Chapter 2622: The 1st of Clos Bell (Barbara and the maid are both my old...

Soon, Esther and Joshua met the person who was in charge of leading them—it was a young lady who looked not much older than the two. She had the same silver-white long hair as Ellie and was dressed in black. Police uniforms and berets. According to her self-introduction, her name is Aioliya, and she was previously a quasi-A-class guerrilla of the Crossbell Guerrilla Association. She is now working at the Crossbell Police Station. Perhaps it is for this reason that she was sent to take the two to work.
And the first thing to do is...
Seeing the black vest placed on the table in front of him, with the words "Auxiliary Police" written on the back, Estelle was a little startled.
"Should we wear this to work?"
"Of course, the police are public officials. Although they can act in plain clothes when searching and investigating, they still have to wear uniforms for general attendance and patrol tasks. Because only in this way, someone will come to us for help, it seems The guerrilla badge is the same. If you don’t wear the badge, no one will think of you as a guerrilla.

Faced with Aolia's explanation, the two did not say much, and soon put on their clothes, and then followed Aolia to start a "patrol."
"We are responsible for patrolling the entire eastern and western districts today."
"What exactly are you going to do?"
After changing her clothes, Esther was also excited to ask next to Aoliya. As a guerrilla, her habitual way of working is to go to the guerrilla association to accept commissions and then complete the task. Although there are occasional tasks like patrolling fields and protecting them from beasts, this is the first time such a patrol.
And Esther is also in high spirits, wanting to see what she can do.
"Um...The main thing is to patrol to see if there is anything suspicious in the surrounding area. If we encounter a dispute, we have to go forward and deal with it. will know by looking.
Soon, under Aoliya’s leadership, a group of three people began to patrol in this way. They walked on the street, looking at the people around, the tree-lined scenery on both sides of the street, and the guide flying by in the middle of the road. The rickshaw brings a pleasant and comfortable taste to people.
It didn't take long for a job to be found.
"Ah, Miss Police Officer, please help!!"
The first person who came up to ask for help was an old woman. I heard that she was out for a walk and bought some ingredients for lunch. When I arrived at the food store, I found out that my wallet was gone and I was anxious. At that time, I saw Aoliya and her party coming to patrol, so she hurriedly came to ask for help.
"Please leave it to us!"
Hearing this, Estilton became excited and patted her chest confidently. Isn't it just looking for a wallet? She has done this kind of commission many times, and she is very familiar with it! Esther believed that as long as the old lady could tell where she had been before, she should be able to find her wallet!
But... Maybe it’s because the old man is getting older and his memory is not very good. Faced with Esther’s questioning, she was hesitant. There are a lot of things that are not clear. For Esther, who is a newcomer, It's a headache.
"Okay, okay, don't be so nervous."
Until this time, Aoliya walked forward with a smile, clapped her hands, and then she nodded to the old woman.
"Please rest assured, we will be able to find your lost wallet. By the way, there is a security post nearby. Come here to rest first."
While speaking, Aiolia took the old woman to a small room near the market. There was also a man in a police uniform on duty. Aiolia said something to him, and the latter immediately brought it for the old woman. Tea, and then Aoliya took Estir and Joshua into the room inside.
"Wow, what is this!"
Entering the room, Estelle couldn't help but yelled out. Unlike the outside, there are no windows in this room. The walls of the dark room are covered with luminous crystal screens, and the surrounding scenes can even be seen on it.
"Excuse me, an old man reported that she had lost her wallet. She was wearing a red coat and stopped in front of the fish market in District B3 before."
Aioliya said to a girl with glasses and a police uniform sitting in front of these screens. The latter nodded, then reached out, and cracked and tapped on the keyboard. Soon, the middle screen started. After the change, the scene of the market area appeared before long, and then the whole picture began to reverse. After a while, an old man appeared in it.
"Hey? Isn't that the old woman? We are on it too!!"
Seeing this scene, Estil's eyes widened in surprise, and he reached out to point to the screen, and saw Aioli on the screen. Estir and Joshua were also standing there, talking with the old woman. Seeing this, Aoliya nodded.
"It's her."
Hearing Aoliya's answer, another police officer pushed his glasses, and then hit the keyboard again, and then the screen began to reverse again. Everyone saw that it seemed like time was going backwards on the screen, the old woman walked backwards and left the fish market, followed by the market, sidewalks, parks, walks...
"Ah, it's here!"
Suddenly, Aoliya, who was staring at the screen, suddenly said, and at the same time, the picture also paused.
The screen zoomed in again, and everyone saw the old woman walking over from the other side of the park and staying on the promenade for a while. Then she saw the stall selling snacks next to her, and saw the old woman walking forward with a smile and taking it from her purse. I paid for a few snacks and put them in her pocket, and then turned and left. When she was about to put the wallet back into her pocket, she accidentally slipped. As a result, the wallet didn't put it in her pocket, but just slipped off. Then he fell into the grass beside the sidewalk.
"That's it, the sidewalk in the Harbor Park... D9 area!"
After that, everyone went to the spot they saw on the screen before, and soon found the old woman's lost wallet. Then he returned it to the old woman, who was also happy to thank the three of them, and then left.
"I really didn't expect to be able to use this method to find the lost property, how did it do it?"
Seeing the voice of the old lady going away, Esther asked in an inconceivable way, while Aiolia chuckled.
"Did you see those guiding lights?"
"Actually, in addition to lighting, those guiding lights also have a monitoring function."
"Yes, they can monitor the surrounding area all day long, and they can also keep a record of what has happened, so let alone finding lost items, even finding lost children or missing persons is easy. Oh."
"so good……………"
Hearing this, Estelle couldn't help but sigh. When she and Joshua traveled as guerrillas, they also took on many tasks to find lost children or lost things. These tasks are not very dangerous, but very troublesome. Every time I want to find a target, it takes far more effort than to bring them back.
If there are such devices in other places, it will be much easier to find people.
"Not only that, if a crime occurs, the prisoner can also be locked down very quickly."
Speaking of this, Aolia is also getting more and more excited.
"Whether it is theft, robbery or murder, it is impossible to escape in front of Skynet. Unless they disappear in an instant, they will definitely be caught by us! So now the crime rate of Crossbel has also dropped a lot, only those who come from outside That fool would come over and find his death stupidly."
While speaking, Aoliya looked at the street in front of her happily. As a guerrilla of Krossberg, she naturally hopes to serve Krossberg. However, what the guerrillas could do in the past was very limited, and the number of guerrillas in Crossbel was very small, and they felt too busy no matter how hard they tried.
Not only that, even though they completed the commission time and time again, Crossbell's situation did not get better, which made Aoliya feel a little tired.
But now it is completely different.
The entire Clos Bell has a new look. The threats that plagued everyone in the past are no longer there, and I can dedicate my strength to the stability of Clos Bell, and no longer do useless work like before.
Although strictly speaking, after becoming a policeman, all commissions will not be paid like guerrillas, but only certain wages and bonuses are available. But Aiolia didn’t care about these small issues. On the one hand, she had already saved a lot of Mira when she was active as a quasi-A-level guerrilla. At that time, there were too many commissions and there was no time to spend money, so she just saved . Now it seems that it is a good thing.
On the other hand, the current Mira is enough to use. After all, as a government official, Aolia has been assigned a house of her own, and the police station also provides three meals for free, so most places don’t. Need to spend money.
Of course, occasionally there will be some troublesome things.
For example, now...
"Hehe, what does it matter, have a drink with us."
After patrolling for a day, the three of them planned to go home, but at this moment, when passing by the entertainment street, the three encountered a very uncomfortable scene.
I saw that in front of a seat in an open-air pub not far away, two young men were pulling and pulling with a maid, who desperately shook his head.
"Two guests, please let me go!"
"What does it matter, we are also guests, shouldn't you serve us?"
While speaking, a young man stretched out his hand to hold the maid, and pulled her down and sat next to him. The maid shivered in fright and didn't dare to move.
"Wait, what are you doing?!"
Seeing this scene, Estilton couldn't help but step forward.
"Hurry up and let go of that girl!"
"none of your business?"
Taking a look at Estiel, the young man snorted coldly.
"I'm a guest here. I can do whatever I want. Can you control it?"
"If you don't let her go, I will be rude to you!"
Estilton clenched her fist while Joshua hurriedly grabbed her.
"Don't be impulsive, Estill."
"Woo, but..."
At this moment, I saw Aoliya walking out.
"I'm the Crossbell Police, you immediately let go of that girl."
Hearing Aolia's words, the two young men turned their heads to look at Aolia, and then their eyes lit up.
"This young lady is so pretty, why don't you come and have a drink with us?"
Hearing this, Esther clenched her fists suddenly.
They didn't say that when they saw themselves just now!
"This is a warning. If you fail to comply, we will arrest you in accordance with the law."
However, facing the young man in front of her, Aoliya still smiled and said.
"Huh, what arrest, my father is a member of the Republic!"
Speaking of this, UU reading saw only one of them stood up, drunk menacingly, and rushed towards Aioli.
"I want to see what you can do to me!"
At the same time that the young man started, I saw Aolia grabbed his arm, then pressed her backhand, and then immediately fell the man to the ground.
"Dray! You damned woman!!"
Seeing his companion fell over, the other man also yelled at him, and then was knocked to the ground by Estir who couldn't bear it anymore.
Then I saw Aioli stepped forward, took out the handcuffs from her waist, and clasped them "click, click" on the hands of the two.
"You have been arrested for harassing and attacking police officers!"
Seeing the two idiots lying on the ground, Aioli said with a smile on her face.
Sure enough, being a policeman is much more interesting than being a guerrilla!
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