Chapter 2602: Fully developed (so you can’t watch the remake animation)

When Fang Zheng came to the restaurant, he saw that all the students were already here, but they did not dine. On the contrary, almost everyone was sitting on their seats, staring dumbly at one corner of the restaurant --- there. , The white dinner plates have been piled up like a mountain, and they are rising rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. On the contrary, the other side originally piled up, enough food to feed the entire school is falling rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.
The culprit of all this is the red-haired, dignified and elegant nun sitting at the table.
"Uh...what's the situation?"
Seeing this scene, Fang Zheng twitched the corners of his eyes, then looked at Towa next to him, who explained helplessly.
"That's it. According to the chefs, this classmate Lisi came to the restaurant before and asked if there was breakfast. Of course we answered yes..."
In order to ensure the supply of meals, the restaurant on the Fangzheng side adopts a mode similar to a five-star hotel buffet. Basically, there are always meals to choose from from the beginning of breakfast to the end of dinner, only there will be a period of time in between. Used for shifts and preparing the next meal. After all, what Fang Zheng wanted was to make his students eat and drink well, so he couldn't wrong them in this respect, didn't he?
"Then that Lisi classmate swept away the breakfast she had prepared, and after she finished her breakfast, our lunch was already prepared, and then... it became like this."
"...Didn't she just eat breakfast?"
"Uh...According to classmate Lisi, I was full for breakfast, but I haven't eaten lunch yet..."
This is a cow, right? There are three stomachs in the body that can't be digested according to three meals, morning, lunch and evening?
Fang Zheng looked at Rufina silently, who smiled embarrassedly.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Fang Zheng, my sister is good with everything, but she is easy to get hungry... When she was a child, she also secretly went to the kitchen to find something to eat because she was always hungry..."
Is this a problem of getting hungry easily?
"So what's the problem now?"
Fang Zheng resisted the complaint and looked at Towa again, who was also speechless for a while.
"Insufficient ingredients...Because the canteen has limited funds, so..."
"......Doubling the canteen funding."
Founder held his forehead speechlessly. Of course, the expenditures of the Semilia Academy were from Starlight Technology, but in order to ensure the financial audit, the daily expenditures were basically fixed. Originally, it was based on the staff+teacher+students of the entire academy, with 50 meals per meal.
As a result, it seems that this lady nun can eat 30 people alone...
Fang Zheng now finally understands why this lady nun has always been so calm and calm, but where is the source of his unreliable feeling towards her.
But fortunately, this was an episode. After that, everything returned to normal again. The next day, Fang Zheng also held a small meeting with a dozen students, and then he explained the rules to them before shooting. The is gone. The next step is for the girls to choose for themselves.
Because the knowledge base of the entire Semilia Academy is actually on Fangzheng’s side, he simply came to a comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, and physical education, and divided all major items into two subjects of civil and martial arts. This is actually similar to the liberal arts in the previous middle and high schools. Each science class has a different focus.
For example, the liberal arts class focuses on politics, economics, trade, and technology, while the martial arts department focuses more on actual combat and training, as well as tactical skills research.
So it's up to them how little girls choose.
Soon, after one day, Fang Zheng received the application form for class assignment.
Group A-the main members of the arts and sciences are: Empress Alfin from the Erebonian Empire, Emma Millsteen, Miaojie Igreat, and Lu from the Duchy of Remi Philia. Yiz, Elaine Okrell of the Kalvard Republic, Tida Russell of Liber. And Qiya, and Ling and Tio - these are all chasing Tida, so naturally Tida went where they went.
Group-The main members of the Martial Arts Division are: Laura S. Alside of the Erebonian Empire, Emma Millsteen, Altina Olein, Elysée Schwarz, Carl Lixia Mao and Alein Okrell from the Wadden Republic, and Liz Argent from the Church of the Seven Luminaries.
Well, this is not the wrong candidate, the fact is that Emma Millsteen and Elaine Oakrell are planning to study both civil and military...
However, the admission scores of these two people are indeed excellent, and Founder also knows that Emma is a witch, and she is definitely not weak in combat effectiveness. And Ai Lein... Although Founder is not familiar with it, he approved it with a stroke of a stroke, just watch. Actually test it, if it doesn't work, then persuade her to leave.
To say that Fang Zheng was a little surprised, it was Elysée Schwarz. After all, he originally thought that as the best friend of the Empress Alfing, Elysée would choose the arts and sciences just like the Empress Alfing, but the other party actually chose the martial arts... …With a curious attitude, Fang Zheng also called Elysée to inquire, only then did she understand her thoughts.
Originally, when the civil war broke out in the empire and the nobles invaded the imperial capital and occupied the royal city, they also sent troops to suppress the St. Astellite Girls’ College where Elysée and Queen Alfing studied. After all, it was an aristocratic girls’ school. Basically, they are the children of nobles everywhere, and in order to coerce other nobles to stand on their side, the nobles will of course occupy this place.
So after that, Elysée also became a hostage. Although she had also thought about running away or resisting, she was helpless and weak, and at that time Elysée was also very worried about the Empress Elfyn until the Fang Zheng defeated the magic city and that. Mentally retarded mecha, she returned to her original life only after the liberation of the imperial capital.
However, this time the civil war has dealt a great blow to Elysée, so she hopes to hone her skills so as to protect herself and the people around her. Moreover, Elysée is not the kind of girl who has no power to restrain her, although she said that she is comfortable. The Watts clan is not as powerful as the Light Swordsmith Alside clan, but she has also learned swordsmanship, and her strength is not bad.
Since it was not the result of a rookie's brain fever, but the result of careful consideration, Fang Zheng naturally stopped asking more and swiped a big pen.
After the subjects were divided, a large number of students finally ushered in the formal class, and the first class that Fang Zheng taught was............the relationship between productivity and class.
"... We must first know that class is a product of economic relations, a product of production relations that are compatible with the same fixed productive force, and different social groups produced by economic relations."
Fang Zheng patted the dust on the chalk and looked at the girls sitting in the classroom.
"I know what you want to listen to, but I can tell you that no system is permanent. Just like the force revolution, changes in productivity will also lead to changes in class, and thus produce brand new ones. Class and order-that is the new system."
"productive forces?"
Hearing this word, Alfin tilted his head in confusion, while Fang Zheng laughed and explained.
"Yes, productivity. In fact, this is easy to understand. Assuming you are a farmer, how many crops you can cultivate on one mu of land represents your productivity. For example, you, as a farmer, have one mu The crops cultivated on the ground are only enough for your own survival, which represents your current productivity. But productivity will change. You see, gradually, we learned to use chemical fertilizers and improve tools and grain seeds. Here In this case, the harvested part of the crops you cultivate is not only enough for your own survival, but you can also exchange the excess parts. This is the increase in productivity. And when you have excess property, you will hire other people Help you do the work, and you sit back and enjoy the fruits of it—you see, this is how the class was born."
Having said this, Fang Zheng clapped his hands.
"You have all studied history, and you should all know that there used to be slavery and serfdom on the continent of Simria, but in fact it was not simply the so-called'evil' or'barbaric' because of the production environment at the time. This kind of system can liberate the productivity to the greatest extent. However, this kind of system is not static. Looking back at history, we can see that with the continuous development of productivity, various tools, such as horse-drawn carriages, have been produced. The appearance of such things as the guiding force train, to the greatest extent, also represents the further liberation and development of productive forces. At this time, the original class will be overwhelmed and will even be overthrown.
While talking, Fang Zheng glanced at Alfin, who was taking notes with a serious face.
"Continue to take my previous example. You are a farmer. You rely on advanced production technology and have surplus means of production, and you rely on these means of production to obtain other people through transactions to produce for you. In terms of class, you are Slave owners, the other is slaves. However, with the continuous growth of productivity, the treatment of slaves will also change. At first they were willing to endure your whipping, because they needed hard work to get three meals, and under the production environment at that time, That's what productivity can give them.
But with the increase in productivity, the treatment of slaves will also change. From the very beginning, they will not be able to cover their bodies and eat, become clothed, and have three meals to eat. And they will also have surplus in their hands, their own means of production. At this time there will be contradictions... The upper class wants to deprive the lower class of the means of production to maintain their own standard of living, while the lower class is unwilling to go back to the past and will naturally resist. "
Having said this, Fang Zheng pointed at Alfin again.
"In fact, this civil war in the empire is a good case."
Hearing this, not only Alfin was shocked, but even the others cheered up. After all, what Fang Zheng said before was too far away from them, but the civil war in the empire has just passed!
"The reason for the rebellion of the nobles is ultimately that they want to maintain the ruling interests of the existing classes. However, since the leadership revolution, the increasing productivity development has made the imperial citizens unwilling to continue to maintain their original form, and they aspire to achieve higher levels. There is room for growth. It is precisely because of this that the iron-blooded prime minister Osborne and the reformers will form forces within the empire to compete with the nobles. Because they represent the expectations of the people of the empire, and the nobles see this. That's why I tried to choose to rely on seizing power to maintain our status, because history is going forward."
"But, Mr. Fang Zheng."
Miaojie raised her hand.
"The aristocratic faction does have a huge power, and there is also the assistance of the powerful in the realm of reason. In my opinion, it is impossible to overthrow the rule of the aristocracy by relying solely on the power of the people."
"Ha ha ha, the fact is not so."
Facing Miaojie's question, Fang Zheng chuckled. In fact, he thought the same at the beginning, but after traveling through so many worlds, Fang Zheng had already formed a set of his own theory.
"Indeed, the strong are very powerful. For example, those idiots who form associations have occupied the imperial capital by relying on a very small number of people. However, there is no contradiction between the development of productive forces and the power itself. The development of productive forces is historical, natural, and impossible. The process of resistance. This is like a person who grows up and then grows old and dies. This is a natural law. No matter how strong you are, what you can do, UU Kanshu is just taking this Killing the growing person, you can never change the whole process of growing up, and then dying of old age. This is that no matter how strong you are, you cannot fight against the laws of nature."
"But Mr. Fang Zheng..."
This time it was Alfin who raised his hand.
"Is there only this way? Can only this way...change?"
"I won't say that there is only this way, but conflict is inevitable. Just like what I said before, you become a slave owner, you have a happy and beautiful life, and you need your own slave to maintain it through the means of production. Your life. But they don’t want to continue to work for you now, and they also hope that they have the same life and production materials as you, which has caused a loss to your interests... Of course, it may be different for individuals. But from the perspective of the interests of the entire class, since the change in productivity will cause damage to their own interests, they have only two ways to go. Either maintain the status quo and do everything possible to suppress it, or choose to accept the change. Keep up with the times. Of course, the latter sounds very beautiful, but in fact, to be able to lie down and make money, how many people are willing to spend so much effort and effort to change? Isn’t the same with the nobles? Why can’t they interact with The reformers live together peacefully, and even take the initiative to change themselves? Because what the reformers are eroding is not the interests of one person among the aristocracy, but the interests of the entire aristocratic class. If they accept this change, it means that the entire aristocratic class will undergo changes. And it will cause a lot of losses, so how likely do you think they are to live together peacefully?"
Hearing this, Alfin couldn't help closing his mouth and fell silent.
At this moment, the others in the classroom also began to think.
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