it?"
Hearing Founder's inquiry, the little boy, wearing headphones and shorts, seemed to be proud of his chest when he was about ten years old.
"These guys are monsters that I hunt, and you adults are monsters!"
Speaking of which, the little boy gritted his teeth and stared at Founder.
"These guys just gave birth to their children and raised them for a lifetime, and they dominated all the monsters in the audience! As a brave man, I want to kill all these monsters and let everyone be free------! I’m the brave big door!! As the captain of the hope team, I want to kill all the adults and liberate all the children!"
"Nice talk."
Hearing this, Founder sneered.
"Don't you grow up one day?"
"I won't grow up!"
However, in response to Founder's rhetorical question, the big gate suddenly shouted.
"I have made an appointment with everyone in the Hope team. We will die when we are children. Instead of being a dirty, ugly and unpleasant monster, it is better to die when we are children!"
"Oh oh oh!!"
Hearing the declaration of the big gate, the children wearing balaclavas in the auditorium also cheered, while Founder just stood there and looked at them.
"Yes, it seems that you are very conscious, then let me see if your consciousness is true."
"Come on, I won't be afraid of you, just a monster.........!"
The door at this moment stared at Founder violently, and the voice gradually lowered.
"I... but everyone's brave, as long as all the monsters are killed, then I don't have to be afraid of anyone. I don't have to be afraid of the brutality and violence of those people!"
At this point, the gate began to tremble.
"Whether it hurts, it’s black, it’s scary, it’s terrible, it’s still sore, even if I’ve been beaten......and I’ve been beaten......... Brave! I won’t be afraid! No! Whether it’s killing or whatever, I won’t be afraid!!! Absolutely not!

While shouting, the door raised his hands high on the large side, and then at the next moment, something like a console fell from the sky and hung on him. While the gate is large, hold the joystick firmly and wave hard, and then you will see a black shadow descend from the sky and appear in front of the front.
That's a three-headed robot, how to say...
"Oh, this reminds me of the Dragon Warrior, what a childhood..."
Looking at the three-headed robot in front of him, Fang Zheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.
At the moment, the gate was clenching the joystick, staring at Fang Zheng and roaring.
"Come on, brave robot! Break down these monsters!"
Under his roar, I saw that the three-headed robot also immediately raised the drill bit in his hand and stab directly at the square in front of him.
Facing the robot in front of him, Founder didn't even move. He stood there with his hands in his pockets, looked at the robot in front of him, and then snorted.
At the next moment, the huge three-headed robot instantly flew out as if it was hit by an invisible truck, and turned into a pile of broken parts directly in the air, scattered on the ground.
Looking at the broken robot in front of him, the door stood blank, stunned, and couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.
"You just said I was a monster."
At this moment, Founder has come to the front of the gate.
"So, as a brave man, do you know what will happen if you lose to a monster?"
Looking at Founder with a sneer in front of him, the door was pale and trembling. But before he could speak, he saw Founder kick it out and kick it on his stomach. Then the ten-year-old boy screamed and flew out.
"Woo... wow wow...!"
The severe pain made the gate curled up on the ground, shaking unceasingly, and Fang Zheng walked towards him step by step.
"Although according to the kingly plot, at this time I should find a way to make the bear child correct and let him realize his mistake. But unfortunately, I am not interested in doing so."
As he said, Founder walked to the front of the gate again.
"I know that the law cannot punish you, even if you brutally killed hundreds, thousands, or even more. Children are really a good amulet. Because they are young, they are allowed to do anything. , But it’s a pity, as you said..."
Speaking of this, Founder grinned wide and showed a gritty smile. He lowered his head and whispered in the big ear of the gate.
"I'm a monster."
Accompanied by this sentence, Founder stepped on the big foot of the gate. Soon, the sound of crisp fractures came, and the scream of the big gate accompanied it.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh \s sn accordinglyover over over to it

"For me, age is not a problem, and motivation is not a problem, do you know?"
Founder didn't care about the painful child under his feet and screamed at the rolling children, but continued to speak.
"Look, I can think of it. If this is a trial, what would the defendant's lawyer say? Well, the classmate at the gate of the defendant suffered from domestic violence for a long time, which led to mental breakdown and violence. It was him. The broken family caused the tragedy, so it’s not his fault, but his parents and family......... Uh, how? Is this able to impress the judge and jury? But for me..."
While talking, Founder moved his right foot again and stepped on the other leg of the gate.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh such an annebar an ah!!!!!!
This time, the big scream of the gate was close to howling, but Fang Zheng was still not shaken at all.
"I'm sorry, no matter what the defendant's lawyers say, the smallpox is falling, I only look at these........."
As he said, Founder pointed to the pile of corpses in front of him.
"I don't care what kind of family you have."
Founder raised his foot again and stepped on the big left hand of the door.
"I don't care what kind of parents you have."
His heel was lightly crushed, accompanied by screams, and the palms were suddenly spread on the ground with blood and minced meat.
"What happened to you has nothing to do with me."
Fang Zheng raised his right hand, and the cold chill gathered in his hand, and then turned into a big sword full of undead wailing, even the soul would be frozen.
"But everyone is responsible for what they do. You are right. Since you said that you would rather die than become an adult, then... I will do it for you."
The icy big sword flipped down and penetrated the big, thin body of the gate, nailing the ten-year-old child to the ground.
The boy screamed again. He wriggled his body desperately, as if a fish was struggling with the last dying, but his struggle was meaningless. A chain of nothingness emerged from Frostmourne, which penetrated the boy's body, and bound his soul to the outside, pulling it out.
"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Mom, save me, mom, save life!!! Mom—!

The door at this moment is already crying and running, and the pain of the soul being stripped from the body alive is far more than the one that was placed on his body before. His tears and snot mixed together, screaming out the most primal cry.
"it's a pity."
However, Founder just embraced his arms and looked at him coldly without expression.
"No one can save you, and no one will save you, but rest assured, you will not die or grow up. Your soul will always be in this ten thousand years of ice prison, enjoying the eternity Ending pain."
"No, save me, no, it hurts, father, mother... I'm so scared, I hurt..."
The boy stretched out his hand desperately, UU reading But at this moment, his body had gradually shrivelled, like a deflated ball, and in a moment, the rapidly contracting chain suddenly flew up. The large soul of the gate was forcibly pulled out of his body, and then quickly absorbed into Frostmourne.
At the moment, the front of the square is not even a dead body, just a pile of skinny garbage.
Founder silently pulled out the frost sorrow, and the sword edge swept across the body. Soon, the flame quickly flew and burned, enclosing the large body of the gate, together with the mountainous corpses, and the entire arena in a sea of ​​fire . At the moment, the children who were wearing hoods and watching in the audience were screaming and turning to escape, just like a group of scared insects.
"This is just the beginning, look good."
Founder raised his head and looked at the camera in the corner of the arena, his mouth wide open, showing a greasy and cold smile.
"I hope you can remember this sentence, Baiyin will bear fruit, and your retribution is me."
(End of this chapter)
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